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Why do you still hate Windows?
  • I don't. I just like Linux.

  • Ubunchu! A manga about Linux that came out in 2009 [PDF link]
  • Eh, X11 Forwarding, VNC, SSH, XRDP, Waypipe whatever, it's all very similar

  • Ubunchu! A manga about Linux that came out in 2009 [PDF link]
  • Wow, this is actually fairly technical unlike うぶんちゅ. SSH and X11 forwarding in the first chapter. By chapter 4 we're already exiting Vim.

  • Ubunchu! A manga about Linux that came out in 2009 [PDF link]
  • Now that's a find! I've been looking for something similar to read after うぶんちゅ!

  • Ubunchu! A manga about Linux that came out in 2009 [PDF link]
  • You can get the manga officially from here in its original form:

    It's licensed under CC-BY NC 3.0 and the author includes the original photoshop files if you want to edit them.

    It's pretty funny. I own a physical copy.

  • Inkscape Flatpak is looking for a maintainer!
  • I didn't say they were. Hence the second link.

  • Inkscape Flatpak is looking for a maintainer!
  • That was my first thought upon finding it. It's really hard to find though, even if you know the name of it.

  • Inkscape Flatpak is looking for a maintainer!
  • For checksums:

    Flatpak does verify the integrity of files as it is downloading/installing them. For ostree remotes this is done using GPG signatures (which are better than mere checksums). If you want to see the commit ID (which is like a checksum) for something on flathub use e.g. flatpak remote-info -c flathub org.gnome.Builder and for the local copy flatpak info -c org.gnome.Builder. For OCI remotes we at least check SHA256 sums and there might be more integrity verification mechanisms I'm unaware of.

    But for signatures:

  • Inkscape Flatpak is looking for a maintainer!
  • There's also Pied, which hasn't gotten around to submitting to Flathub.

  • what are the pros and cons of apt vs flatpak?
  • This has an empty ffmpeg folder but no binary

    That's strange. I downloaded it just now and converted a video. It's not in /app/bin but in /usr/bin instead. I know for a fact it relies on the ffmpeg binary inside the code. You can even access it using flatpak run --command=ffmpeg org.gnome.gitlab.YaLTeR.VideoTrimmer.

    The Arch repos are too small.

    Eh, I've never felt that way. Even on my Arch system, I only have 15 packages from the AUR and 2134 packages installed from the repositories. But it's probably smaller than you're used to if you're coming from Debian or Fedora.

    Many projects use dont know if that could be used too.

    That library is designed for development as far as I'm aware. I noped out very quickly when looking at the documentation for using ffmpeg libraries :) I think that's why VideoTrimmer relies on the binary instead of the library too.

    With the COPR I know who to trust, unlike the AUR, even though I now also setup yay.

    I take a different view: I don't trust anybody, but I read the PKGBUILDs and understand them. They're often not complicated. I don't particularly like the AUR much anymore though for this reason.

    Everything nearly separated from my OS using the different distrobox homedirs which work flawlessly.

    I did try this for a while but I couldn't get used to it. And programs can bypass it anyway with /home/$USER if they're feeling vindictive, though I haven't run into any yet. It'd definitely be nice to have more complete isolation one day.

    Also distrobox upgrade --all works awesome its just a wrapper but really valuable.

    100% yes. Be nice to have that in Toolbox one day.

    But unverified Flatpaks may be way better than distro packages. At least it is very transparent on Github (yeah, sucks) unlike strange distro build systems.

    I'm with you there. I can understand PKGBUILDs but everything else is just far too complex for me. Or unfamiliar. The docs for packaging Fedora RPMs is scary as hell.

    What, GNU utils? What makes it special, apart from apt? They have nala so that is dealt with.

    To be honest, it's mostly apt. I really hate apt. I am also not very familiar with how the system is configured. It's very different from Arch, anyway. I can just never feel at home on an Ubuntu system even in a container, but I do run it on servers.

    I've downgraded my "hate" to "it's fiiine".

    Yeah this will be crazy. dnf has a lot more commands for querying etc, that will be useful.

    It also sounded like they would reinvent the wheel a bit? Dont know

    I really have no idea what to expect. But if I never need to use rpm for querying or whatever again I'll be happy.

  • what are the pros and cons of apt vs flatpak?
  • Never heard of that, I hope accessibility on Wayland improves.

    Here's a recent article:

    So do I.

    Neal Gompa mentioned that Flatpaks dont have the permission holes to allow screen readers? Thats crazy and may be possible to fix with a global override.

    I think GNOME is working on a portal for that. After the Newton stack is in a good state.

    Same here. I think it would be nice to create 2 or so base images on an individual host like Codeberg, but I am completely new to all that container stuff.

    Codeberg is probably a good host for that.

    Currently doing a bit of work, upstreaming some secureblue things (btw the admin blocked be because they… dont like annoying questions?).

    Lol. How strange.

    Matrix is also horrible for Dev work. People dont use threads so they just spam stuff in a single chat and it just bad…

    I don't much like Discord either. Issue tracker is the right place for this sort of discussion in my opinion. Or Sourcehut's mailing lists are fine too.

    Also, these change processes are damn slow, but hey, thats fine I guess?

    I guess that's kind of the point :)

    I want to start doing some videos, no idea why OBS just has h264 hardware? I mean it doesnt matter but why no VP9? AV1 will come in 30.1 you know when that is stable?

    I'm usually converting other people's media, so I don't have much experience with OBS. But as for VP9, the industry was gun-shy about it because MPEG-LA threatened to sue Google over patent infringement for it. Essentially the same sort of deal with Sisvel and AV1, except MPEG-LA never followed through on it. Hardware encoding for VP9 has apparently never taken off, but hardware decoding is all around.

    Do you know what flatpaks (that are not VLC) have ffmpeg as a binary included?


    Browser benchmarking

    Honestly, as long as I don't notice it, it doesn't bother me. I only noticed Flatpak Nautilus' launch time because it was instant.

    Toolbox: Is it considerably faster?

    I think so. It at least seems more reliable. I got a bunch of weird bugs with Distrobox in the beginning but I guess I was pushing it pretty far.

    I need to start learning some real language as my bash scripts start getting a pain.

    I kind of hate Python but it's at least more pleasant than Bash. I've no experience with Go, but it's probably nice to write.

    Well I hope you use an Ubuntu container because I bet these packages are also not “verified” on Arch ;)

    Ah, well, I use Arch for all my other computers so I feel like I'm already trusting Arch's devs for all my packages. What's one more?

    I use 90% verified

    I make an exception for Anki and MakeMKV.

    You could use Debian Testing which is rolling afaik.

    I kind of hate Debian and Ubuntu's userpsace :) It's okay on servers.

    Does Arch have Rstudio stuff?

    It has it in the AUR, but not as an official package. In most cases the AUR is just as good anyway.

    Or maybe dnf5 could solve this?

    DNF5 will definitely shake things up. Because rpm-ostree is going away to be replaced by dnf again.

  • what are the pros and cons of apt vs flatpak?
  • Looks like we frequent the same circles, then.

    I thought a lot about tech resiliance in the last days, I am from germany and the people here are stupid. They literally elect people that will make a neofascist surveillance hell reality.

    But hey, Germany was responsible for the Sovereign Tech Fund, which has made a big difference for GNOME and accessibility with the Newton stack. So it's not all bad. Not that I live there.

    But relying on Github is insane, it is owned by Microsoft and they dont give a damn about freedom. It is pretty scary, 90% of my Android apps are also on Github.

    That's the main reason I don't use uBlue. The idea of booting my entire operating system from a container created on Github's infrastructure is scares me. Even though much of the free software I rely on is hosted on Github. And yes, most of my Android apps are also from Github.

    I want to build my own variant, KDE and minimal only, maybe GNOME if contributors join. But no more, all the freedom is great but it is huge maintenance.

    That's a nice idea. I wonder if Sourcehut does container registries...I know people praise their CI.

    I wonder how Tor, Tails and others handle their code stuff.

    I know Tor uses Gitlab. Seirdy has an article series on "Resilient Git".

    I thought Ciscos trick could fix that? They are a huge company, pay the max amount of money already and can just share the software with their license to anyone.

    Yes, however it only covers their implementation (which is lacking) and it only covers binaries they create.

    Well… rpmfusion could do that? And act like a “3rd party auditor” ?

    I'm thinking about Fedora including the build in their own repositories. It would be really nice if H.264 decoding was just default and you didn't need to do anything.

    doesn’t have support for High 10 Profile video which is fairly common off the web

    Interestesting, never heard that.

    See the following thread for all of the research I did:

    Michael Cantazaro had a really helpful and enlightening response:

    I use Celluloid Flatpak which is pretty great

    So do I. But keep in mind there are two Celluloid Flatpaks you can install; one is from Fedora Flatpaks which disables H.264/H.265/VC-1 decoding and the other is from Flathub with all features enabled.

    GNOME Software tends to select Fedora Flatpaks first. So users can end up really confused; see:

    Nautilus supports that via a Flatpak right? Thats cool.

    File previews are supported via the Sushi extension, which is available as a Flatpak. Obviously, it doesn't work on H.264/H.265/VC-1 media because it's a Fedora Flatpak.

    I really need ffmpeg because it's a crucial part of my workflow because I convert so much media. But that's fine; I just use it in a Toolbox.

    But Nautilus works really well as a Flatpak. It even seems faster than non-Flatpak Nautilus and I have no idea why.

    True, Flatpak is cool. Dolphin is also available as one, I need to test if it works with Flatpak ark and all that, udisks2, mounting stuff, MTP, maybe SMB.

    KDE made a big push to make all of their programs available as Flatpaks. And Snaps. Which I think is great. But you end up in a weird situation where the Krita Flatpak is not officially supported by Krita because no one at Krita works on maintaining the Flatpak. Rather, they support only AppImage officially, probably because it's easier to maintain their insane patchset than with Flatpak. Not having any experience with distribution systems aside from Flatpak, I really don't know what niceties Snap or AppImage provides.

    Interesting, why? I need to try it again.

    Nothing much has changed since last you commented on that Toolbox thread I was reading :)

    I think Toolbox is the right way to solve the problem. It's using a real programming language (Go) instead of bash, it supports a small set of important container images, and those container images are only provided from, Red Hat's own infrastructure, instead of Docker Hub.

    But it lacks some features intentionally (and some just because they haven't gotten around to it). Like distrobox export. Annoying to manually patch in but not hard. I use Toolbox for Signal and Steam because I don't want to use Unverified Flatpaks.

    Do you know btw how to upgrade a F39 distrobox to F40? Distrobox has some “assemble” function to rebuild it with a config file. But traditional dnf system-upgrade doesnt work.

    I don't think upgrading Distroboxes or Toolboxes is supported. They're meant to be destroyed and re-created. Really inconvenient, but I guess the proper way of maintaining toolboxes/distroboxes is through Containerfiles.

    So I don't use Fedora containers. Or Ubuntu containers. Or Debian containers.

    I use Arch because it's a rolling release and you just keep updating it. No upgrade problems so far...aside from all the errors I ignore (everything seems to work fine). Also, I really like the Arch userland and it has Signal Desktop in the official repositories.

    It really makes me feel at home on Fedora.

    It’s probably the same reason you use KDE and I use GNOME (most of the time).

    Why? Curious.

    I think GNOME provides a more coherent and consistent experience for users. I'm okay with not having features like a system tray, desktop icons, or window buttons I never use. I really love GNOME. It's changed the way I use computers and has made everything aside from KDE feel like a completely inferior experience in comparison.

    But I use KDE for my multi-monitor system because frankly, GNOME is an awful experience if you have more than one monitor with different resolutions. KDE kind of sucks too, but it's not completely broken. KDE is practical by solving problems we have now, like letting XWayland applications scale themselves. Because even if it's a total hack that works inconsistently, it works very well for most of the software I use. I find parts of KDE overwhelming (especially the System Settings) but hey, it works.

    I like both KDE and GNOME and think each has their own strengths. It's nice to see KDE adopt one of GNOME's killer features (partially), the Overview. It'd be nice to see GNOME adopt a KDE feature like CTRL+META+ESC so I can kill windows graphically even on Wayland.

    But god GNOME is annoying when it comes to protocol standardization. At least they're finally implementing DRM Leasing for VR users (not me).

    Huh. I thought I was supposed to be sticking up for GNOME. Alright, I use GNOME everywhere else and it's still my favorite desktop by far. They focus on a great experience with what works great now. There are very few hacks in GNOME land. I just think they need to catch up to KDE with Wayland and other areas like the multi-monitor stuff.

  • Removed
    Why I Can't Use Linux - My Top 3 Reasons
  • I heard of that one a while back. Not being someone who enjoys music often or has very demanding needs, I just use Amberol. But fooyin might be nice to look into for my KDE desktop.

  • what are the pros and cons of apt vs flatpak?
  • I maintain a list of recommended Flatpak apps.

    I'm very familiar with you, haha. You keep popping up wherever I go these days. You're everywhere. Maybe not quite as omnipresent as Neal Gompa.

    I can think of a few Flatpaks that could fit on that list.

    They dont include that? I thought they would…

    It's the same old story with codecs. Fedora would love to support as many codecs as possible, but H.264 is patent-encumbered so they can't. They had hardware decoding support through Mesa a few years ago but then they...changed it.

    Fedora Atomic wants to include the OpenH264 enablement package for Firefox inside the Fedora Flatpak eventually which will solve most of the problem as that is where people are playing H.264 most often.

    So this is an issue with reproducability? I dont think so? Cisco builds the binaries for Fedora and it gets installed. The packages are not from their repos, but the typical sync issues would not occur on Atomic.

    My understanding is OpenH264 is provided in binary-only format to Fedora because otherwise the royalty-free license cannot apply (i.e. Fedora can't build it from source). Fedora only ships free software. OpenH264 is free software. But it's binary-only. So they need to trust Cisco has built the binary correctly. I assume the reason they don't include it by default is because the only way to trust it's built from the same sources is to reproduce the build. Otherwise, I really don't see the issue.

    OpenH264 is not a part of the base system so you need to layer it on. OpenH264 doesn't have support for High 10 Profile video which is fairly common off the web and is generally inferior to x264, I've found, but at least it's something.

    And the reason I mention "5 years" is because by then, most of the patents on H.264 will have expired. With the exception of the new ones from just a few years ago that no one really uses. Maybe Fedora can enable x264 in their ffmpeg build then and we can stop talking about it. I am so sick of talking about H.264.

    I use Fedora kinoite-main from uBlue which is very close to upstream but fixes many issues for me.

    Call it a personal challenge or whatever but I'm sticking to Fedora Silverblue for the foreseeable future. uBlue is almost certainly a better experience for most people.

    Yeah for sure, I think for Intel and AMD too, hardware h264 for example.

    That's not true if you're using Flathub packages. Flathub ships userspace Mesa drivers which enable hardware decoding for Intel and AMD GPUs even with H.264 and H.265.

    but their base images have a ton of stuff I dont agree with (toolbox, missing random packages, too simplistic installer…)

    uBlue does solve the two big issues with Fedora, which is codecs and proprietary NVIDIA drivers. Any other issues are tiny in comparison. I will say I prefer Toolbox to Distrobox, despite using Distrobox first. I certainly understand that's an unpopular opinion and not one a lot of people share. It's probably the same reason you use KDE and I use GNOME (most of the time).

    I've always hated the Fedora installer. Does uBlue do something different?

  • Removed
    Why I Can't Use Linux - My Top 3 Reasons
  • Hot take: If you claim to be against all the big tech abuses and value software and computing freedom, but a handful of PC games is enough to stop you from leaving an abusive proprietary OS, you weren’t very serious about it to begin with.

    The guy in the video actually talked about how FL Studio isn't on Linux, and that's how he makes his living. He then goes on to say he has spent thousands of dollars on plugins and samples that only work on Windows. He then talks about how Asperite doesn't work very well on Wayland compared to Windows. The first segment was about how not all mods work on Linux. The last segment was about how Foobar2000 doesn't work on Linux and even through Wine some of the features are broken, and there's no true replacement for it but "if you're not as fussy as me, any of these native Linux software are great".

    He also runs Debian 12 on his laptop part-time and seems quite knowledgeable about how Linux works, and is willing to invest the time.

    He makes a point about he "wants to make things better, not sacrifice things".

  • what are the pros and cons of apt vs flatpak?
  • It matters as the security rating is based on that, apps like KDE Systemsettings or Flatseal show that etc.

    That's a good point.

    Linux has a tiny marketshare people dont care about security that much permissions on Linux are more complex than on the actively restricted Android. External media, devices, filesystems etc

    That's true.

    I think my issue with the Flatpak sandbox is I understand how it works and what its limitations are (and I'm mostly fine with them), but the average user doesn't. I was reluctant to try Flatpak before understanding how it worked, but now that I know how it works, I think it's fantastic! But it's also a work-in-progress. What we have now is good, but I think it could be better. Not entirely sure how it gets better though.

    Thats why I like Fedora Atomic. The core is as small as possible, the apps are just base stuff or upstream stuff like the Desktop. Everything else is a Flatpak.

    I'm still not really sure where I stand on Fedora Atomic. Lack of H.264 decoding by default is a damaging choice. They should just include openH264 in the base image, reproducibility be damned. Give it 5 more years and maybe this will be revisited...

    Nova + Zink + NVK will solve some of the problem with NVIDIA (maybe even very soon), but not hardware decoding currently, which is a big one.

    Gamescope doesn't work great in a Toolbox. It works fine in Flatpak, but Bottles doesn't let me use Gamescope options. I think Lutris does, but I haven't tried it out yet.

    And how am I supposed to install fonts without layering them on?? I've been copying them to ~/.local/share/fonts manually.

    I think the idea is cool. But I think a few more parts of the ecosystem need to be in place first. I'll keep using it for now.

  • The anti-AI sentiment in the free software communities is concerning.
  • It doesn't describe me either, but I had nothing meaningful to contribute to the discussion.

  • Linux users survey!
  • I'm surprised there was any female participation at all.

  • what are the pros and cons of apt vs flatpak?
  • The default is completely sandboxed. Developers need to allowlist exactly what they want. So it is transparent.

    The default before the developer touches it doesn't matter; compare this to Android, iOS, or macOS's permission system. An app needs to ask for permission to use the microphone or access your files. With Flatpak, all a developer needs to do is specify --filesystem=home or --socket=pulseaudio and if the user hasn't specified global options like --nofilesystem=home, then the developer gets access to it. Having a sandbox that is optional for the developer rather goes against the point of a sandbox, don't you think?

    I'm not unsympathetic to Flatpak developers, though. The status quo on Linux for decades has been, "you get access to everything." If Flatpak enforced that sandbox, more than half of the apps on Flathub right now just wouldn't work because they don't support the filesystem portal.

    I think GNOME and KDE need to do the work of manually restricting Flatpak apps' access to sensitive permissions like home by default, maybe in a few years when the idea of the filesystem portal has had time to gestate among developers. Kind of like how Firefox's HTTPS-only mode (which I think should be the default) prevents you from accessing the website unless you give permission.

    That's something we can work on, I think. At least we have a way to get there.

    KDE Plasma now includes a GUI settings page that allows to change these.

    I think GNOME needs to integrate that into their settings, I mean just include damn Flatseal as a settings page…

    I recall saying the exact same thing. They have a built-in area for it in the Apps section. They'll probably get around to it eventually...

    There are packagers maintaining a shitload of apps at once.

    It's pretty crazy. I think this is probably the craziest example:

    Felix Yan is awesome to be maintaining thousands of packages for Arch. But man, that's a lot of work. If we could reduce the workload of our package maintainers who rarely receive any gratitude (usually only demands) and let them focus on the really important packages, I think that would also be awesome.

  • Financial support for Lutris has decreased by 40% since 2020, not sustainable

    This is an excerpt from a post on the Lutris Patreon page a few months ago:

    > # The slow and consistent decrease of financial support > > On a less positive note, I’d like to address the painful direction the Lutris Patreon (and financial support in general) is taking. The current earnings of the Lutris Patreon is about half of what it was in September 2020. This was a time before the Steam Deck when Lutris was far less complete than what it is today. > > ... > > I fully understand that the current economic situation makes things harder for most to give to open source projects and can’t thank enough all of you who still make monthly donations! I’m slightly hopeful that the introduction of cloud saves in Lutris will change the direction the Patreon has taken. While self hosting your cloud saves with Nextcloud will be the default option, it will also be possible for $5 Patrons to host your saves on > > In any case, working full time on Lutris will soon come to an end since it is not sustainable and I will eventually run out of savings.

    You can see a graph of financial support for Lutris on Patreon over time here:

    Financial support for Lutris has decreased by 40% since 2020, not sustainable

    This is an excerpt from a post on the Lutris Patreon page a few months ago:

    > # The slow and consistent decrease of financial support > > On a less positive note, I’d like to address the painful direction the Lutris Patreon (and financial support in general) is taking. The current earnings of the Lutris Patreon is about half of what it was in September 2020. This was a time before the Steam Deck when Lutris was far less complete than what it is today. > > ... > > I fully understand that the current economic situation makes things harder for most to give to open source projects and can’t thank enough all of you who still make monthly donations! I’m slightly hopeful that the introduction of cloud saves in Lutris will change the direction the Patreon has taken. While self hosting your cloud saves with Nextcloud will be the default option, it will also be possible for $5 Patrons to host your saves on > > In any case, working full time on Lutris will soon come to an end since it is not sustainable and I will eventually run out of savings.

    You can see a graph of financial support for Lutris on Patreon over time here:

    Firefox will support HEVC decoding on Microsoft Windows 1853448 - Support HEVC via Windows MFT

    NEW (alwu) in Core - Audio/Video: Playback. Last updated 2023-09-25.

    > We will support HEVC playback via Media Foundation transform (MFT).

    > HEVC playback will be supported via the Media Foundation Transform (MFT) and WMF decoder module will check if there is any avaliable MFT which can be used for HEVC then reports the support information.

    > HEVC playback can only be support on (1) users have purchased paid HEVC extension on their computer (SW decoding) (2) HEVC hardware decoding is available on users' computer

    > For now, I'd like to only enable HEVC for the media engine playback, but keep the HEVC default off on the MFT. Because the media engine is an experimental feature, which is off by default, it's fine to enable HEVC for that.

    > HEVC playback needs hardware decoding, and it currently only support on Windows. HEVC playback check would be run when the task is in the mda-gpu, which has the ability for hardware decoding. On other platforms, HEVC should not be supported.

    Google Launches Project IDX, A web-based IDE Project IDX

    Project IDX is an entirely web-based workspace for full-stack application development, complete with the latest generative AI (powered by Codey and PaLM 2), and full-fidelity app previews, powered by cloud emulators.

    Project IDX

    > What if your dev experience was entirely in the cloud?

    > These days, launching applications means navigating an endless sea of complexity. We felt this pain at Google, so we started Project IDX, an experimental new initiative aimed at bringing your entire full-stack, multiplatform app development workflow to the cloud.

    > Project IDX gets you into your dev workflow in no time, backed by the security and scalability of Google Cloud.

    > Project IDX lets you preview your full-stack, multiplatform apps as your users would see them, with upcoming support for built-in multi-browser web previews, Android emulators, and iOS simulators.

    As a Vim fanatic, I can't say I'll ever feel comfortable working in a browser, but some parts of IDX seem interesting. I wonder what the implications are for proprietary code.

    I do think it solves an interesting problem where you're working on your desktop and decide to move to your laptop and continue working on the same codebase, but don't want to commit early so you can pull down the changes to your laptop.

    It reminds me vaguely of Shells.

    [Guide] Playing Visual Novels on GNU/Linux [Guide] Playing Visual Novels on GNU/Linux - Comfy Snugs

    cross-posted from: [] > We’ve been working on a guide to help players on all major GNU/Linux distributions play visual novels for the past few weeks. This guide is designed to be used by both beginners and experts, wi...

    We've been working on a guide to help players on all major GNU/Linux distributions play visual novels for the past few weeks. The main focus is on getting Japanese-only visual novels to work, because they tend to be much quirkier.

    This guide is designed to be used by both beginners and experts, with minimal need to touch the command line.

    openSUSE wins the award for "never had to touch the terminal" and "simplest setup instructions", but Fedora is a close second.

    While there are a few existing visual novel guides for GNU/Linux around, we've tried to fill in the gaps we noticed. We've put a lot of research into this guide and ensured it is accurate while remaining simple and approachable.

    If you're interested, start here!

    We have an extensive Troubleshooting section on our Problems page if you're having trouble getting visual novels to work, too.


    I wrote this guide with a lot of help from two other people, including /u/ It’s available on our community wiki, As with all pages on our wiki, it’s licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0, meaning you’re free to share, remix, and build on the content as long as you credit us.

    We also have some other pages you may find useful:

    • If you're looking for something to play, check out our Recommendations page.
    • If you want to know where and how to buy a visual novel you want to play, our comprehensive Buying page will help you out.
    • And if you want to read a visual novel in Japanese, our Reading in Japanese page offers a lot of advice and points you to some useful software to make the process easier.
    [Guide] Playing Visual Novels on GNU/Linux

    cross-posted from:

    > We've been working on a guide to help players on all major GNU/Linux distributions play visual novels for the past few weeks. This guide is designed to be used by both beginners and experts, with minimal need to touch the command line. > > openSUSE wins the award for "never had to touch the terminal" and "simplest setup instructions", but Fedora is a close second. > > While there are a few existing visual novel guides for GNU/Linux around, we've tried to fill in the gaps we noticed. We've put a lot of research into this guide and ensured it is accurate while remaining simple and approachable. > > If you're interested, start here! > > We have an extensive Troubleshooting section on our Problems page if you're having trouble getting visual novels to work, too. > > --- > > I wrote this guide with a lot of help from two other people, including /u/ It’s available on our community wiki, As with all pages on our wiki, it’s licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0, meaning you’re free to share, remix, and build on the content as long as you credit us. > > We also have some other pages you may find useful: > > * If you're looking for something to play, check out our Recommendations page. > * If you want to know where and how to buy a visual novel you want to play, our comprehensive Buying page will help you out. > * And if you want to read a visual novel in Japanese, our Reading in Japanese page offers a lot of advice and points you to some useful software to make the process easier. >

    [Guide] Playing Visual Novels on GNU/Linux

    cross-posted from:

    > We've been working on a guide to help players on all major GNU/Linux distributions play visual novels for the past few weeks. This guide is designed to be used by both beginners and experts, with minimal need to touch the command line. > > openSUSE wins the award for "never had to touch the terminal" and "simplest setup instructions", but Fedora is a close second. > > While there are a few existing visual novel guides for GNU/Linux around, we've tried to fill in the gaps we noticed. We've put a lot of research into this guide and ensured it is accurate while remaining simple and approachable. > > If you're interested, start here! > > We have an extensive Troubleshooting section on our Problems page if you're having trouble getting visual novels to work, too. > > --- > > I wrote this guide with a lot of help from two other people, including /u/ It’s available on our community wiki, As with all pages on our wiki, it’s licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0, meaning you’re free to share, remix, and build on the content as long as you credit us. > > We also have some other pages you may find useful: > > * If you're looking for something to play, check out our Recommendations page. > * If you want to know where and how to buy a visual novel you want to play, our comprehensive Buying page will help you out. > * And if you want to read a visual novel in Japanese, our Reading in Japanese page offers a lot of advice and points you to some useful software to make the process easier. >

    [Guide] Playing Visual Novels on GNU/Linux

    cross-posted from:

    > We've been working on a guide to help players on all major GNU/Linux distributions play visual novels for the past few weeks. This guide is designed to be used by both beginners and experts, with minimal need to touch the command line. > > openSUSE wins the award for "never had to touch the terminal" and "simplest setup instructions", but Fedora is a close second. > > While there are a few existing visual novel guides for GNU/Linux around, we've tried to fill in the gaps we noticed. We've put a lot of research into this guide and ensured it is accurate while remaining simple and approachable. > > If you're interested, start here! > > We have an extensive Troubleshooting section on our Problems page if you're having trouble getting visual novels to work, too. > > --- > > I wrote this guide with a lot of help from two other people, including /u/ It’s available on our community wiki, As with all pages on our wiki, it’s licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0, meaning you’re free to share, remix, and build on the content as long as you credit us. > > We also have some other pages you may find useful: > > * If you're looking for something to play, check out our Recommendations page. > * If you want to know where and how to buy a visual novel you want to play, our comprehensive Buying page will help you out. > * And if you want to read a visual novel in Japanese, our Reading in Japanese page offers a lot of advice and points you to some useful software to make the process easier. >

    Visual Novel Spectacle8011
    [Guide] Playing Visual Novels on GNU/Linux

    cross-posted from:

    > We've been working on a guide to help players on all major GNU/Linux distributions play visual novels for the past few weeks. This guide is designed to be used by both beginners and experts, with minimal need to touch the command line. > > openSUSE wins the award for "never had to touch the terminal" and "simplest setup instructions", but Fedora is a close second. > > While there are a few existing visual novel guides for GNU/Linux around, we've tried to fill in the gaps we noticed. We've put a lot of research into this guide and ensured it is accurate while remaining simple and approachable. > > If you're interested, start here! > > We have an extensive Troubleshooting section on our Problems page if you're having trouble getting visual novels to work, too. > > --- > > I wrote this guide with a lot of help from two other people, including /u/ It’s available on our community wiki, As with all pages on our wiki, it’s licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0, meaning you’re free to share, remix, and build on the content as long as you credit us. > > We also have some other pages you may find useful: > > * If you're looking for something to play, check out our Recommendations page. > * If you want to know where and how to buy a visual novel you want to play, our comprehensive Buying page will help you out. > * And if you want to read a visual novel in Japanese, our Reading in Japanese page offers a lot of advice and points you to some useful software to make the process easier. >

    [Guide] Playing Visual Novels on GNU/Linux

    We've been working on a guide to help players on all major GNU/Linux distributions play visual novels for the past few weeks. This guide is designed to be used by both beginners and experts, with minimal need to touch the command line.

    openSUSE wins the award for "never had to touch the terminal" and "simplest setup instructions", but Fedora is a close second.

    While there are a few existing visual novel guides for GNU/Linux around, we've tried to fill in the gaps we noticed. We've put a lot of research into this guide and ensured it is accurate while remaining simple and approachable.

    If you're interested, start here!

    We have an extensive Troubleshooting section on our Problems page if you're having trouble getting visual novels to work, too.


    I wrote this guide with a lot of help from two other people, including /u/ It’s available on our community wiki, As with all pages on our wiki, it’s licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0, meaning you’re free to share, remix, and build on the content as long as you credit us.

    We also have some other pages you may find useful:

    • If you're looking for something to play, check out our Recommendations page.
    • If you want to know where and how to buy a visual novel you want to play, our comprehensive Buying page will help you out.
    • And if you want to read a visual novel in Japanese, our Reading in Japanese page offers a lot of advice and points you to some useful software to make the process easier.
    There's a 4-page manga about the Wikipedia mascot, Wikipe-tan

    Wikipe-tan has been the (cutest) unofficial mascot for Wikipedia since 2006. This manga was posted to PIxiv and Wikipedia in 2010 by Kasuga, where he said this:

    > 二年ぐらい昔に、後輩の合同誌で描いたウィキペたん漫画。 (「ウィキペたん」が何か知らない人は、ウィキペディアで検索だ) こんなもん再利用する人はいないと思いますが、 「クリエイティブ・コモンズ 表示-継承 3.0」のライセンスで配布してます。

    > しかし、この子ってこういうキャラだったんだね。

    The pages on Wikipedia:

    Visual Novel Spectacle8011
    Seiya-Saiga lists whether a physical VN runs "diskless", or without DRM

    cross-posted from:

    > Today I learned that Saiya-Saiga has a ディスクレス field for all the visual novels listed on the site. The field essentially labels whether the release is encumbered by DRM or not; whether it performs a check to ensure the disk is in the drive on first startup. > > If the developer has provided a DRM-removal patch, as in the case of August with Aiyoku no Eustia, that is also listed with a link to download it. > > This should be very useful for players looking for DRM-Free releases.

    Seiya-Saiga lists whether a physical VN runs "diskless", or without DRM

    Today I learned that Saiya-Saiga has a ディスクレス field for all the visual novels listed on the site. The field essentially labels whether the release is encumbered by DRM or not; whether it performs a check to ensure the disk is in the drive on first startup.

    If the developer has provided a DRM-removal patch, as in the case of August with Aiyoku no Eustia, that is also listed with a link to download it.

    This should be very useful for players looking for DRM-Free releases.

    [Guide] Reading Visual Novels in Japanese

    cross-posted from:

    > Anime has slowly grown into a global phenomenon, but visual novels are far more niche. Many visual novels remain untouched by localization companies, and sometimes the localizations we do get are…lackluster. > > Often, the best way to experience a visual novel is in the original language—Japanese. Whether you’re already interested in learning Japanese, or want to learn Japanese purely to play visual novels in their original language, both motivations are perfectly valid. Visual novels are a great way to learn Japanese, because you get exposure to both the written and spoken language. > > --- > > I've written a guide on how you can learn Japanese by playing visual novels with the help of a friend who made some suggestions to improve it, and it's available on our wiki, As with all pages on our wiki, it's licensed under CC-BY-SA 4.0, meaning you're free to share, remix, and build on the content. > > If you're interested in learning Japanese or have already begun, I hope you find this guide useful. It isn't meant to be a dedicated guide on learning Japanese, but there are some tools you might not know about that will make your life easier. > > If you have any additions or corrections to offer for this guide, or are interested in working on our other pages, you can sign up for the wiki here. You'll need to contact Neo on Matrix for a password as emails aren't setup yet (details on page).

    [Guide] Reading Visual Novels in Japanese

    Anime has slowly grown into a global phenomenon, but visual novels are far more niche. Many visual novels remain untouched by localization companies, and sometimes the localizations we do get are…lackluster.

    Often, the best way to experience a visual novel is in the original language—Japanese. Whether you’re already interested in learning Japanese, or want to learn Japanese purely to play visual novels in their original language, both motivations are perfectly valid. Visual novels are a great way to learn Japanese, because you get exposure to both the written and spoken language.


    I've written a guide on how you can learn Japanese by playing visual novels with the help of a friend who made some suggestions to improve it, and it's available on our wiki, As with all pages on our wiki, it's licensed under CC-BY-SA 4.0, meaning you're free to share and re-post the content.

    If you're interested in learning Japanese or have already begun, I hope you find this guide useful. It isn't meant to be a dedicated guide on learning Japanese, but there are some tools you might not know about that will make your life easier.

    If you have any additions or corrections to offer for this guide, or are interested in working on our other pages, you can sign up for the wiki here.

    Summer Sale on JAST (up to 80% off)

    Over 200 games are discounted until July 9th on the JAST storefront.

    • All releases are DRM-Free
    • Reminder that you can filter by Japanese support; 29 games with Japanese support are currently discounted

    Includes a lot of nukige, but also some plot-focused ones like:

    [Suggestion] Adding a DRM Field to VNDB

    I'd like to see a DRM field in VNDB for every release, because I think it would be very useful in many player's purchasing decisions, so I've opened a thread asking for this feature. If I knew a VN wasn't encumbered by DRM, that would be a green light for me to make the purchase.

    If any of you have thoughts on this subject or how it might be implemented, feel free to respond on VNDB.

    Yorhel has told me:

    > If there's a good proposal and some discussion on the forums, I have no problems implementing such a feature.

    Spectacle8011 Spectacle8011

    I read エロゲ and haunt AO3. I've been learning Japanese for far too long. I like GNOME, KDE, and Sway.

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