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TIL that some people do not have an inner voice and think in different nonverbal ways.
  • My understanding is that among other issues schizophrenics view their internal monologue as not being their own thoughts, but rather an external voice. Take that with a grain of salt though, because it's just something I vaguely remember reading on the Internet at some point.

  • Skill
  • I think you're taking the terms too literally. Unskilled labor doesn't actually mean the jobs require zero skill. It means they can be learned and mastered relatively quickly compared to other jobs. I've had many jobs and I've done both skilled and unskilled labor.

    When I worked in retail I was able to learn the job in a day and master it in a month. For my current job as a software engineer I've been learning for over a decade and there's still a lot I don't know. The technology changes rapidly and you have to be constantly learning to keep up. I'm significantly better at my job now than I was when I only had 5 years of experience.

    That said, ironically it's people that work in skilled jobs that are generally the biggest advocates of social policies for the good of all. I believe everyone should have all of their basic needs met just for existing, and I would gladly pay more taxes to contribute to that goal.

  • First human brain implant malfunctioned, Neuralink says
  • I'm not defending this, but at least a human electively chooses this procedure and understands why they have a device attached to their head. The monkeys must have had no idea what was going on and just wanted to remove the foreign object.

  • Apple apologizes for iPad “Crush” ad that “missed the mark”
  • I'm sure they had cuts, multiple takes, and staged things to get it to work. Maybe added in a bit of CGI. This just seems like one of those things though where CGI isn't worth the cost when you can just film it. Also, they apologized. Why would they do that if it's all CGI?

  • Think he gets ESPN on that thing?
  • From the article you linked:

    When it comes to the shortest whiskers, the Sphynx usually has no whiskers at all or very short, brittle ones. As Sphynx cats tend to have a harder time fitting into small spaces, it’s best to keep them safe inside.

    How do you know OP cut them?

  • Locked Removed
    CNN's Burnett asks Biden how he is going to turn the economy around. He said he already has.
  • I think he addressed your points pretty well in the interview OP linked. Inflation has gone down significantly since he took office. The real culprit for a lot of the everyday expenses Americans are struggling with right now isn't inflation, it's corporate greed. Companies used inflation and supply chain shortages as an excuse to raise prices to obscene levels and collect record profits. Those prices are never coming back down now, no matter how good the economy is.

  • Innovation or Overreach? UH Research Casts blame on OceanGate's Submersible Design says: Low quality carbon fibre lead to the accident
  • It's also not great when the pressure is on the outside of the vessel. It's good at containing pressure because that leads to tension on the carbon fibers which is when they're their strongest. But when the pressure's on the outside of the vessel they're more or less useless.

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