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Hearts of Iron 4, Vic 2, Imperator Rome, EU4, ETC Al-Andalusian
Some problems I have with Victoria 3

Every good that is produced has to be immediately consumed. There is no way to stockpile goods. I believe this is the primary issue that mostly causes the other problems.

If you consume more goods than you produce, the price of the good goes up. On the contrary if you produce more than you consume, the price goes down. That's it.

If for example you produce 100 fabric in cotton plantations and then consume 180 to make clothes in a factory, the only drawback is reduced profits due to high fabric price. 80 units of fabric missing won't harm the production of clothes in the factory whatsoever.

Railways chug engines (apparently the trains have to be replaced with new ones every week).

(note: IG = interest group)

The personal ideology of IG leaders dictate what laws the entire IG supports. If for example a reactionary ass IG gets a progressive leader then the whole IG suddenly becomes progressive.

The Armed forces IG gets its political strength from wealth and votes just like anyone else, even though they should probably have more due to controlling the unliving machines.


Thanks for reading my ramble. Does anyone else get annoyed by these type of things?

Beijing urges restart of peace talks and return to two-state solution to Isr*el-Palestine issue
  • Does the CPC actually believe in a two-state solution? To me it feels like they just want to stay out of conflicts but what would I know.

  • Western doublespeak compilation
  • Expat / immigrant

  • I think that religion/spirituality and socialism can coexist
  • I'm an atheist but I think we should respect people's religious beliefs. If someone is a good socialist then it shouldn't matter if they are religious or not, being anti-religious will only make religious people avoid socialism for no real reason, we don't get anything by being anti-religious.

    I mean, of course we shouldn't let religious institutions have power as they are usually quite reactionary, but the religious beliefs of people should be respected in my opinion.

  • I'm going to study social integration

    I like helping people, and I think that due to my circumstances I would be able to understand more and be more empathetic towards the people I help once I (hopefully) complete my studies.

    I hope working as a social integrator will make me feel fulfilled. Wish me luck.

    On a r/thedeprogram post joking about some war criminal being fat

    Someone correctly pointing out that calling people fat is bad is downvoted, and someone called "literally_himmler1" replying with a nerd emoji is upvoted.

    I am going to commit sudoku.

    Do you think that organizing support for unhoused people would be a good proposal to make to the party I'm in?

    I'm in the PCPE, and they seem to focus a lot on educating and radicalizing people.

    That is important of course, but I thought that organizing material support for people that needs it would not only actually improve the lives of people but also show the general population that "the commies" aren't some bloodthirsty monsters but instead actual people that want a better world.

    What do you think? I think it's a good idea.

    Been trying Void Linux

    I'm liking it a lot, it's very barebones which is something I was looking for, and the package manager's command to install stuff is kinda hard to remember but does its job well. This might be my new daily driver now.

    Only issue is that since it's not as popular as other distros finding information specific to Void Linux might be inconvenient.

    Did any of you look into Void Linux? Do you like it?

    Are kids even treated like humans?

    So I've been thinking for a while about this subject, and I finally decided to make a post about this some time after I saw a YouTuber say what I put on the title of this post.

    Thing is, I've noticed that very often young people and especially kids are treated as lesser beings, like if they were not humans beings with problems and lives of their own but just an annoyance that people have to keep up with.

    I remember when I was a kid and I wanted to cross a zebra crossing cars would just pass by without stopping more often than not. Now that I'm an adult they stop pretty much every time. I suspect it was because they didn't want to stop for someone they consider to be lesser than them.

    Also, a lot of people seem to think that being a kid means that you just play videogames or whatever all day, but don't these people remember when they were kids? I sure do. Going to school has been the worst thing I've ever had to endure. The only difference with having a job is that you don't get paid.

    Pigeon chilling on a fountain

    A group of people approached the fountain to get water and the pigeon did not seem scared at all. I think I remember them closing their eyes for long periods of time, I assume as a sign of relaxation caused by the relatively cool water during the heat wave in Spain.

    I wish this pigeon luck and happiness.

    I've been trying out Gentoo, but imma hop to another distro

    Everything just feels way more complicated than it needs to be.

    I tried installing Openshot (a video editor) but I couldn't figure out how to fix the error it spits out when I try to emerge it.

    I will now try out Arch and hope I don't need a master's degree to install packages.

    Edit: Gentoo isn't the first distro I've tried, I've been daily driving Debian for more than a year and just wanted to try it out since I heard good things about it. And also I didn't really need to use Openshot, I just wanted some video editor and arbitrarily chose to install that one.

    Also I guess I will just stick with Debian since apparently Arch is also complicated.

    Should we make a pinned post in here that explains the basics of Linux?

    I think it could be very convenient. I can make the post if you want, just comment here what you think the post should have and I'll try to put something together.

    Edit: It seems that is already working on one so this won't be necessary lmao

    Hearts of Iron 4, Vic 2, Imperator Rome, EU4, ETC Al-Andalusian
    I survived this through the power of friendship.

    That noodle you see there is Yugoslavia.

    I had given up when I saw that I was being pushed back on all fronts and I lost most of my factories... But when my borders went w I just... held.

    And then time passed. My allies were supplying me with much needed weapons the whole time and later they ended up liberating my land.

    The power of friendship, comrades.

    What did you do this weekend?
  • I installed Gentoo alongside Debian and Windows, took me an entire day 😅

    Also I saw on distrowatch that there is an open source OS on development that can run Windows stuff natively (.exe programs and all these things), It's called ReactOS. I tried installing it on my PC but the USB just wouldn't boot :(

    And this isn't from my weekend but I discovered that I absolutely love the KDE Classic cursors for some reason. I guess it's because they are so simple and kinda give retro vibes.

  • Hearts of Iron 4, Vic 2, Imperator Rome, EU4, ETC Al-Andalusian
    Victoria 3 Update 1.3 and Voice of the People DLC is out! Victoria 3: Update 1.3 + Hotfix 1.3.1 is now LIVE! Checksum [302c] Updated May 23rd - NOT FOR PROBLEM REPORTS!

    Greetings Victorians! Today we released Voice of the People as well as the new Victoria 3 Expansion Pass - and as usual these new releases are accompanied by a free update for all owners of Victoria 3. Please do not use this thread to report...

    This update focuses a lot on revolutions afaik, lots of potential.

    Now we just need to wait a little bit more for someone to upload the booty! 🏴‍☠️

    So I thought I was shadowbanned, but actually I got my comments removed. It's to be expected from r/worldnews and r/facepalm, but from r/TheDeprogram? Very strange.

    Here are the comments that apparently got removed:


    !picture 1


    Poster on Reddit: >"Hakim once mentioned a Chinese university lecture series (or something like that) about Marxism on a live stream. Does anyone know what it's called?"

    Me in a comment: >"I think it might be this one?" (The words 'this one' are hyperlinked to the SWCC Lectures playlist on YouTube)


    !picture 2


    Poster on Reddit: >"Update: Here's my political debate/discussion with my friend." (The post has images showing a discussion between OP and their friend, although the picture I provided doesn't show them)

    Me in a comment: >"Well, I'm no expert but your friend made a lot of claims without backing them, "Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence" comes to mind. In my opinion the one making the extraordinary claim is the one with the burden of proof. > > think you did well, comrade. Good job!"


    !picture 3


    Poster on Reddit: >"Any Polish socialist youtube channels?"

    Me in a comment: >"I think "Myśleć Głębiej" is socialist, although I'm not 100% sure (I'm not polish, I only know them from their english channel)."


    !picture 4

    Poster on Reddit: >"Any communist discords or online reading groups?"

    Me in a comment: >"You can check Lemmygrad if you want, It's kinda like an ML alternative to Reddit. It's a great place to be around."


    !picture 5

    Poster on Reddit: >"Wikipedia is completely unbiased (2 images)"

    Me in a comment: >"There is an alternative to Wikipedia called ProleWiki, I am an editor there, highly recommend it."


    I don't know if they got automatically sent to a spam filer or something and mods just removed them without thinking about it too much, but it is just very weird.

    Hearts of Iron 4, Vic 2, Imperator Rome, EU4, ETC Al-Andalusian
    Is this what I think it is!?

    Really I don't know if the devs are communist or not, they give a lot of mixed signals.

    Hearts of Iron 4, Vic 2, Imperator Rome, EU4, ETC Al-Andalusian
    I can't be the only one who thought about Pol Pot after seeing this

    It's from today's dev diary.

    Jokes aside, it would be a huge problem if a revolt that enacted this thing destroyed every single building the revolt starts with...

    Anybody else have excessive experience with political censorship online?
  • This made me check if one of my comments appears on a r/TheDeprogram post, and from a private window the comment is not there.

    Pasting the comment URL in a private window tells me "this comment is not available". Can anyone else see it?

  • Hearts of Iron 4, Vic 2, Imperator Rome, EU4, ETC Al-Andalusian
    I made a small mod for HOI4 to rename the "Paranoia" system to "Subversive Activities". Ironman Compatible.

    I got the idea from the comments of this post.

    There is probably some stuff that I overlooked, if that's the case any bug reports are appreciated.

    Hearts of Iron 4, Vic 2, Imperator Rome, EU4, ETC Al-Andalusian
    HOI4 meme

    I swear they put more effort in the anti-communist propaganda system than in the rest of the game combined.

    Hearts of Iron 4, Vic 2, Imperator Rome, EU4, ETC Al-Andalusian
    I made a (very) small mod to adjust "Vanguardism" in Victoria 3

    Basically all it does is adjust the "Vanguardist" leader ideology (and Anarchism, base game has them liking professional army the most for some reason) and makes Command Economy enactable with just Council Republic (so without needing Autocracy / Oligarchy) to make the game experience a little bit less anti-communist.

    *Permanently Deleted*
  • I was in there but at some point i got logged out of my account and I don't rember my password pic:crying cat icon

    I guess I'll make a new one

  • Spanish_Commie Al-Andalusian

    Autistic, ADHD and RSD. I like communism and puppies.

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