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Half-million-year-old wooden structure unearthed in Zambia Half-million-year-old wooden structure unearthed in Zambia

Ancient timber preserved in a riverbed suggests humans were building wooden structures 500,000 years ago.

Half-million-year-old wooden structure unearthed in Zambia

Ancient timber preserved in a riverbed suggests humans were building wooden structures 500,000 years ago.

Archaeologists decipher ancient Kuschana script

Archaeologists from the University of Cologne have deciphered parts of the Kuschana script that has puzzled researchers for over seventy years.

A 1700-year-old Roman water tunnel dug into the mountain was discovered in Adıyaman province in southeastern Türkiye A 1700-year-old Roman water tunnel dug into the mountain was discovered in Adıyaman province in southeastern Türkiye

It was revealed that in the Besni district of Adıyaman province, located in the Southeastern Anatolia Region of Turkey, the...

A 1700-year-old Roman water tunnel dug into the mountain was discovered in Adıyaman province in southeastern Türkiye

It was revealed that in the Besni district of Adıyaman province, located in the Southeastern Anatolia Region of Turkey, the Romans dug a 150-meter-long water tunnel into the mountain 1,700 years ago to irrigate their lands with the water flowing from the river.

Archaeologists uncover Imperial Hittite archive
  • @Pons_Aelius

    Oh interesting, does the entire site show up that way for you? Its black text on a white background for me.

  • Archaeologists uncover Imperial Hittite archive

    Archaeologists from Koç University have uncovered an Imperial Hittite archive from the reign of Ḫattušili III during excavations at Kayalıpınar, located in the Yıldızeli District of Turkey’s Sivas Province.

    ‘It’s like a time capsule’: 19th-century shipwreck discovered in Lake Michigan ‘It’s like a time capsule’: 19th-century shipwreck discovered in Lake Michigan

    Schooner Trinidad hailed as ‘significant shipwreck’ after successful sonar search reveals well preserved vessel

    ‘It’s like a time capsule’: 19th-century shipwreck discovered in Lake Michigan

    Schooner Trinidad hailed as ‘significant shipwreck’ after successful sonar search reveals well preserved vessel

    Opinion | The Story of Our Universe May Be Starting to Unravel
  • I’m not sure why that’s a conceptual hurdle. Electromagnetic radiation, including the visible light spectrum, is one of the primary methods in which we gather data about and interpret the universe. To say that the matter is “dark” is to say that it’s not detectable on the electromagnetic spectrum to us as we know it.

    It’s not an uncommon turn of phrase, it’s the same reasoning for the colloquial term “going dark” regarding radio communication silence.

    To say that it’s “invisible” or “clear” would imply the existence of some property causing it to be so. This would also imply the presence of interpretable data in order to term it as such, when in truth none exists. You could perhaps say “unknown” but then that’s truly arbitrary, “dark” at least implies the opposite of “light”, i.e. detectable and serves a conjectural purpose in that sense.

  • Archaeologists identify Roman road network

    Archaeologists from the University of Exeter have used laser scans to reveal a Roman road network that spanned Devon and Cornwall.

    DNA From 3,800-Year-Old Individuals Sheds New Light On Bronze Age Families - Ancient Pages DNA From 3,800-Year-Old Individuals Sheds New Light On Bronze Age Families - Ancient Pages

    The diversity of family systems in prehistoric societies has always fascinated scientists. A groundbreaking study by anthropologists and archaeologists now provides new insights into the origins and genetic structure of prehistoric family communities.

    DNA From 3,800-Year-Old Individuals Sheds New Light On Bronze Age Families - Ancient Pages

    The diversity of family systems in prehistoric societies has always fascinated scientists. A groundbreaking study by anthropologists and archaeologists now provides new insights into the origins and genetic structure of prehistoric family communities.

    Our Human Ancestors Very Nearly Went Extinct 900,000 Years Ago, Genetics Suggest Our Human Ancestors Very Nearly Went Extinct 900,000 Years Ago, Genetics Suggest

    A study proposes that the population that gave rise to modern humans may have been reduced to roughly 1,300 reproducing individuals

    Our Human Ancestors Very Nearly Went Extinct 900,000 Years Ago, Genetics Suggest

    A study proposes that the population that gave rise to modern humans may have been reduced to roughly 1,300 reproducing individuals

    2023 Honda Accord | The Art of Normal Cars (savagegeese)
  • The only thing I really dislike about Honda styling right now is the “underbite” look they have on the front. The previous gen had the opposite, almost a pig nosed look. Why can’t they just do normal front designs?

    I love the rear this generation and how they toned the entire look down, but they can’t figure out front grills to save their life it seems.

  • Stract| A search engine where the user has the ability to see exactly what is going on and customize almost everything about their search results.
  • Weird, they do, but they redirect for me and the final URL is different than what you pasted.

    My best guess is that a DNS record is messed up on their end, and since I’ve been to those pages before relatively recently, the cname or A-record is still cached for me.

  • Stract| A search engine where the user has the ability to see exactly what is going on and customize almost everything about their search results.
  • Hmm I just checked, they’re all live and their status page for each link has no outages. I would check any content blockers etc. that you have, I suspect it’s a problem on your end. They do use different domains for their blog, feedback, and help KB etc.

  • 66% of Americans want European-style vacation policies, like being OOO for the entire month of August
  • I think the point is that it’s possible, in theory, maybe depending on your employer. But you get close to that amount of vacation time in total. The majority of Americans don’t get more than two weeks for the entire year, and many get none at all, only sick time. Many Americans can’t even take just two consecutive weeks off any time of the year.

  • Deleted
    *Permanently Deleted*
  • This is also how it works in Connecticut. While it may not be perfect, I don’t think it’s entirely unfair. It has the effect of a being a progressive social policy this way in that it is available for those who don’t already have it. Someday it like it to be carte blanche to everyone, but states doing this way is a solid start.

  • Archaeologists uncover Olmec ceremonial centre

    Archaeologists excavating in the Juan N. Méndez Municipality, located in the in the Mexican state of Puebla, have uncovered an Olmec ceremonial centre and evidence of a possible pyramid.

    Biden to keep US Space Command in Colorado, reversing Trump decision
  • You’re thinking of the Space Force.

    SPACECOM is a unified command that has its origins in the 1980s. It is entirely necessary and handles real things including military satellites and missile defense.

  • Dude, where's my Kbin? - Apollo Town
  • I don’t thinks that’s accurate, Kbin has only co-existed for a few Lemmy versions. I’ve been on Kbin before the initial wave of new users, when the site had about 200 users, federation was fine. You may be thinking of when federation was deliberately broken by Ernest with the entire fediverse for about a week when he had to enable Cloudflare DDOS protection during the first surge of signups.

    The specific issue here was highlighted by a Kbin user several days ago. They monitored the traffic back and forth and saw that inbound Kbin-bot requests were denied by after the latest upgrade. At the time of that post, did not have the issues and it had not upgraded yet. I’m not sure if that issue has since been fixed in the code or not.

  • NEW: Update & Clarification on Votes, Boosts, Favorites, and Reputation Points on kbin
  • Unless Ernest changed this too and I missed it, boosts still work with the microblogging portion of the fediverse, such as Mastodon. Upvotes and downvotes only interact with the “threadiverse”.

    So my understanding is that boosts are now reflecting on threads as 2 upvotes, whereas on microblog posts they reflect as boosts and as 2 upvotes but only on the threadiverse sites.

    (Someone correct me if wrong please!)

  • Dude, where's my Kbin? - Apollo Town
  • Just a note,

    It was shown a lot of the recent threadiverse federation issues were/are being caused by Lemmy. Major Lemmy instances were/are intentionally or unintentionally (due to a bug in their platform), blocking inbound federation traffic from Kbin and Lotide. While allowing their own outbound to go through.

    The jury is still out on if it was an oversight/issue with their latest release, or something more nefarious on the part of the devs with regards to competition.

  • Dude, where's my Kbin? - Apollo Town
  • Important to note that’s not necessarily Kbin. Some of the major instances of Lemmy had an issue where they were blocking inbound Kbin traffic but allowing their traffic out.

    It was unclear if it was somehow intentional or the result of a bug in their most recent upgrade.

  • Dude, where's my Kbin? - Apollo Town
  • If you’d still like to delete you can dm Ernest and he’ll sort it out. There’s a known processing backlog.

  • Dude, where's my Kbin? - Apollo Town
  • +1!

    Newer uses of the fediverse also don’t realise yet that Lemmy is older then Kbin, years older. Kbin has only really publically existed for a couple months.

    I was here before any surge when there were about 200 users and Ernest followed everyone MySpace Tom style. It’s damn impressive how the site held up even when he had to introduce cloudflare protection temporarily. It was slow, but never crashed completely.

    Some Lemmy instances did go down for a bit, even the bigger ones that didn’t had more synchronising issues then Kbin. I’m not trying to knock Lemmy by any means, but I think this goes to show that Kbin is alright if at a few months old, it can keep up with software that’s been around for several years at this point.

  • Dude, where's my Kbin? - Apollo Town
  • Kbin has only existed publicly for a little over two months.

    Lemmy has been around for four years.

    It’s rather significant imo that Kbin is on par functionally with Lemmy, and has higher active user counts then all but a few Lemmy instances. Kbin seems to solve issues faster as well in the several weeks I’ve been here anyway.

  • Stunned Couple Finds Viking Buried Under Floor While Renovating Home

    A Norwegian couple made an unusual historic discovery during renovations of their home. First, they found a number of Viking-era artifacts, and then archaeologists declared that they had found a Viking grave, right there, under their floor. Experts have carried out a survey of the site and the grave is being hailed as a very significant find.

    "Antiwoke" magazin on posting bullshit like "how to end Wokeness" and "Time to reject the extrem trans lobby harming our society" How to report ? he is the moderator of that magazin.
  • Agreed, I think you’re still conflating things I never said. Nothing was in the “let the people decide” vein.

    Thats why I think it’s better to silently remove them rather then making posts saying “look at this bad guy right there”.

  • The Wagner Mutiny Hit Russia's Air Force Hard. Really Hard. The Wagner Mutiny Hit Russia's Air Force Hard. Really Hard.

    Turns out Russian-on-Russian violence wasn't good for anyone.

    The Wagner Mutiny Hit Russia's Air Force Hard. Really Hard.

    Turns out Russian-on-Russian violence wasn't good for anyone.

    "Antiwoke" magazin on posting bullshit like "how to end Wokeness" and "Time to reject the extrem trans lobby harming our society" How to report ? he is the moderator of that magazin.
  • Everything you’re talking is perception, friend. You chose to take my comment that way. The dev tools were being worked on long before this post.

    As I said before, I’m not making this up, the phenomenon is studied and the effect is proven.

  • "Antiwoke" magazin on posting bullshit like "how to end Wokeness" and "Time to reject the extrem trans lobby harming our society" How to report ? he is the moderator of that magazin.
  • That’s exactly my point. Even when there are better moderating tools and the site admins have time to delete magazines, they will still pop-up faster then you can stop them. No site on the internet has ever fully solved this issue.

    Since that is the reality, by avoiding inadvertently promoting them before they’re removed, a site is much more efficient at managing the workload.

    Posts like this can have the unintended consequence of spawning more trolls or objectionable actors, this can and does actually make the site management harder.

  • "Antiwoke" magazin on posting bullshit like "how to end Wokeness" and "Time to reject the extrem trans lobby harming our society" How to report ? he is the moderator of that magazin.
  • It sounds like you were viewing the “new” tab?The hot/active tabs on Kbin wouldn’t receive that content so early. It will always be a wackamole game, no platform will ever succeed 100%. Once there are more advanced moderation tools, I would suggest silently removing objectionable content or users.

    Also, I’ll have to disagree slightly, thats not a lot of interaction. This single post alone has over 300 upvotes since posted. The volume of either is simply an indication of how strongly people react.

  • James Cameron says the Titan passengers probably knew the submersible was in trouble

    The Titanic director has made 33 dives to the shipwreck and visited ocean depths in a submersible he built himself. He compares OceanGate to the Titanic in that both ignored safety warnings.

    Oldest architectural plans detail mysterious desert mega structures Oldest architectural plans detail mysterious desert mega structures

    Researchers have identified engravings in Jordan and Saudi Arabia as the oldest known scaled building plans in human history.

    Oldest architectural plans detail mysterious desert mega structures

    Researchers have identified engravings in Jordan and Saudi Arabia as the oldest known scaled building plans in human history.

    SpacemanSpiff SpacemanSpiff

    Systems Engineer and Configuration Management Analyst.

    Postgrad degree is in computer science/cybersecurity, but my undergraduate is in archaeology. Someday, maybe, I’ll merge the two fields professionally!

    I love true science fiction, as well as all things aviation, outer space, and NASA-related.

    Also, Calvin and Hobbes is the best comic strip of all time! Check it out ;)

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