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Undecided voter focus group disappointed in Biden's debate performance
  • Becoming incoherent because of a illness, that doesn't hospitalize you, isn't a great trait for a president.

    We lost to Trump in 2016 because we ignored how relentlessly unpopular Hilary Clinton was, Republicans spent decades smearing her every chance they got.

    Biden just proved their claims about his mental fitness, if we ignore that by calling it optics, we'll lose.

  • Removed
    How useless are dating apps?
  • Hinge was okay 2.5 years ago when I met my gf on it. It's since been purchased by and is likely ruined now.

  • We’ve been accidentally cooling the planet — and it’s about to stop | Humans’ fossil fuel burning has cooled the planet while warming it — presenting problems for the future.
  • I'm concerned too much more salt may lead to salting of land, but I may be worried over nothing.

    I also don't fully trust our ability to predict negative outcomes if it's profitable to ignore them.

  • We’ve been accidentally cooling the planet — and it’s about to stop | Humans’ fossil fuel burning has cooled the planet while warming it — presenting problems for the future.
  • It's all good. I can see that point, but it's unfortunately a bandaid (semi-short term cooling strategy) on a sucking wound (too much CO2 in the atmosphere), and if I trusted the world powers to continue solving the issue (Atmospheric Carbon Capture) before sepsis set (salting the earth from aeroslizing sea water) in, I'd be less opposed.

  • We’ve been accidentally cooling the planet — and it’s about to stop | Humans’ fossil fuel burning has cooled the planet while warming it — presenting problems for the future.
  • I never said burn more oil?

    Also I'm not a huge fan of the idea of seeding the atmosphere with salt water, that salt has to come down eventually.

  • We’ve been accidentally cooling the planet — and it’s about to stop | Humans’ fossil fuel burning has cooled the planet while warming it — presenting problems for the future.
  • It is the Sulfer thing. Sulfer Dioxide was shading the planet and making clouds more reflective, cooling the earth and we're fairly uncertain by how much.

    Even though the article doesn't say it outright, the obvious conclusion is that we should have stopped using fossil fuels decades ago. And even if stop now we don't know how much more warming we'd do without the sulfer dioxide. Which shouldn't be added to the atmosphere because it would kill an outrageous amount of people.

  • Buying a home in the US has never been this hard
  • Sure, but zero costs changed for me, insurance premium was the same, taxes were the same, interest rate was the same (fixed interest loan). And yet somehow they low balled it and now it's my job to fix it.

  • Buying a home in the US has never been this hard
  • I've got Knob and Tube wiring in part of my home, so only the state of Ohio is willing to insure me, and my insurance premiums stayed the same. So at least I have that going for me. My bank still raised my mortgage by 20% because apparently they can't set up an escrow properly and apparently that's my problem now.

  • Microplastics discovered in human penises for the first time
  • It seems to me, the reason this was found for the first time, is because this was the first time someone bothered to look.

  • Wisconsin Republicans block PFAS cleanup until polluters are granted immunity
  • Democrats: "You're being poisoned and we need to clean it up"

    Republicans: "the poisoning will continue until you give the poisoners immunity"

  • Windows just changed my desktop wallpaper and re-added the search bar without my permission after an update
  • I recently moved to Linux because windows did the first time setup pop up on me when I needed to use my 5 year old desktop in a time crunch before I was late.

    When I got back, somehow despite me telling windows no to resetting my default browser to edge, my default browser was edge and windows had updated to windows 11.

    Is it possible I misread the dialog because I was in a rush. Sure. It is. But also fuck microsoft.

  • Morehouse College might halt graduation ‘on the spot’ if there are disruptions when President Biden speaks
  • I see where you're at, but everything I mentioned is in the first paragraph of the article. It's not like it's buried.

  • Morehouse College might halt graduation ‘on the spot’ if there are disruptions when President Biden speaks
  • There's far more nuance than the headline suggests. He said he'd stop commencement specifically if the cops came to arrest people. He also asked no one shout down the president.

    He did not request zero protest.

  • MBAs when they see a functioning company
  • Employee owned business generally don't let themselves be sold for parts.

  • Republicans Flock to Trump’s Trial, Risking Control of the House Floor
  • They should oust Mike Johnson, and make Hakeem Jefferies the Speaker and change the rules so it requires a majority of democrats to oust him.

  • Removed
    Report: In Western Countries, 41% of the Jobs Done By Young People are at Risk Disappearing Due to Automation
  • It seems pretty bad all around. Even the privileged are looking at over a third of their jobs vanishing due to automation.

    If we're going to force people to work to live, maybe removing jobs due to automation isn't the best thing for society.

  • How the Banksters Co-opted Bitcoin
  • Bit coin is 100% a representation of anarcho-capitalism.

    Just because the winners aren't AnCaps doesn't mean anything.

    Now admittedly, I bailed on Crypto in 2012 when I realized it needed an ever growing amount of power to sustain itself. So I could be wrong.

  • How the Banksters Co-opted Bitcoin
  • Anarcho-Capitalism resulted in a Corporation being in complete control. Color me surprised. It's also full of grifters? Say it isn't so. /s

  • Nestlé adds sugar to infant milk sold in poorer countries, report finds
  • If you read the whole article it also explains that it's European version of the same product doesn't contain added sugar.

    The auto summary missed some key points in the article.

  • a Smash Bros Mastodon instance Smash Today (

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    Hello. I'm Doppler, the mad man behind SlippiHUD.

    I started this smash themed Mastodon during the twitter upheaval, if you're looking to ditch the enshittification of the web in other services you use.

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