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List of my favorite android apps
  • On Android, Mull offers more extensions, unless that's changed recently

  • List of my favorite android apps
  • You didn't specify open source so I'll post a mixture...

    GrayJay (YouTube and other streaming video) RiMusic (YT music streamer) Easy Noise (white noise for sleeping) Peristyle (wallpaper changer)

  • Konami Renews Trademark For Axelay, A top SNES Shoot ‘Em Up Game
  • Eh call me when they make a new Gun Nac

  • Locked
    Transgender swimmer Lia Thomas out of Olympics after losing legal battle
  • Level playing fields for women and girls aren't served by allowing competition from people who haven't always been female. Its not fair on cis women to have to compete against people who've had advantages from going through puberty while male.

    The purpose of women's sport isn't to be inclusive of women, its to be exclusive of men. And its not that it's too much work to include some trans women on the basis of ability, it's that it's just impossible. Do they include only those who aren't likely to win? Maybe some that can win, but not by too much? What about a champion male who's recently transitioned and would shatter the world record, making it unattainable for any cis woman for years to come, maybe ever? There's no way of making those judgements, no matter how much work is done.

    Its the same principle as banning performance enhancing drugs. Some clean athletes might beat some drug using athletes, but we don't try to figure that out, we just ban drugs. And puberty as a male is getting a few years if hormone-induced muscle gain that isn't fully lost even post-transition, even on hormone blocking drugs.

  • Locked
    Transgender swimmer Lia Thomas out of Olympics after losing legal battle
  • No, not any woman stronger than the average for women, because by definition the leading woman will always be stronger than other women.

    At the same time, plenty of cis men are weaker than the average female athlete, but we don't let them compete.

    We exclude all males as a category, including former males, because on average they have an unfair advantage. Attempting to make exceptions based on individual performance isn't feasible.

    Effectively, women's sports are like amateur vs pro competition. You don't let an ex pro play in an amateur match, even if they're not as strong as they once were.

  • Locked
    Transgender swimmer Lia Thomas out of Olympics after losing legal battle
  • Literally the only reason we have a separate category of women's sports is because, on average, women are physically weaker than men. If both sexes could compete against each other, women would barely exist in elite sports. If that wasn't the case, there'd be no justification for excluding cis men from women's sports. After all, being male is "just another advantage" like being tall, right?

    On average, cis women are physically weaker than trans women also, and so the same logic applies.

    The only equitable solution I can see is a third category of trans sports, where trans people compete against each other

  • What is something creative that you do but don't get paid for?
  • I made a track for my game, yeah, but using UGEtracker which is built into GB Studio. It's not the easiest to use tbh so it wasn't that fun.

    LSDJ sounds very cool, have you checked out the DirtyWave M8? I ran the cheap version (Anbernic console with a dongle) but I couldn't get over the learning curve. Now I have a Polyend Tracker Mini which I really like

    BTW I'm not really a programmer either, GB Studio simplifies things a lot and it's free if you want to check it out

  • What is something creative that you do but don't get paid for?
  • Make Gameboy games. Make music. Cook

  • Diane Abbott readmitted as Labour MP after race row probe
  • Her remarks were straightforwardly true. A Jew, an Irish person, a Traveller and a Black person walk into a bar. Who gets racially profiled before they've even ordered a drink?

    Yes Jews and Irish people and Travellers will likely experience racism at times throughout their lives. Only Black (or brown) people will experience racism just existing in a white society, just walking down the street, regardless of their clothing or their speech or their cultural practices.

    It's like, women experience sexism always. Gay men only experience homophobia in contexts where their sexuality is known. Visible minority status is a thing.

  • True Tone / Adaptive Color Tone for AOSP
  • I'm on graphene and I have an 'adaptive' option under Display > Colors

  • What's your favourite search engine?
  • I just cancelled Kagi. It's good but not really good enough to justify the cost, plus stuff detailed here

    I gave yandex a quick run, it's actually very good, functionally, but a privacy nightmare.

    Currently trying out Mojeek, one of the few outside the big three to have it's own index. Pretty good - not all the conveniences of the bigger ones but maybe good enough most of the time

  • The Man Who Killed Google Search
  • I've been enjoying Kagi, although it also proxies google and others, and you have to pay for it, and I was dismayed to read on Lemmy recently that the CEO may be a sea lion. So yeah, the search for good search continues I suppose

  • Eww, Copilot AI might auto-launch with Windows 11 soon
  • I was pleasantly surpsied by how much audio has improved on Linux when I came back to it this year with Ubuntu studio. Reaper or Bitwig are the way to go. Plugins are the main problem, bridging works OK apparently, but there are some decent native options too

  • [Louis Rossmann] Blizzard locks you out of account if you don't agree to new terms; no ownership, forced arbitration
  • This is illegal in the UK and probably other places in Europe. US really needs to make a law against this kind of shit

  • Shooting and blast reported at concert hall near Moscow
  • Literally every comment on right now, except these Nazis are also somehow Jewish, apparently

  • DNA Tests Are Uncovering the True Prevalence of Incest
  • Fun fact, Charles Darwin married his cousin. It used to be a more common among white Britons (and other Europeans, especially royalty lol), but it's rare now. It is indeed quite common among Britons of Pakistani heritage, buts it's becoming rarer. And the risk of genetic defects is actually quite small. I don't think it can be considered incest when its legal.

    There is a theory that the reduction in cousin marriage in Europe reduced the power of clan groupings and led to the more indivualistic liberal culture we have now, with both good and less desirable effects (basically, more freedom but weaker communal bonds)

  • Thank you American software
  • American companies have way more power over my life than the Chinese government

  • What Amazon Kindle? Here's an Open Source eBook Reader
  • Yeah, you don't even have to jailbreak it, you can just install it alongside the kobo software, then you can keep both. It's a bit fiddly to set up but not too bad

    Koreader is available from the Play store if you have an android phone, you can try it out first. Its very customisable, I spend hours tweaking the settings because that's my idea of fun 😂

  • What Amazon Kindle? Here's an Open Source eBook Reader
  • I've got a Hisense A5 and reading is surprisingly nice on it. Although this looks even smaller?

    Also regarding the overall idea - just get a Kobo and put Koreader on it, then sideload any book format you like.

  • SleepyWheel SleepyWheel

    Revolve or die

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