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I logged onto Imgur after not browsing it in ages. This is the first thing I see.
  • "I'm not gonna do anything at home to instill meaningful changes, I'll just simply keep voting and if home becomes too uncomfortable for me, I'll flex my social mobility and leave!"

    ~The liberal

  • Feel like a lotta leftists talk about the MGS series without having played it?
  • MGS3 really is just some cheesy James Bond installment (but with camouflage). Para-medic goes on a long winded discussion about From Russia with love when you save the game

    And when you finish the game one time regardless of how you did, you unlock a tuxedo suit.

    Still love the game, tho mgs2 had a better message because it was basically a dunk on the reactionary contraptions of American media and culture.

  • Techno-Feudalism: What Killed Capitalism (2024) by Yanis Varoufakis — An online reading group discussion.
  • >a new exploitative system has been taking hold

    No its just capitalism ripping the copper out of the walls to maintain an annual profit- it didn't get "killed" - its just stopped giving you smug liberal fucks consistent brunches and treats and now you're upset.

  • Law enforcement is spying on thousands of Americans’ mail, records show
  • susie-dance

    Me ordering those "eat bag of dicks gummies" to make hogs regret their mail snooping

  • Texas Woman Charged With Attempted Murder of Palestinian-American Child
  • tries to kill a child

    paid bail

    actually has the privilege to pay bail


  • One-Third of Americans Making $250,000 Live Paycheck-to-Paycheck, Survey Finds
  • Literally this, my manager is a petite bourgeoisie hack who constantly bemoans about his tennis club fees going up ten dollars.

    Meanwhile he's enthusiastically slashed my wages down to the bone, so hard im living hand and mouth and having to beg to mutual aid and food banks.

    I am probably one (maybe two) bad paychecks away from being houseless.

  • Removed Deleted
    Never change reddit
  • I wish we could elect people that are willing to slap corporations back to reality

    It's obvious to vote Democrat

    data-laughing susie-laugh farquaad-point hahaha

  • In the past two days I've had my boomer neighbor tell me all latinx people need to be rounded up and shot. Then I had my boomer dad tell me that humans are disgusting and that Hitler was right -
  • My boomer dad has passively nudged me into being his retirement plan. Constantly bemoans the past being better, and blames "kids these days" on things like climate change and inflation (at least he believes in climate change)- ya know, despite the fact that boomers are still in control, I tell him they're in positions of power and he gets upset that I've "insulted his generation who are legitimate people and they'll never be another generation as good".

    shrug-outta-hecks idk I'm tired and dunno wtf to do either

  • NSFW
    "Nick Fuentes' BADASS security!"
  • Mfer in the trenchcoat is like a dollar store Max Payne hahahahaha


  • Get Ready. Everything’s About to Get a Hell of a Lot More Expensive.
  • tldr: Climate induced economic disaster- not gonna stop 10 o clock news understanders (cracker ass amerikkkans) from still blaming "woke" or whatever the media tells them to get mad at.

  • Where does fentanyl come from?
  • Sackler Family/Purdue pharmaceuticals corporation.

    Literally ruling class ghouls in the healthcare industry caused this. But that doesn't stop reactionaries from blaming "woke" or whatever the 10'o clock news spoon feeds them.

  • Healthcare please???

    I don't want another generation of the Abrams tank my tummy hurts and I want healthcare pls


    Skeleton_Erisma Skeleton_Erisma [they/them, any]

    The ghost of NotErisma.

    My ancestors haunt all the crackers, especially the ones who own land and certainly if they are land leeches.

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