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xkcd #2940: Modes of Transportation
  • We're talking about me now? No. Of course not. Just like I wouldn't knowingly buy a car whose making process involves some random people being shit inside of. I find hyperbolic exaggerations funny and I like to use them for making a point.

    The point was - you don't purchase things for others, you purchase them for yourself. A car can be a major money spender - you buy it because it gives YOU safety, and it's silly to act like you're a bad person for spending your money in a way that benefits you. But some Knights of the Broken Tire are out here pretending like they're damn selfless, like they spent all their house money on housing the homeless not their own family, and like they chose to carry that 2 year old through traffic on a bycicle, not a fucking minivan. Fuck right off with this hypocritical shit. It's okay to want the safety of yourself and your family, that's how the entire world works. You're not gonna get blamed for buying a car, drop the selfless, holier-than-thou act, nobody's buying it.

  • No end to Gaza war until ’destruction’ of Hamas, says Netanyahu
  • I'm afraid at this point it's obvious it's the other way around, and there is no end to the Gaza war until Israel is dismantled, its leaders are given the Gaddafi treatment, its settlers are hung and Palestine is restored.

  • xkcd #2940: Modes of Transportation
  • Tell you what, you drive your bike into a car and maybe the concussion will change your thinking enough to make it believable that bikes are more dangerous.

    We're not rating danger for the damn planet here. It's obviously danger for the user - that's the one who's buying the product. Why would anyone care about the safety of others over their own safety?

  • xkcd #2940: Modes of Transportation
  • Trains, scooters and/ motorcycles are convenient for travel? I mean sure, if you never carry anything anywhere and/or you love how every other person in the world smells after they finish their 12 hour shift of breaking big rocks with smaller rocks.

  • Sounds like a dealbreaker
  • The base is bread. The pizza is defined as the base + cheese + tomato sauce + various toppings.

    a dish of Italian origin, consisting of a flat round base of dough baked with a topping of tomatoes and cheese, typically with added meat, fish, or vegetables.

    Source: the dictionary.

  • Mother Gaia and Humans
  • I might not be ready to lose my car but I sure as hell am ready to lose

    Whatever it is you're ready to lose, there are people out there who aren't ready to lose it.

    coal based electricity

    Fuck right off, there are entire countries who would be completely at a loss without coal-based electricity. Countries which would rather you lose your car.

    the military complex

    Everyone working in the military complex would rather you lose your car than they lose their jobs. It's you and your car vs millions of people all over the world specifically trained to identify threats to their security, find them and shoot/cut/drone/nuke them. Good luck.

    single use plastic

    I mean you wanna fight all the corpos involved with single used plastics, I'm sure having your car will keep you from being suffocated with a plastic bag for like 2 hours.

    You're unwilling to allow for changes in your personal lifestyle to globally change things for the better, so why the fuck would anyone else? Just nuke the planet from orbit at this point, we're all egotistical shitheads and there's no way to convince Jimmy McFuckface to give up his 1994 truck, we're done here.

  • Checkmate
  • No, "it works on my machine" is the ever-tiring excuse every junior dev gives when they're inexperienced enough to not understand that environments differ and just because yours is setup to run your code, doesn't mean you did everything right so that an end-user can also run it. Did you package VCredist? Did you update the environment? Are you using another fucking compiler for some retarded 25-year-old's reason instead of the one we use on our production server, so now every build is failing because you didn't hold a review and pushed to master?

    "It works on my machine" is spoken as if it should end all debugging. Goddamn, if it works on your machine and it doesn't work on another machine, that's a great clue. That's where your debugging begins.

  • Scarlett Johansson denied OpenAI the right to use her voice. They used it anyway.
  • It could be, if she wants it to be.

    It could also be the type of case where her lawyers stop openAI from ever using her voice again, if she wants that to be the case.

    Being rich opens up options. If openAI would be using my voice instead, they'd have a wildly less popular product but nobody to sue them for it, cause I'd be using my money to still dream about home ownership at some point before I die, not to hire lawyers or fight windmills.

  • InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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