Sirus @ Sirus Posts 0Comments 8Joined 10 hr. ago
No before she goes to the Republican side because schumer made a bad decision. Wouldn't that be hilarious?
I'm exclusively talking about annexing Canada bro. And I'm not.not defending the moron or his followers. I'm just saying when it comes to annexing canada, no one knew about that shit. But like I said, it's idle threats. Don't lose sleep over it. Trump doesn't control our soldiers, even tho he has the title. Americans wouldn't follow thru with that shit even if he ordered it.
Not a single american voted for THIS. Trump didn't give any indication he was going to do this. This is ALL his doing. As far as you guys pushing americans to strap up, 1. Our quality if life has yet to be affected, when that happens, more people will act. 2. As for people like myself, I have a bi daughter, if and when the time comes for me to open up the armory, I will but right now, just.acting will ruin all of our lives. 3. I have worked extremely hard for my entire life, I a house, reached my career goal and my lifes goal of making 6 figures.I'm not upper.class, but I've come from poverty and I'm not throwing that away. 4. WHEN things get bad or if trump actually acted on trying to take over.canada, more than half would fight with you, but trump is.full of shit. Just.don't buy.american shit.and.move on with your lives. We got you. Shit will change, but don't expect me to pull the strap over mediocrity and toothless threats.
They were barely affected last time, this will hit their livelyhood hard and the tarrifs are gonna screw them
Good. Atleast someone is going to learn a hard lesson here.
Thank you! I just flew in and boy are my arms tired!
The next step is to get Putin to a table and poison or radiate him and end it that way.