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White House Biden health cover-up blown wide open in bombshell report: Joe was senile from day one of presidency
  • @UniversalMonk
    Well then of course you don't understand and of course Biden being a senile invalid his entire term is breaking news for you.

    But don't think too hard about it, wouldn't want you to blow a gasket.

  • Exclusive: Farage: Capitalism is Dead, We're Living in Corporatism
  • @wintermute_oregon totally agree.

    End all corporations and the stocks that go with them.

  • Sirpantangelini Flat Moon Theories

    The moon is flat. Having power and being immoral is not the same as being intelligent. Nobody is playing 2d chess let alone 4d chess. More like chutes and ladders.

    Folks need to show hanlon's razor more respect and stop pretending the lizard people are actually smart... or lizards.. This is why I sat the moon is flat

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