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can't make this shit up
  • There is also no evidence it's transfered through milk. Pasteurization isn't meant to kill viruses, it's meant to kill all the bacteria in the milk. I'll leave it at this. I don't like arguing online because it's a waste of time. I hope you enjoy the article, I did.

  • can't make this shit up
  • Based on what the FDA has said it's in pasteurized milk too. Also this is from Gizmodo so most likely it's not real or it's from one tweet on the Internet or something like that.

    Edit: Depending on the state if a cow tests positive for the virus it is pulled off the line by a raw milk seller. Also milk is pulled from one cow at a time lessening the chance for transfer. However, as per, due to milking methods for large industry milk companies the virus is being transferred through equipment to other cows. There is also no evidence for or against pasteurization killing the virus totally.

  • is Texas really that cold and cruel as depicted in movies of the Coen brothers, the novels of Cormac Mccarthy and the movie Hell or High Water?
  • I've lived in the east and the South (Texas) and by far Texans are more kind but not nice while the east people were nice but not kind.

  • How do i block all NSFW content
  • Type NSFW into the search in settings.

  • YouTube can't stop showing me AI deepfake ads
  • It's valid 2c. I haven't had an issue with Revanced besides when I need to update.

  • What do you like about socialism?
  • Another pro is we can eat our neighbors when food becomes scarce. Or we can report them for owning a grain of wheat and have them murdered.

  • Northern star gang
  • YouTube can't stop showing me AI deepfake ads
  • My solution to prevent these scams from showing is an add blocker called "uBlock Origins". On my phone I use "Revanced" and "Grayjay". Poof no more scams. Like and subscribe for more tips and tricks.

  • Colorado statewide snowpack at half of where it should be
  • It's pretty early to be worried about it.

  • CoLlEgE iS lEfTwInG pRoPaGaNdA
  • You saw the video I linked. People "online" mind you have shared the sentiment.

  • CoLlEgE iS lEfTwInG pRoPaGaNdA
  • I don't think it. I know it. I understand if your leftist and don't align with these people specifically but don't deny that there are leftists with this mind frame out there.

  • Google admits it's making YouTube worse for ad block users
  • Good information. I will remove it.

  • Google admits it's making YouTube worse for ad block users
  • It just doesn't play on my Firefox anymore.

  • CoLlEgE iS lEfTwInG pRoPaGaNdA
  • Trying what?

  • CoLlEgE iS lEfTwInG pRoPaGaNdA
  • If another nation came into my nations city and launched missiles, raped and captured women and children, and killed thousands I would hope my nation wouldn't take that lying down. On top of that they use the citizens as human shields? Yes innocent Palestinians are dying but so did innocent Israelites. This isn't a war that is easily understood because the enemy disguises themselves as normal people and uses their fellow country man as their shield.

  • CoLlEgE iS lEfTwInG pRoPaGaNdA
  • I've met more far left antisemitic peoples recently literally saying stuff Nazis would have said than any right winger

  • Wolves to be released on Western Slope in upcoming weeks Wolves to be released on Western Slope in upcoming weeks

    This is part two of Sky-Hi News’ coverage of a Nov. 9 meeting in Grand County about wolf reintroduction. Ten wolves are set to arrive in Colorado this month. On Nov. 9, wildlife officials prepared...

    Wolves to be released on Western Slope in upcoming weeks

    Brothers and Sisters that enjoy the wilderness of our great state. Bring bear mace and a whistle. Stay safe and stay warm.

    Consideration to set limits on GotG because of tourism Garden of the Gods sees an estimated 4.5M visitors a year. Is it time for crowd control measures?

    Garden of the Gods, Colorado Springs' most-heralded destination, sees an estimated 4.5 million visitors a year. In this age of unceasing popularity, advocates are asking what comes next for managing

    Garden of the Gods sees an estimated 4.5M visitors a year. Is it time for crowd control measures?

    What are your thoughts?

    SirStumps SirStumps
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