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How to speed up accessing lots of files on another computer? Some kind of local cache?
  • A few ideas/hints: If you are up for some upgrading/restructuring of storage, you could consider a distributed filesystem:

    Also check fuse filesystems for weird solutions:

    Alternatively perhaps share usb drives from 'desktop' over ip (, and then use bcachefs with local disk as cache and usb-over-ip as source.

    If you decide to expose your 'desktop', then you could also log in remote and just work with the files directly on 'desktop'. This oc depends on usage pattern of the files.

  • Transportation mode, World vs USA
  • No offense to the citizens, but USA is a failed Capitalist experiment. Nothing really works optimally, or even close to it. Everything is backwards, wasteful, unjust, non-free, anti-democratic, and in general several hundred years behind more mature nations..

  • US jamming technology is significantly worse than Russia's, ex-Pentagon officials warn
  • Despite Hollywood movies continuously showing the fan-mazing-ness of Western weapon tech/military and the same demeaning propaganda of 'the Russian gas-tank nation', the truth is that Russia alone have won the weapons race - by a huge margin. Add to that China's / Iran's drone capabilities and everyone can see that the Western Capitalist nightmare have lost their new worldwar, completely - even before they were 1/3 in. For anyone interested in how bad and archaic Nato/West military is, look up Andrei Martyanov (YT or or similar military experts..

    OC Disappointing for the Liberals who thought they were masters of the universe and wanted a global war for continued ideological hegemony/dictatorship, but totally fortunate for every sane person on the planet. Bye bye Liberalism..

  • What's a good use for an edge TPU?
  • Image recognition, speech2txt, txt2speech, classification and such smaller models. They are fast but have no memory worth mentioning and are heavily dependent on data access speed. Afaik, transformer based models are hugely memory bound and may not be a good match if run on these externally via Usb3.

  • NSFW
    [CW: Nazi symbols] High school in Taiwan puts on Nazi-themed Christmas parade
  • Sponsored by US NED - same as Ukraine and 50+ other nations in the world. Fucking with a populations values - 'cognitive treatment' - are just one of the ways the West keeps their tyrannical hegemony over the world. Capitalism is a combative harmful religion.

  • Telegram founder and CEO alledges signal has backdoors, they don't provide reproduceible builds, etc.
  • I feel hustled, bc I recommended Signal to others :-( However, ANY contact with the US elite is a clear sign of the NSA/CIA/NED propaganda/spying network. I think It is safest for everyone, to voluntarily adopt the Russian, Chinese, Iranian, etc blocklist/firewall of western big-tech propaganda and spy methods, and seek out trustworthy open source. Oc Lemmy/federation as well as any other point of contact with the commoners are valid targets for these guy's, but a minimum of defense like that seems to be the only way to keep the US Capitalist elite out of our lives.

    Anyway, bye bye Signal. Gnu? Alternative ?

  • Exporting YouTube Subscriptions to OPML and Watching via RSS
  • Creative! Maybe an idea for a foss python library/app ? It would be lovely to have a library/app that looks at a crowdsourced list of scum corps and what counter measures exists to migrate from them to any number of free non-capitalist services !

    Atmo, we have de-google, de-m$, de-crapple and so on, but it's a huge work to de-capitalize your life. We need to make that process simpler by automating it.

  • Nivenly retroactively rejects the Haidra application
  • For noobs/lurkers like me:

    'The Nivenly Foundation brings sustainability, autonomy, and control to open source projects and communities around the globe.'

    'Haidra is the overarching organization for the ecosystem built around the AI Horde.'

    'AI Horde is a Free/Open Source Software allowing everyone to cluster compute for generative AI.'

  • Digital surveillance is omnipresent in China. Here’s how citizens are coping
  • It's better propaganda if it's China, Russia, Iran, etc. And tbh, those nations are in an information war against the western propaganda machine. As long as we have an aggressive Capitalist west, I think a firewall is necessary for a proper information defense in any country. It's hard to defend against propaganda without some control, and it's rather naive to think that any nation won't/shouldn't defend itself from western information attacks. I haven't read the article as I assume it's pure anti-west made up propaganda as usual.

  • What is your average token usage (inference) pr day with your particular workflow ?

    I am planning my first ai-lab setup, and was wondering how many tokens different AI-workflows/agent network eat up on an average day. For instance talking to an AI all day, have devlin running 24/7 or whatever local agent workflow is running.

    Oc model inference speed and type of workflow influences most of these networks, so perhaps it's easier to define number of token pr project/result ?

    So I were curious about what typical AI-workflow lemmies here run, and how many tokens that roughly implies on average, or on a project level scale ? Atmo I don't even dare to guess.


    Turning off overprotective security ?

    Hi all.

    For a long long time I've been very happy with Signal, but have lately become rather annoyed that:

    1. it too often bugs me about about an update and forces me to do an update before I can write to my single/only recipient, and
    2. it too often bugs me about my pin code, even tho I never asked for such an annoying level of security.

    These security measures are completely overkill for my/normal use, unnecessary, annoying and very aggressive. I'm an adult, and unless there's a super dangerous zeroday attack/vulnerability, I don't need constant forced updates, I don't want to retype a pin code for any reason or interval, and I certainly don't need to be told how I should run my system, when to upgrade or have software on my system that 'randomly' gets locked down for whatever reason.

    Does anyone know how I can turn it off (Linux, Android) ? Is there another client fork that don't force me to follow their idea of what security level is necessary ?

    Thanks, and apols for negativity..

    InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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