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  • But they won't because there's no profit in that.

  • I wish I was as bold as these authors.
  • I appreciate you taking the time to clarify thank you!

  • I wish I was as bold as these authors.
  • Well, yeah. People are acting like language models are full fledged AI instead of just a parrot repeating stuff said online.

  • Coulda, shoulda, did nota
  • Loving that Bernie somehow aged better than either of our options.

  • 'Babbling' and 'hoarse': Biden's debate performance sends Democrats into a panic
  • Haha good catch. Too many LEDs for me apparently!

  • 'Babbling' and 'hoarse': Biden's debate performance sends Democrats into a panic
  • Guess we didn't learn the RGB lesson? Oh well, repeating our mistakes it is!

  • How does my local Sonic run out of just the small box of chicken?
  • Nope, that would eat into our profit. Better to just not sell anything! /s

  • What joke, in otherwise great sitcoms, do you hate?
  • Definitely agree. I know it's supposed to be a joke "he's such a great guy we hate him" but it's physically hard to watch.

  • While you were worried about socialism…
  • The golden canary I have in this mine says: I'm gonna be rich. dies to poisonous gas

  • Pyongyang Says It Will Send Troops to Ukraine Within a Month
  • I do feel guilty but that is what I wish would happen. Mostly for the sake of the people of NK. But some people would die on both sides...

  • They should also come to your family gatherings.
  • More needed is the "Take your therapist to see your family day"

  • Why doesn't the military do this? are they stupid?
  • ...the color of a blaster bolt (character-scale or starship scale) is determined by the quality of the gas used in it - higher quality gives you green, lower quality gives you red. The Rebellion didn't have access to the highest quality gas, and had to make do with the lower quality ammunition.

    Huh, I guess I wondered but never looked it up until now.

  • Anon befriends a Japanese girl
  • TIL that LINE is a messaging app!

  • the truth
  • The T stands for turd-eater.

  • Removed
    Just me or lemmy community more hostile by the day?
  • Not sure about hostile, but I swear I see more downvotes these days than I used to!

    Used to be you got downvoted for being a dick. Now you get downvoted if someone doesn't like you. Just like Reddit I guess?

  • BBC News - Stonehenge covered in powder paint by Just Stop Oil
  • Why don't they sabotage the oil companies instead of the public? This seems ineffectual.

  • China's Xi accused the US of trying to trick him into invading Taiwan, but said he won't take the bait
  • Wang briefs Pooh, avoids a push into nether regions.

  • Seraph Seraph

    New instance, who dis?

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