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existing wrongly
  • I didn't mean give them public lands, but more recreate large common spaces for people to be able to be somewhat sufficient.

    Also did you city try collecting their waste?

  • It is very therapeutic to garden, though.
  • The problems of quality with mass agriculture corn that has enough might to have lobbying power to influence regulatory policy aren't solved by growing your own corn that you can regulate and control the cultivar and farming methods?

  • entropy
  • That analogy makes more sense. Thanks for sticking with me.

    I still don't get the online people who talk about Entropy as if it is some force that dooms things, but I do better understand the basic physics I think. Thanks.

    But... Also while I get it was an analogy, human action like launching probes into space is pretty entropic. All that stuff was ordered in a solid glove orbiting a star, and now it's been all jumbled up into a bizzare state and flung way away from it's place of order. So life itself is a high entropy way of generating low entropy?

  • entropy
  • But isn't that balance a more ordered state?

    I'm sorry about any implied sentience, obviously Entropy isn't a thing with an agenda. Though I do feel the need to point out that our sun is far too small to go supernova.

  • Zero to hero
  • My favourite part is all the replies claiming that their answer to it is correct and it's not at all controversial.

    Which is funny because to a mathsless individual like me it proves how true the post is.

  • entropy
  • The thing about Entropy that I'm sure people have worked out but I just don't know is how it is this scary cosmic horror yet it wasn't able to stop the very ordered formation of planets and solar systems... Or undo that before the billions of years it took for humans to have the concept of it.

  • sweet dreams
  • Pour one out for Ceres, for being downmoted so long ago people forget it was a planet.

    Pour one out for Makemake and Hamuhea, for being discovered so recently they never got to be planets.

  • At least one society is decent enough to take out their antisocial billionaire parasite trash...
  • Edit: I'm being harsh, you're just having fun. Internet misses tone of voice, so it's easy to be at off wires, I'm being too nitpick and I'd probably agree if we spoke face to face. Sorry for being an online argumentative berk. Enjoy your day.

    Original: Bad guys? 🤨
    Even Thatcher and Reagan had families.

    Always remember: the means are the ends.

  • Happy cat

    cross-posted from:

    > He's so silly! > > ##### This is an automated archive made by the Lemmit Bot. > The original was posted on /r/completeanarchy by /u/antifa_angel on 2024-03-24 13:56:05. >

    New artist copyright infringement just dropped...

    Wow, Wizards really needs to better vet artists or indeed artwork at this point.

    Outlaws of Thunder Junction Part 5: High Moon Outlaws of Thunder Junction | Episode 5: High Moon

    At the stroke of midnight, Kellan's duel begins. Tarnation gets some unwelcome company.

    Outlaws of Thunder Junction | Episode 5: High Moon

    Kellan's duel with Akul takes place.

    Ral sets up the lead in to the conclusion.

    I'd love to see Oko in some antivillain roles in the future, or have him glorious bastard his way across Esper.

    InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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