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  • Holy Jesus is this a flawed analogy. I'll try to fix it for you:

    If you go to a restaurant where for some reason every present customer votes for a cook out of a lineup of cooks who each only prepare certain dishes, and out of which only two are consistently popular enough to get the majority of customers to vote for them.

    Out of these two, both let the manager pick the dishes. But one only makes meals out of tofu, which isn't terrible but not worth going out for, and the customers only vote for him because they're afraid it's the only choice that will beat the other guy. The other cook just scrapes and serves the sludge off the bottom of the stove but has run a successful decades-long campaign to convince their customers that sludge tastes better than tofu. None of those customers have ever tried tofu so they don't know better.

    Despite the fact that it's obvious that the issue with this system is overwhelmingly the manager running a shitty restaurant and the cooks pitting the customers against each other, the small but vocal subset of customers who just want a steak are blaming the other customers like it's their fault.

  • Vladimir Putin issues fresh demands to Ukraine to end war
  • Any response other than "I already have" or "I donate resources" paints you as an armchair hypocrite who doesn't have the credentials to understand, let alone have an opinion about this conflict.

    You my friend, are the one who is adorable.

  • Why isn't jerking off more valorized as an easy dopamine hit that's also literally good for you?
  • You can die of cirrhosis from drinking too much for too long, but it's still culturally held as a stress reliever. You can die from diabetes if you eat too much sugar for too long, but it's still sold to children as edible happiness. Hell, you can die slowly and painfully from taking too much Tylenol, but it's still the world's most popular painkiller by far.

    Too much of anything kills eventually. That doesn't bare any significance to whether or not it's good for stress in some amount.

  • Yeah, about that…
  • People here seem to be mistaking stupidity as a measure of intelligence. Stupidity is a measure of wisdom.

    An abundance of information doesn't fix stupidity in the same way that shoveling water out of a boat with a leak won't stop it from sinking.

    You have to address the leak before shoveling water becomes productive. Or to circle back around, you have to address how someone learns, parses, and applies information before feeding them more information becomes productive.

  • A social app for creatives, Cara grew from 40k to 650k users in a week because artists are fed up with Meta’s AI policies | TechCrunch
  • I'm all for replacing the s at the beginning of words with z so you read it in an exaggerated German accent, but you gotta be consistent

    Really hoping to zee a zurge in ze demand for "Anti-AI" zoftware/zervices/community

    Fixed that for you there, Goebbels

  • Colorado Republican Party issues call to burn all Pride flags
  • It's projection. Republicans control youth through their own cult of religion. They cut education so young people have a hard time realizing they're being controlled.

    They expect democrats are doing the same through pride and gay culture, that because those demographics tend to vote blue, it must be a political play to brainwash young people into voting blue.

    It's projection.

  • Instagram is testing unskippable "Ad Breaks" lasting 3-5 seconds, disrupting user browsing experience
  • Every time something gets objectively worse there are always people who say "Jokes on them I don't use that!" and miss the point.

    Like yeah, we get it. It's only a matter of time until this kind of bullshit reaches something you do use. You should still be bothered by this.

  • InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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