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Neat factor
  • Probably wouldn't've thought that when it came out, but I kinda really like OS/2 as a name. Had a very Serial Experiments Lain ring to it.

    ...Certainly a lot cooler than OSX.

  • What games run well with integrated graphics?
  • If an APU counts, pretty much everything these days. The Steam Deck, even with its now "old" APU just keeps on steaming ahead!

    Caveats: HD or lower. Sometimes at 30fps for big fancy AAA games.

  • Is it worth buying the Mac keyboard for a dedicated Linux PC instead of the windows one?
  • Why would anyone do this to themselves. Even Mac people buy custom keyboards themselves for a reason!

    That said, I use the Mac "cmd" symbol instead of the "Windows" symbol for my super key (a la Elementary) on my cheap but lovely Keychron K2 Pro. It just looks better 😁!

  • As a first time Linux user pretty much what should I use for gaming.
  • Bazzite! Especially if you don't want to tinker with the system too much.

    Edit: regarding security/stability; Bazzite is an unofficial member of the Fedora Immutable (erstwhile Silverblue) family. It stays in lockstep with their release cycle and the RPM OStree, so the actual "system" part is pretty much the same.

  • What game do you recommend someone who likes the mechanics but not the setting of Baldur's Gate 3?
  • Divinity: Original Sin 2? I suppose it looks a little bit gorey too, but nowhere near that high definition. Definitely no squirmers...

  • Balatro is OUT NOW πŸŽ‰
  • I'm thoroughly addicted to the demo, still. Was kinda hoping it was a tiny bit cheaper...

  • NIDUS released on Steam
  • I want everything about this

  • The Art of Conversation - by RenΓ© Magritte (1963)
  • Dunno, this feels a lot more Kojima to me...

  • Irregular Expressions
  • Oh my, I suddenly fell two decades younger after installing this 😚

  • (Uncensored Minecraft painting) Skull on Fire - Kristoffer Zetterstrand
  • I can still see the Japanese-porn-style censoring though. Pixels the size of ||censored||!!

  • GE-Proton8-31 Released
  • Tl;Dr: Proton GE has extra game specific performance and compatibility patches that Proton doesn't target for whatever reason.

    Too long but I typed it out so might as well post it anyway: This is how I understand it goes likeβ€”

    Now, we know Proton: a Valve-maintained fork of the venerable Wine project with many many gaming and game specific patches, made for Steam.

    Proton can be used outside of Steam, of course, but it isn't really designed to be, there be quirks. Plus, Valve maintains what goes into Proton, so if anyone really wants to play a certain Windows game that doesn't quite run well enough on Proton and put in the work needed to make the necessary changes, it's probably not getting added to Proton just yet (I frankly don't know how or whether Valve accepts PRs at all). And Wine does not really want game specific patches in the runtime. Wine wants to be as generally compatible as possible.

    That's why most Proton variants exist. A certain Glorious Eggroll maintains this one, which has quite a few patches for games that aren't targeted by Proton either at all or well enough, as well as making sure it can run outside of Steam (there are other variants of the patches for vanilla Wine or for use in Lutris as well, I think?)

  • GE-Proton8-31 Released
  • Permanently Deleted

  • Introducing Fedora Atomic Desktops - Fedora Magazine
  • I was kinda warming up to the totally unintended slightly inconsistent mineral based naming scheme tbh. But then, hadn't fully...

  • What is your game to de stress ?
  • "Build making" roguelites like Hades etc. These days I've been playing far too much Magicraft while trying to keep sane.

  • Deleted
    A mod for @discord's mobile apps. Forked from Vendetta's recent sunset.
  • Most importantly, I find, it let's us turn off mentions on replies by default.

  • Critical vulnerability affecting most Linux distros allows for bootkits
  • I would at the very least break their fingers if they touch my keyboard.

    No hammer needed...

  • Orange Pi Neo is new handheld powered by AMD and comes preinstalled with Manjaro
  • Great! will point to it soon then? It still redirected to the GitHub for me.

    Edit: cached result! The new site loaded on my phone! Very swish :)

  • Orange Pi Neo is new handheld powered by AMD and comes preinstalled with Manjaro
  • I'm sure it'll get a Bazzite port within weeks.

  • Orange Pi Neo is new handheld powered by AMD and comes preinstalled with Manjaro
  • I want this to be a thing so much...

    But I cannot overlook the fact that this "website" is composed entirely of images and none of the text is properly aligned.

  • Scio Scio

    Where the art 'zines at?

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