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  • I have them both running. The only thing Plex does better for me is remote access. Everything else like UI features, collections, series identication, and CPU usage has been simpler and better looking on Jellyfin.

  • America has lost its f*****g mind.
  • I drive an ID.4, and I always feel like I am just a little short on space. My wife has an older Ford Escape hybrid, and it's just a little bigger, maybe a foot longer, and it holds things like Christmas trees, bed frames, etc, better with the seats down than I do. And the number of times I've felt like I was just a few inches too narrow to really pack the car with totes for camping, etc, is frustrating.

    I've always had an SUV. I dont think I would function in my everyday life the way I do now with a smaller vehicle. I fill the back seat with the seats down full of packages pretty regularly. I love the car but different strokes for different folks.

  • Florida fines high school for allowing transgender student to play girls volleyball
  • You refuse to read or provide anything to support your argument, which thus far is just that I'm a bigot... I think you are acting out your own prejudices.

    The bigot here is probably you. Reflect on your behavior because if you think you are an ally to trans causes... I've got bad news for you...

    If you just like reading your own opinions parroted back to you, I recommend just sticking to Microsoft Word.

  • Florida fines high school for allowing transgender student to play girls volleyball
  • Again, nothing I wrote is transphobic. You just don't understand how sports work. The only manner in which sports are segregated is women's sports. Any woman can play for the NBA if they are good enough. Any woman can play for MLB.

    Women get their own leagues in sports because they wouldn't be present in professional sports at all if it was all a strict meritocracy.

    This article of running explains a lot of the factors. I chose running specifically because it's a non impact sport where, presumably, the gender size differences would play less of a role.

    Mens larger hearts let them oxygenate their blood faster, and their blood can hold 11% more oxygen. Recovery from injuries is quicker as well. A lot of these factors are a result of hormones present throughout their lives.

    These are facts. What you make of those facts requires logic.

    Now, reread what I wrote and cite back to me a single reference I made to trans people.

    The post I responded to was stating that there is no reason to split sports by genders. I can tell you that without a doubt, there is a reason to provide women's sport leagues, and that reason is to prevent their wholesale exclusion from the competitive sport environment.

    Depending on when a person transitions in their life, there could be gigantic physical advantages reaped. I don't think it's my role as a man to declare where the line of acceptable advantages is in women's leagues.

  • Florida fines high school for allowing transgender student to play girls volleyball
  • No, it is typically the case that "men's sports" are actually open to anyone able to compete, and women's sports are just for women. There are very few sports where a professional female athlete can compete alongside professional male athletes.

  • You’re going to need an SSD in order to play Final Fantasy 16 on PC
  • Too true. Upgrading to NVMe was the most noticeable speed boost I've experienced all at once in my history of building my own rigs. It's was like black magic. Wouldn't shut up about it to all my friends for a month.

  • Prime entertainment
  • I do, too, but mostly because it makes me laugh. I especially like watching the dumpsters at work getting picked up and then dropped back down harshly and rolled back into the wall like someone throwing a shopping cart into a corral. Peak IDGAF with a potentially lethal machine. Not even sarcastic here, I love it.

  • Prime entertainment
  • I'm still trying to convince my wife that we can wait til our kid even asks to go to Disneyland before dropping that level of coin on a trip. I don't remember my early childhood trip to Disneyland, but I remember my early teen trip fondly.

  • Had this conversation with someone who chose to no longer be at my table after meeting a blind NPC
  • I feel like that opens up the opportunity to say they experience rapid aging in that area as well, accelerating cell divisions, right next to areas running at normal speed. Probably wouldn't be great for the circulatory system.

    It's fun to think about

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