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We've been accidentally geoengineering for decades...but then we stopped:

SO2 actually (very temporarily) cools things down by seeding clouds and creating sulfuric acid aerosols. That's not, like, /good/, but by making more clouds (and also decreasing the size of droplets in clouds, and thus increasing their number) more sunlight is reflected to space.


The UK government has just quietly published estimates showing wind and solar will be several times cheaper than gas, for the foreseeable future

UK gov 2013: Offshore wind? That'll cost \<sucks teeth\> £150/MWh in 2025

UK gov 2016: OK, maybe only, ooh, £115/MWh in 2025?

UK gov 2020: Er, um, yeah it's pretty cheap…call it £62/MWh in 2025?

UK gov today: Did you see HOW CHEAP offshore wind is?!? Yeah, ikr? £44/MWh in 2025


[Video] Is Veganism Really the Answer?
  • @Athena5898 there isn't a single globally applicable answer. It depends.

  • NSFW content in the sidebar random posts
  • @mystphyre AFAIK this is a known issue that the developers have been looking at in the last few days. Hope to have a fix soon

  • Mastodon Usage Soaring as Twitter Rebranding Leads to User Exodus: CEO Eugen Rochko
  • I'm curious why this recent trend isn't visible in Google Trends? I watched the November exodus unfold in real time there. This time not a glimmer of activity

  • Looking for r/menslib equivalent, like mensrights without the toxicity
  • @Redhotkurt it sounds like maybe you should create it?

  • Who should 'own' magazines? Federated infrastructure but user sovereignty: a “third way” between federated and P2P networks?
  • @poVoq yes this sounds sensible. I think the key is the user themselves having more control over their identity.

  • Who should 'own' magazines? Federated infrastructure but user sovereignty: a “third way” between federated and P2P networks?
  • @JonEFive I think the identity bit is the hard part, as you say most content will be federated/ cached in several locations for retrieval

  • Who should 'own' magazines? Federated infrastructure but user sovereignty: a “third way” between federated and P2P networks?
  • WebauthN maybe? Pretty niche right now, but the threadiverse is quite a techy crowd..


  • Who should 'own' magazines? Federated infrastructure but user sovereignty: a “third way” between federated and P2P networks?
  • @JonEFive I've been wondering about separating the ID/auth from the app. Someone recently got Keycloak working and that has some possibilities for federation. Not sure if that really helps though. You still have to trust the keycloak admins

  • Who should 'own' magazines? Federated infrastructure but user sovereignty: a “third way” between federated and P2P networks?
  • @JonEFive I do run an instance that's just for me (configured as a news aggregator) it was easy on $10/ month is too much for most people though. I don't think this is the route to mass adoption.

  • @Ori I'm making the US regional, I forgot to add in a default for areas outside of the covered regions. It should work again now.

  • Who should 'own' magazines? Federated infrastructure but user sovereignty: a “third way” between federated and P2P networks?
  • @JonEFive Multi-magazines are certainly desirable and would to some extent mitigate the data loss caused by an individual server going dark.

    I guess the larger issue is if your 'home' instance is the one that goes dark, taking your personal account with it. Maybe it's in fact user account portability that's most important to work on. Assuming that multi-magazines happen fairly soon.

  • Who should 'own' magazines? Federated infrastructure but user sovereignty: a “third way” between federated and P2P networks?
  • @HandsHurtLoL Arguably you're not the magazine owner. The server admin is. That's kind of my point.

  • /kbin meta Sam_uk
    Who should 'own' magazines? Federated infrastructure but user sovereignty: a “third way” between federated and P2P networks?

    At the moment the server owner effectively 'owns' magazines & communities. Is that the right balance of power? What happens when servers go offline, or server admins go rogue?

    In a world where both users and magazines had public and private keys and magazine moderators had the tools to do off-site backups.

    Could the magazine moderator then do an unassisted migration to a new place?

    They revoke the key that gives the original server the right to host the magazine. They use the key to re-create it on a new server.

    Somehow notify all the members the magazine of the new location. The users use their public keys to reclaim their identities and content.

    Would that give mods too much power?

    It all gets complicated fairly quickly! I think the Bluesky AT protocol is somewhat close to this model for user content, but doesn't really extend to 'community' scale content.

    It falls short of a full confederal protocol

  • @pgetsos How about now?

  • Russia gathers over 100,000 soldiers on the Lyman-Kupiansk axis
  • Russia is concentrating "more than 100,000 personnel, more than 900 tanks, more than 555 artillery systems, 370 MLRS" in the Lyman-Kupiansk direction, according to Serhii Cherevatyi, spokesperson for Ukraine’s Eastern Military Command.

    Cherevatyi said on television on July 17 that Ukrainian soldiers are currently holding the defense.

    Kupiansk was liberated in Ukraine's surprise counteroffensive in Kharkiv Oblast in September 2022. Lyman, in Donetsk Oblast, was liberated just weeks later.

  • /kbin meta Sam_uk

    I stuck a service on that redirects you based on a IP lookup for your country. In descending order it tries to;

    • If there is a kbin instance for your country it redirects you there (Just Poland for now!)

    • If you have a feddit instance for your country it redirects you to the most appropriate magazine on that instance, within eg Germany

    • If you have a large national community on another Lemmy instance it redirects you there, again within (eg Brasil)

    For the ones I haven't got around to it redirects you to homepage

    It could be broken down to regions too. As more national or regional kbin instances emerge I'll replace the existing feddit/other sites.

    I did a bit of testing with Pingdom and it seems to work

    In the process I noticed that New Zealand and Japan feddit instances won't load for some reason. Any idea why?

    /kbin meta Sam_uk
    Have you had any bad experiences with people on Kbin yet? Can we do better than Reddit culture? Have you had any bad experiences with people on Lemmy? -

    I was recently talking to some friends about Lemmy and the whole Fediverse idea, as it seemed like a really cool part of the Internet. As I was talking about it, though, I realized how unusually friendly this whole place is, and I joked that I “surprisingly haven’t found any bigotry.” I’m wondering ...

    However, when reddit crapped the bed, by comparison, the threadiverse basically didn’t have an established culture. There was a handful of lemmy instances (we were one of them), but the only one of notable size was kbin didn’t even exist in any meaningful way until a couple of months before reddit died.

    So, when reddit died, there was no established culture. Instead, people brought reddit culture with them, and reddit culture, because of lax admins, was much more tolerant of hate speech than microfedi. And so, people who are “reddit people” more than “fediverse people” set up lemmy and kbin instances, and brought those reddit norms with them.

    So then, you get instances like blahaj and beehaw that are threadiverse instances, but have the “old school” microfedi approach to bigotry. We smash it down hard at the first hint of seeing it, but most of the instances we federate with don’t attack it so aggressively.

    /kbin meta Sam_uk
    Reddit > Kbin migration script

    I didn't write it, but it seems good

    I needed a world-news aggregator to help me get off that other site so I made one worldnews -

    Subscribe from your local instance eg []( or []( A news aggregator fed from various sources. It will work better if you upvote good ones and comment. Human submissions welcome too!

    worldnews -

    You may be able sign up directly on !worldnews

    You could subscribe the main magazine on or

    It's fed by a bot, but human submissions welcome too. If a human makes a post the bot stops posting for one hour.

    Comments and upvotes will improve it.

    South Korean shoppers hoard salt and seafood ahead of Japan's release of treated radioactive water South Korean shoppers hoard salt and seafood ahead of Japan&#039;s release of treated radioactive water - worldnews -

    In many supermarkets across South Korea, one item has conspicuously vanished from shelves: salt.

    South Korean shoppers hoard salt and seafood ahead of Japan&#039;s release of treated radioactive water - worldnews -

    In many supermarkets across South Korea, one item has conspicuously vanished from shelves: salt.

    I needed a world-news aggregator to help me get off that other site so I made one - content_aggregator_and_micro-blogging_platform_for_the_fediverse

    content_aggregator_and_micro-blogging_platform_for_the_fediverse - content_aggregator_and_micro-blogging_platform_for_the_fediverse

    You can't sign up directly on !worldnews as registration is not enabled.

    You could subscribe the main magazine on or though

    Anxiety and anger over Fukushima nuclear waste plan - BBC News What are the concerns over Fukushima water release? - BBC News

    Japan wants to release Fukushima's waste water into the ocean - and a lot of people are not happy.

    What are the concerns over Fukushima water release? - BBC News

    Japan wants to release Fukushima's waste water into the ocean - and a lot of people are not happy.

    /kbin meta Sam_uk passes 50K users
    6 · Find your next diving spot ·&nbsp;Find your next diving spot

    Find your next diving spot. A list of subreddit alternatives on different platforms. ·&nbsp;Find your next diving spot

    Find your next diving spot. A list of subreddit alternatives on different platforms.

    /kbin meta Sam_uk passes 30k Monthly Active Users

    It's still tiny numbers in the scheme of things, but also quite a big number for a site that had \~30 users this time last month.

    Kbin stats

    Lemmy + Kbin


    Confederal Protocols: A Sketch | Black Sky Nexus Confederal Protocols: A Sketch | Black Sky Nexus

    Federated infrastructure but user sovereignty: a “third way” between federated and P2P networks

    Confederal Protocols: A Sketch | Black Sky Nexus

    Federated infrastructure but user sovereignty: a “third way” between federated and P2P networks

    Would #Kbin consider exposing my key to me in the same way as Bluesky does?

    Sam_uk Sam_uk

    Computers, Robots, Climate, Agriculture

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    Comments 48