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‘It has officially happened’: Mechanic says he can’t work on your car because they’ve officially been locked out of computer systems
  • Car company’s have been doing it for decades. There are legitimate reasoning; theft relevant parts for instance; you don’t want to enable vehicle theft and the “security through obscurity” model did work for a long time. Unfortunately for the manufacturers, most factory security systems are being cracked by locksmiths and vehicle rebirthers.

    Another reason is for warranty claims. The manufacturer builds the cars to be the right balance of price, reliability, efficiency and performance. If you modify your vehicles ECU software, the engine may not be as reliable or efficient. If an “unauthorised repairer” changed the programming of the ECU, it can compromise the efficiency and reliability of the vehicle.

    There are been plenty of accusations of “planned obsolescence” because a vehicle has died just out of the warranty period, after someone has fucked with the vehicle tuning.

    Finally, the other reason, especially for Volume Manufacturers is that their vehicles are sold as a Loss Leader so they can make up the shortfall through aftersales. Some vehicle importers make deals with governments to lower tariffs on new vehicles, but increase tariffs on genuine parts, like what the Japanese industry and the Australian Government made in the 1980s.

    Whether you agree with this logic is irrelevant; this is the reasoning manufacturers use for restricting aftermarket parts and labour.

    When a “free-market” Aftermarket Aftersales industry causes the Genuine Aftersales industry to fail, Manufacturers will try to make up any losses through other channels, like requesting government subsidies “for the good of the local industry” or selling telematics data (which just “happens” to have personal user data) to data brokers.

  • Shopping app Temu is “dangerous malware,” spying on your texts, lawsuit claims

    In other words, Grizzly Research didn’t do any research and are just making shit up.

  • Shopping app Temu is “dangerous malware,” spying on your texts, lawsuit claims
  • If this report is true, it would reflect poorly on Apple and Google more than Temu.

    iOS does have protections in place that prevent an App from modifying its own executable code; the current argument about Emulators in the EU is showing that Apple is very strict when it comes to this sort of thing.

    Even if the App was able to reconfigure itself to access data it does not have permission to access, it still needs to ask for permission.

    I assume Google have similar protections in Android.

  • Thoughts on the Debate: We're doomed.
  • Inferring that Trump was anything like John Wayne would make the Duke spin in his grave.

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  • I used to write my Computer Science assignments in DocBook (XML). It would amaze the assessor’s when they said they wanted a PDF or PostScript or HTML or whatever and I would spit out a document custom formatted for whichever platform they wanted.

    Then they would ask for it in Word DOC and I would be screwed.

  • What are your favourite and least favourite Lego pieces?
  • Someone made a brick-built variant of this for a 48x48 baseplate using parts salvaged from the Starwars set 75334.

    These sets were allegedly terrible and were being sold on clearance everywhere. They had some cool minifigs so people were offloading the bricks only on eBay for cents-in-the-dollar.

    I now have two nice craterscapes for my Galaxy Explorer 10497.

    Obligatory favourite brick; classic castle wall with cobbled window 4444p01.

    Obligatory least-favourite brick; classic corner piece 4737. It was held by one stud top and bottoms and made for really unstable models.

  • As a contentious infrastructure project gathers steam, small pockets of Melbourne are being changed forever
  • When the land on the east of Cyril grove in Yarraman was compulsory acquired for the Peninsula Freeway (which eventually became Eastlink), residents were forcibly evicted and builds were demolished. This included one old lady who had lived in the same house her whole life. A handful of home owners fought for the right to stay until construction began and they lived in their houses for another 30 years.

  • Neil rule
  • Well actually, You can heat things up to a temperature where they do sublimate, without there being an ignition source.

    “No smoke without fire” is a misnomer.

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  • I had Corel WordPerfect for Linux.

    You could modify the SGML codes to create documents that were compatible with all other versions of WordPerfect and MS Word, but he features that were supported in the document format, but not in the software.

    For instance, I could change use more than the 16 colours that the Word for Windows UI allowed you to use, even though the displayed correctly in the WYSIWYG editor and printed correctly.

  • Windows 11 is now automatically enabling OneDrive folder backup without asking permission
  • The problem is that they are not actively asking permission.

    They are technically legally asking permission through the EULA, but nobody reads these.

    Apple do this differently, they require the user to opt in for each of their services, and except for a pitiful amount of storage, the user has to pay for a useful amount of storage. This makes the user the customer, instead of the product. They could make it easier to roll-your-own “cloud” storage by NAS, but I assume that it isn’t worth their effort.

  • Windows 11 is now automatically enabling OneDrive folder backup without asking permission
  • This is one of the things I love about the Lemmy community. No one wants to argue, every one can be passionate about their opinions, but still respect other people’s passion.

  • Windows 11 is now automatically enabling OneDrive folder backup without asking permission
  • I used Linux back in the 90s as my primary OS. They were simpler times. Since then I have used BeOS, various versions of Windows and (primarily) MacOS.

    I am seriously thinking of going over to Linux as my primary OS because of all the TechBro “AI” bullshit that Microsoft, Adobe, Apple and Google are trying to ram down our throats.

  • Windows 11 is now automatically enabling OneDrive folder backup without asking permission
  • The bottom has dropped out of the OEM software licence market. Microsoft have to find a different way of making money. Their loss-leading hardware sales have not borne fruit so they are getting desperate.

    All they have left is services, which means that the only way the can actually make money is selling out their customers private information.

  • After months of reviews, the government has made its first move on the big supermarkets
  • The consequences will that their record profits since COVID-19 will dry up and they will need to figure out other ways of cutting expenses.

    They will crash like they did in the 1980s and rationalise their business model by selling off their smaller branches. IGA will suddenly have a lot more members, Foodworks will be much bigger and Tuckerbag may even make a comeback.

    The problem is that they have overcapitalised. Near us, we have two very large Woolworths within walking distance from each other. Two suburbs over, it is the same with two very large Coles’s.

  • Let's chat about these SEVEN nuclear power plants the LNP want to build ...
  • The only reason why Dutto is pushing Nuclear as an option is because he is a crony.

    Wind power generation has a barrier to entry, but it is much lower than Coal or Fracking, which is why there is so much corporate-sponsored astroturfing against it. Coal and Fracking also has a lower barrier to entry, but is cheap compared to Nuclear.

    Solar is the great equaliser. Anyone can throw a handful of solar panels on their roof, connect them to an array of old car batteries and add an inverter and voila! Instant home power generation. Get out from under of the boot of Power Companies and be self-sufficient (as long as you don’t want to use a hair-dryer).

    If the proles can get of free energy and no longer need to rely on The Grid, all of the Corporations that own Dutto will no longer have any political power.

    Dutto is not offering Nuclear as an alternative to Coal and LNG to the electorate, he is offering it as an alternative to his lords and masters.

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    Scam Awareness Thread
  • Also, go straight to your tag providers website by typing it in your browser, don’t follow any links in the message or email.

  • Anyone know what 'natural flavours' means on label packaging?
  • The term “essential oils” is both a valid description and a marketing gimmick.

    You have heard of “vanilla essence” and “orange essence”. It is basically an oil that is derived from a foodstuff to extract the essence or flavour.

    Marketers love the phrase because the ignorant plebeians interpret to mean that they are required (essential) for human survival.

  • Australian Border Force searched phones of 10,000 travellers in past two years, data shows
  • They will try to pressure or force you into inputting your PIN.

    The other risk is that they will observe your PIN because you aren’t using biometrics.

    Nuke/Pave or have a decoy phone (with your primary phone powered down and packed in your luggage) for use when travelling.

    And if you are travelling to certain jurisdictions, just leave your primary phone at home!

  • Vehicle camping at Mueller River, Croajingalong

    Mueller River Campground has 5 vehicle-accessible sites, 3 pedestrian-access sites. Each site has access to the inlet beach for canoeing, fishing and swimming.

    The nearby Thurra River Campground is not currently accessible due to fires and floods taking out the bridge.

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