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Pyongyang Says It Will Send Support Troops to Ukraine Within a Month
  • Eh, in Trump's case it was best to be running in autopilot... His tweets were him "thinking"

  • Ironing
  • Nothing about their comment outlined that they didn't know how to use it. But that they never did use it.

    Nothing about their comment eludes to any fact that they're embarrassed at all. They posted it publicly and directly with not reservation which is the opposite of "embarrassed".

    They didn't blame anyone for anything related to the iron itself. But for shallow intentions if they care at all about the clothes that they wear. Which I can understand and agree with to some extent.

    You on the other hand... You're a jackass. Lots of insinuations, lots of assumptions. Just to put down some random person on the internet for not wanting a fucking iron that probably was the 20$ special at wally world.

  • The 8-Bit Guy: How Cathode Ray Tubes Work [18:32]
  • Nope. There is an industry standard way of measuring latency, and it’s measured at the halfway point of drawing the image.

    No. And if you want to actually provide a link to your "industry standard" feel free to, just make sure that your "standard" actually can be applied to a CRT first.

    You can literally focus the CRT to only show one pixel (more accurately beam width) worth of value. And that pixel would be updated many thousands of times a second (literally constant... since it's analog).

    If you're going to define latency as "drawing the image" (by any part of the metric) then a CRT can draw a single "pixel" worth of value 1000s of times a second... probably more. Where your standard 60hz panel can only do 1/60th a second... (or even the highest LCDs at 1/365).

    If there is a frame to draw and that frame is being processed, then yes. You're right. Measuring at the middle will yield a delay. But this isn't how all games/operations work for devices in all of history. There are many applications where data being sent to the display is literally read from memory nanoseconds prior. CRTs have NO processing delay that LCDs do have.

    Further points of failure in your post. CRTs are not all "NTSC" standard (Virtually every computer monitor for instance). There's plenty of CRTs that can push much higher than the NTSC standard specifies.

    Here's an example from a bog standard monitor I had a long time ago...

    800 x 600/155 Hz
    1024 x 768/121 Hz
    1280 x 1024/91 Hz
    1600 x 1200/78 Hz

    So on a 60hz LCD will always be 0.016 to do the whole image. Regardless of it's resolution being displayed. Not so on the CRT... Higher performance CRTs can draw more "pixels" per second. and when you lower the amount of lines you want it to display the full frame draw times go down substantially. There's a lot of ways to define these things, that your simplistic view doesn't account for. The reality is though, it's possible if you skip the idea of a "frame" that the time from input to the time of display on the CRT monitor is lower simply because there's no processing occurring here, your limit is physics of the materials you build the monitor out of. Not some chips capability to decode a frame. thus... No latency.

    Not frametime. Not FPS. Not Hz. Latency is NONE of those things, otherwise we wouldn't have those other terms and would have strictly used "latency" instead.

    And a wonderful example of this is the commodor64 tape loading screens.

    Those lines/colors are drawn straight from memory without the concept of a frame. There is no latency here. Many scene demos abused this function to achieve really wild affects as well. Your LCD cannot do that, those demos don't function correctly on LCDs...

    Lightguns are a perfect example of how this can be leveraged (which is completely impossible on an LCD as well).

    Specifically scroll down to the Sega section.

    By timing the click of the lightgun input to which pixel is currently being drawn by the frame to take that as input for the gun. That requires minimal latency to do. LCDs cant do that.

    Ultimately people like you are trying to redefine what latency is that flies in the face of actual history that shows us there is a distinct difference that has historically mattered and even applications of that latency that CANNOT be what you're claiming it to be.

    can you tell me why the LCD on the right is ALWAYS behind? And why it will ALWAYS be the case that it will not work, regardless of how fast the LCD panel is? The reason you're going to come to is that it's processing delay. Which didn't exist on CRTs. That's "LATENCY".

    When talking about retro consoles, we’re limited by the hardware feeding the display, and the frame can’t start drawing until the console has transmitted everything.

    This is where you're completely wrong. CRTs don't know the concept of a frame. It draws the input that it gets. Period. There's no buffer... there's no where to hold onto anything that is being transmitted. It's literally just spewing electrons at the phosphors.

    Edit: typo

    Edit2: to expound on the LCD vs CRT thing with light guns. CRTs drawn the "frame" as it's received... so as it gets the voltage it varies that voltage on the electron gun itself, which means that when the Sega console in this case sets the video buffer to the white value for a coordinate and displays it, it knows exactly which pixel is currently being modified. The LCD will take the input, store it in a buffer until it gets the full frame. Then display. The Sega doesn't know when that frame will actually be displayed as there's other shit between it and the display mechanism doing stuff. There is an innate delay that MUST occur on the LCD that simply doesn't on the CRT. That's the latency.

  • The 8-Bit Guy: How Cathode Ray Tubes Work [18:32]
  • CRTs do have latency

    Only if you're measuring "how long to draw a full image". (which is not latency).

    The time it takes for voltage input to equal drawn pixel on the phosphor is much less than the ms scale, which LCD panels simply cannot do.

    Latency. Not refresh rate or FPS.

  • Five Men Convicted of Operating Massive, Illegal Streaming Service That Allegedly Had More Content Than Netflix, Hulu, Vudu and Prime Video Combined
  • or prevent us from watching with a VPN enabled.

    Man this one chaff's me the most. I way a paying Netflix customer like 8 years ago. I had IPv6 setup as a 6rd tunnel through HE (Hurricane Electric) because my ISP didn't offer IPv6. Netflix treated that as a VPN and blocked me as a paying customer... Even though I lived/payed from the same fucking locale. It's not like I was using a VPN to bypass a Geoblock. I was just making IPv6 available to myself. I cancelled because of that. You do not get to tell me how I access the internet at large, especially when I'm not even being shady about it.

  • Five Men Convicted of Operating Massive, Illegal Streaming Service That Allegedly Had More Content Than Netflix, Hulu, Vudu and Prime Video Combined
  • Yeah... when you pull up stats for Netflix library, you learn some things... Like how little content they actually had. Never cracked 7000 movies... And while that may seem like a lot to a lot of people out there. Those of us that remember blockbuster stores, you ignore like 90% of them cause they're dumb or silly movies that you'd never watch anyway (or stuff you've already watched). Then you can put actual numbers to it... If each of these are full bluray rips (which they're not as far as Netflix goes) they only take up 175TB... It's not a lot of movies at all.

    It's pretty easy to see how an individual could collect more content than netflix easily. Now add money to the equation... I think it would be possible to collect double or triple netflix easily.

  • Self hosting is hard. How do you overcome?
  • The real fun is going to be when he's finally up and running... I have ~250TB of data on the Truenas box. Initial sync is going to take a hot week... or 2...

    Edit: 23 days at his max download speed :(

    Fine.. a hot month and a half.

  • Self hosting is hard. How do you overcome?
  • Ceph has been FANTASTIC for me. I've done the dumbest shit to try and break it and have had great success recovering every time.

    The key in my experience is OODLES of bandwidth. It LOVES fat pipes. In my case 2x 40Gbps link on all 5 servers.

  • Self hosting is hard. How do you overcome?
  • Nah, that'd be mean. It isn't "simple" by any stretch. It's an aggregation of a lot of hours put into it. What's fun is that when it gets that big you start putting tools together to do a lot of the work/diagnosing for you. A good chunk of those tools have made it into production for my companies too.

    LibreNMS to tell me what died when... Wazuh to monitor most of the security aspects of it all. I have a gitea instance with my own repos for scripts when it comes maintenance time. Centralized stuff and a cron stub on the containers/vms can mean you update all your stuff in one go

  • Self hosting is hard. How do you overcome?
  • 40 ssds as my osds... 5 hosts... all nodes are all functions (monitor/manager/metadataservers), if I added more servers I would not add any more of those... (which I do have 3 more servers for "parts"/spares... but could turn them on too if I really wanted to.

    2x 40gbps networking for each server.

    Since upstream internet is only 8gbps I let some vms use that bandwidth too... but that doesn't eat into enough to starve Ceph at all. There's 2x1gbps for all the normal internet facing services (which also acts as an innate rate limiter for those services).

  • Self hosting is hard. How do you overcome?
  • I could... But it would be a royal pain in the ass to find a VPS that has a clean address to use (especially for email operations).

  • Self hosting is hard. How do you overcome?
  • Exactly this. 2 phase into house, batteries on each leg. While it would be exceedingly rare for just one phase to go out... i can in theory weather that storm indefinitely.

  • Self hosting is hard. How do you overcome?
  • Nope 240. I have 2x 120v legs.

    I actually had verizon home internet (5g lte) to do that... but i need static addresses for some services. I'm still working that out a bit...

  • Self hosting is hard. How do you overcome?
  • Fire extinguisher is in the garage... literal feet from the server. But that specific problem is actually being addressed soon. My dad is setting up his cluster and I fronted him about 1/2 the capacity I have. I intend to sync longterm/slow storage to his box (the truenas box is the proxmox backup server target, so also collects the backups and puts a copy offsite).

    Slow process... Working on it :) Still have to maintain my normal job after all.

    Edit: another possible mitigation I've seriously thought about for "fire" are things like these...

    Or those types of modules that some 3d printer people use to automatically handle fires...

  • Why pick on us? Cyprus perplexed by Hezbollah threats
  • From what I've read (I've done a few hours of reading on this specific topic at this point[damn you curiosity]). No. They've done all of 2 things with Israel in basically a decade. 2 exercises in a decade isn't really enough to say that there's any meaningful relationship other than "we're not enemies".

    I could be wrong... But I do not get that intent at all from Cyprus, which aligns with their "surprise" at being yelled at from some other country about a country they barely interact with from a military perspective.

    I'm ex-military and have personally participated in more exercises with countries the USA was less friendly with politically.

  • Self hosting is hard. How do you overcome?
  • Absurdly safe.

    Proxmox cluster, HA active. Ceph for live data. Truenas for long term/slow data.

    About 600 pounds of batteries at the bottom of the rack to weather short power outages (up to 5 hours). 2 dedicated breakers on different phases of power.

    Dual/stacked switches with lacp'd connections that must be on both switches (one switch dies? Who cares). Dual firewalls with Carp ACTIVE/ACTIVE connection....

    Basically everything is as redundant as it can be aside from one power source into the house... and one internet connection into the house. My "single point of failures" are all outside of my hands... and are all mitigated/risk assessed down.

    I do not use cloud anything... to put even 1/10th of my shit onto the cloud it's thousands a month.

  • Why pick on us? Cyprus perplexed by Hezbollah threats
  • They're caught off guard because all they've done up to this point was humanitarian aid. And there's been no hints for participating any further. Imagine yelling at someone who's only ever done positive things for your people.

    It's not complicated. It's moronic on their end.

  • Immigration fears are pushing centrists to the right in the US and Europe
  • As if they could overpopulate those countries.

    Past 4 years puts it at 8,280,550. Or nearly 2.5% of the US Population. And this number is "interactions" meaning there's more coming across the border than that which goes undetected. Depending on where they specifically it's entirely possible for them to overpopulate areas and place undue burdens on infrastructures and social safety nets.

    If waves of them hear that NYC is a great place to be and all head there, well now NYC has a burden of dealing with that cannot do things like pay into taxes legally (no SSN to report wages to). Depending on where you live, you very well could be observing "overpopulation". Or at least it may feel like that (more demand for housing, resources, etc.)

    If they are allowed to stay, then they must adapt to each country’s lifestyle.

    I agree with this. While America and other countries are all "melting pots" of sorts. There's a reason you migrated... If you're not willing to adapt to where you're going, then why did you leave where you came from?

  • Stonehenge sprayed with paint by environmental protesters
  • Well you're missing the other half of the sentence that's implied...

    "These people are dipshits... I don't want to be associated with them. How the fuck can I help the planet without being associated with these morons."... It's actually quite limiting.

  • *arr to handle playlists

    So there's a fantastic site called It's a bit incomplete from the dataset perspective, seems to be missing the "latest" releases (the 2022 Fantastics Beasts for example), and is limited to very particular "universes".

    Is there an *arr that does this?

    Automatically grab the items you have and populate playlists like "Stargate - Chronological", "Stargate - Airdate", etc...

    And as items are added to your library that were missing in the "universe" it fills in the playlists. Playlistarr?

    Saik0Shinigami Saik0

    Nope. I don't talk about myself like that.

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