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Ab Juni: Deutsche Bahn führt Reservierungspflicht im ICE ein
  • Es scheint sich nur um die Auslandsverbindungen während der EM zu handeln:

    Diese ist jedoch auf die Sommermonate Juni, Juli und August beschränkt. Betroffen sind fast alle internationale Fernverbindungen mit dem ICE, IC oder EC.

  • 'Marketing's dead, and I can back this s**t up': Larian's publishing director says players 'just want to be spoken to, and they don't want to be bamboozled'
  • As some who has played maybe 30-50% of DOS1+2 and currently the first of three acts in BG3: If you have issues with the gameplay mechanics in DOS1/2 you'll likely have them in BG3 too. Main difference is a vastly improved storyline, which kinda makes up for most of them.

    Issues I still have with BG3 boils down to only the active character can use its abilities in conversations and sometimes (mechanically) unexpected stuff happens that can only be undone by saves.

    If your issue with DOS was a boring story and lack of hidden/funny things to uncover you should give BG3 a try, if you disliked the overall experience you likely won't enjoy BG3.

  • What are some items that really aren't worth paying the expensive version for?
  • I got myself a vertical mouse and no longer grind down my wrist on the table. Definitely worth every penny.

    I used to have the Microsoft Explorer mouse which is a bit larger, I used it for over 5 years per mouse. The old version is no longer available and the new one looked terrible, that got me into looking for alternatives in the first place.

    But if you're okay with the default mouse sizes and don't have other issues they are fine too.

  • How I got robbed of my first kernel contribution
  • Good point, this could just misrepresentat the situation. I also haven't looked over the mailing list thread and comments here are very salty.

    But giving him the benefit of doubt of a nice potential contributer who just debugged a very hard issue and sending in a basic concept of a potential fix. I think it would be beneficial for their community to take the wish for more credit more serious and try to make him feel welcome. But I recognize it was probably hard to do in this case.

    Overall I just wanted to recognize that I do see how he feels robbed of his contribution. It reminded me that I also had an experience with the kernel developers that made me not want to contribute again.

  • How I got robbed of my first kernel contribution
  • I didn't meant to defend the patch and I see your point. But I personally think that it's not unreasonable to expect to land a bugfix commit after spending multiple days debugging a complex issue, that's why understand that he feels robbed of a kernel contribution.

    I don't know what could have been a good solution for this scenario. But taking potential future contributors feelings more serious would help to keep them around and make them feel appreciated.

  • NuShell: a very nice shell I found today. What do you think?
  • That's what I meant, using your shell to run command line tools to solve your issue at hand. And having a powerful shell with e.g. context dependend autocomplete (and a lot more) helps to speed up that task.

  • How I got robbed of my first kernel contribution
  • As someone who had a mildly unpleasant interaction with kernel folks, I can totally understand the issue.

    This is one of the very few open source projects I had the feeling they don't appreciate new contributers. There is no on boarding material available and picking the wrong subproject mailing list results in being ignored. You have to spend days without any possibility of help and if your are lucky you get mentioned as a reporter. For the next issue you start from square one as there was no guidance, so you could only learn the bare minimum.

    So yeah, his patch may be underwhelming. But the help and credit he got for days or weeks of unpaid work was basically nothing. You may be okay with spending days and only getting credits for the bug report, but I suspect many aren't and will not contribute again after such an experience. And post like this try to point out the issue they have and why many people won't contribute to the kernel ever again.

  • NuShell: a very nice shell I found today. What do you think?
  • You can do most things by combining simple cmdline tools. E.g. filter out some specific lines from all files in a directory, get the value after the second :, write those to another file and then sort, deduplicate and count them.

    This may sound complicated, but it's pretty easy and fast if your are familiar with a shell. To be that efficient with your shell you want it to actually be powerful and not just a plain text input. Also writing cmdline tools is rather easy compared to a usable GUI tool.

  • Signs You're A Good Or Bad Programmer
  • Some (larger) projects sometimes have a form of mentoring and "good first issue" to get started.

    Another good way to get involved is to report any issues you face with open source projects you use (obviously search for similar reports first). This way you can help debug bugs or suggest improvements and get some feedback.

  • Passwords sent as plaintext?
  • That's actually a good thought though. It would prevent (clear text) password leaks from shitty / malicious websites. Having a standard for browsers to salt and hash password would have prevented a lot password leaks. On the other hand it could never be updated and we would most likely be stuck on md4 or something similarly broken.

  • EU-Chatkontrolle mit Ausnahmen nur für Behörden und Firmen
  • Notifications auf Android nutzen häufig einen Google Service. Damit sind alle Notifications von verschiedenen Apps gebündelt und das Smartphone braucht nur eine aktive Verbindung (spart Strom). Je nach implementierung kommt da nur ein "Es gibt was neues" an und die App fragt dann die eigentliche Notification an.

    Das zwingend zu nutzen ist natürlich für eine privacy fokusierte Chat App fraglich, wobei der Signal CEO(?) einige fragliche Meinungen hat. Dafür hat er eine erstklassige Chat App gebaut und großflächig verbreitet.

  • People who work in food service or customer service: What’s the dumbest thing a customer ever insisted was “the law” or “illegal”?
  • At least in Germany that's the case.

    Every contract is legally binding in Germany, even verbal contracts or in this case price tags (to some degree). Obviously other laws may invalidate them and verbally is hard to prove. For example if you advertise onetime off prices for a week to lure people in the store you have to have a reasonable amount of these items to be available through the week, otherwise people are eligible to get the offer or compensation.

    Adding your own sticker would probably be fraud and easy to prove for the store (not matching sticker, no plans to reduce prices, ...).

  • InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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