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Elon's Folly
  • The government can absolutely take away money he controls.

  • People who had severe covid-19 show cognitive decline years later
  • Just from 5 to 11? Fucking n00b.

  • And they built a crooked house
  • Thanks, I hate it.

  • My PC didn't crash three times making this meme
  • I guess it's a great time to be Linux / AMD user muhaha.

    I'm kidding. I also run Windows and MacOS.

  • Unhinged Republican candidate calls Kamala Harris a "little wh*re" as GOP descends into misogyny
  • She also doesn't not appear to be especially little.

  • British cuisine is like...
  • Buuuuuuurn.

  • Meet my new puppy: Ass!
  • Cheese Noodles.

  • I bet the mom was plastic lawn furniture
  • Daddy isn't looking too good either.

  • Olaf Scholz trifft seinen Doppelgänger U.S. Senator Chris Coons
  • Da hat der politische Waschlappen mal Humor bewiesen.

  • Rule
  • That will teach you to check the oven before turning it on.

  • Critical vulnerability affecting most Linux distros allows for bootkits
  • That's collateral damage I'm willing to risk 🤣

  • Critical vulnerability affecting most Linux distros allows for bootkits
  • But I bet it's more fun with a hammer.

  • Israel formally declares war against Hamas as it battles to push militants off its soil
  • The military is the main tool of oppression and as such is a valid target. The individual soldier might not be the issue but the military in its entirety. Of which said soldier is a part of. The individual soldier simply doesn't matter. And that has been the case in every war that was ever fought. The individual does not matter.

  • Israel formally declares war against Hamas as it battles to push militants off its soil
  • I despise the government of Israel, and everyone who supports it, but killing civilians is not acceptable. I don't care about dead military personnel, soldiers are a legitimate target, but civilians? Th fuck, Hamas, THE FUCK.

  • Oh no youtube
  • I've found that I watch YouTube more often than Netflix. So I said "fuck it" and subscribed.

  • With hold on confirmations, Pentagon says fate of hundreds of officers in limbo
  • I shall consider myself wooshed then.

  • SAF77 SAF77
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