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  • It's not that they don't "get it" - it's tat they actively want to fuck other people, even if that means fucking themselves. They have the mentality of suicide-bombers, willing to sacrifice themselves to harm others.

  • Anon discovers his wife played the long game
  • No; correct punishment also educates. That is the ultimate purpose of punishment, to educate the correct way to behave. You won't learn the correct way to behave until I teach you - at least, I cannot expect you to know anything I don't teach to you myself. Punishment shows the way forward while closing off the way backward.

  • Anon discovers his wife played the long game
  • I'm not the one hating people - at worst, I have your unjust behavior. I just want to be treated fairly, like you do your friends. I just want the same shot they got - but humanity has proven that it would rather die than treat me fairly because it defines itself by how many people it overpowers. You all hate me because I refuse to submit to you, refuse to destroy myself and make myself a copy of you. You hate me because I insist on being myself and not your slave. You are the one hating here; I'm just sick and tired of being lied to.

  • Anon discovers his wife played the long game
  • People are people everywhere - which means they are raging, malignant narcissists who prey on the isolated and unpopular. No one is "pretty nice" except to their exclusive social circles that no one else is allowed in.

  • Anon discovers his wife played the long game
  • Others attitudes towards you starts with you. Try to change it.

    I spent my entire childhood doing that, and all your reaction was to resist me and make sure nothing I did would change your mind.

    Think about this logically: why would you ever consent to letting me change your mind? Why would you let me take control of you and start deleting who you were? Let me destroy your authority over your mind by letting me modify it? Of course you wouldn't do that. You wouldn't let some stranger break into your house - why would you let them break into you mind?!?

    If a parent did parent “as you do”, they would be a literal abusive parent.

    Which I know no human really has a problem with, because my parents did worse, and you applauded them and copied what they did and tortured me yourselves.

    If you are in a shitty situation, try to get out

    There is no "out" - my shitty situation is life on Earth, stuck here with humankind. And before you mention it, "moving" is what triggered everyone's abuse in the first place. You assholes assert I "don't belong" anywhere on this planet- that why you all want me in chains or dead.

    Try to find happiness friend.

    Oh, so I can be an addict, like you? So I can be strung out on happiness, and resort to worse and worse behavior to get the same high?

    Every person who abused and abuses me is strung out on happiness; they have to torture me in order to get their next "fix". Happiness is a drub that drives people to evil. I will not succumb to evil; I will not hook myself on your line.

    Please, please take it.

    Why beg, when you can simply rape me with it, just like everyone else does?

  • Anon discovers his wife played the long game
  • I and everyone here deserves a healthy and positive environment for discourse.

    That's hypocritical - you'd never allow me to have a healthy and positive environment, and you'd punish anyone who contributed to one. I am the other to you, and you think I am infinitely "beneath" you, and worthy only of "punishment" and domination.

    Even with people who are genuinely trying to listen to you and have a conversation with you even past the point where you’ve proven that impossible.


    Quit propagating this lie! I'm sick and tired of this bullshit. I know what you're doing and I'm sick and tired of people like you gaslighting me by telling me you're not doing what I clearly see you are.

    Again, please seek help for the benefit of yourself and the people who have to be around you. Remember mental illness is not your fault, but it is your responsibility.

    NO!!! What I am and what I'm doing to you is the consequences for what you all did to me as a child. My responsibility is to make sure you receive those consequences. If I fail that responsibility, you will abuse an entire new generation of children, and that would be partially my fault for not stopping you, as all of you are too defective to stop yourselves.

  • Anon discovers his wife played the long game
  • You don't want a solution - you want to make the problem worse, because the worse I have it, the easier it is for you and your friends to prey upon me.

    People vowed in my childhood to make sure everyone rejected me to isolate me, alienate me, and "farm" me for every resource I could get while trying to keep all resources away from me to get me to break down and submit to their slavery.

  • Anon discovers his wife played the long game
  • I'm not narcissistic, and I didn't "fail" at anything. Your refusal to act in good faith is not my failing.

    What you’re contributing to this entire space is not healthy or positive.

    You don't deserve "healthy or positive" - and rewarding you for abusing me will only encourage you to abuse me more. You have to be punished until you stop; until you think differently. Your resistance to my parenting is not my failure.

  • Rule
  • Exactly how have I abused you? You keep claiming that, but all I’ve done is talk and notice that you have some views that aren’t very healthy or stand up to scrutiny.

    What you done is act in bad faith - your "talk" is spreading lies, you don't gave a shit about my health or about honesty.

    You believe that 1 in 3 people would support a racial genocide? Do you have any support for that?

    Have you seen the fucking news over here lately? The entire Republican Party is clamoring for secession and genocide.

    Following that up you claim that everyone wants to kill you. Doesn’t that seem a little paranoid to you?

    That doesn't matter. And to be precise, what they want first is to dominate me, to make me their slave. They only want to kill me because I openly refuse to obey them - which makes them look weak.

    No one here is attacking you or threatening your life. No one.

    Yes they are - they are a threat simply be knowing I exist. People refuse to control their own behavior; people's behavior is only controlled externally. Bullies don't stop their own bulling behavior - they have to be punished to stop them, but bullies stopped being punished long before I was born. So now everyone is a bully, and everyone is out of control.

    People aren’t insulting you, even though you are insulting everyone.

    Every contradiction is an insult. Who they fuck are they to contradict me when I'm the only one here who ever bothered to do the hard work of learning anything?

    Your world view is being questioned because it doesn’t seem healthy or rational.

    According to the unhealthy and irrational human species. Uh huh.

    People aren’t saying “I think you are wrong” because they hate you and want you to “submit” but because you appear to be very unwell.

    Again, judgment from the same bullies who called me names my entire childhood. Can't you see why their judgement would be held in doubt?

    Quit pretending people act in good faith. They are liars down to the bone, and I'm sick and tired of you defending them.

    I know that my life improved when I changed my outlook, and I think you are clinging to unhealthy views because it makes it easier than trying to better yourself.

    First, I have spent my entire life bettering myself. Second, bettering myself is far easier that defending myself against assault. Third, you don't actually want me to truly better myself - the "bettering myself" you want is for me to be more gullible, more submissive. I'll never believe anyone's bullshit, and you'll never get me on my knees. I will resist you until I die.

    Finally, your life only got "better" because you chose to be delusional - which then exported the cost of living onto other people. Other people now suffer because you chose to believe lies.

  • Rule
  • Moving is what started this whole mess; moving made me an "invader" that "didn't belong" to where he was moved to. That's why people are wiling to kill me to get rid of me.

    I am laying low, but I've been in the same spot longer than anyone else around here - it's the only reason I'm still alive today.

    And it's not "my" "dominance thing" - it's part of human nature and it's the source of the conflict. People demand that I grovel to them, be perfectly obedient to them, and I refuse.

  • Rule
  • You seem to be defining "success" as nothing happening which... is the opposite of how I'd define it.

    "Success" is when you achieve gaining more power over an entity - whether that entity is a country, a business, or one's own life.

  • Rule
  • Was that a Freudian slip? I didn't write it wrong.

    I do not think of myself as inferior. Or superior.

    Sure you don't.

    Why would I attack you? As I said in the beginning: No amount of flailing will make me hate you.

    And as I have said throughout: I won't take anything you say at face value. You have no reason to talk to me if you're not trying to lie to me somehow.

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