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Does anyone regret deleting their Reddit account?
  • I haven't deleted mine, but I no longer visit the site. I mostly nuked the content on my account a few years ago. Sure there's some stuff now, but it's nothing important. I'm just leaving it there for convenience.

    That said I'm mostly moving off of corporate owned media. I put links to my new stuff on my accounts on those sites.

  • Those who forget history are doomed to repeat it
  • The bad publicity hurts it a lot though. It's not something tangible that people are going to see results in for a long, long time. It's going to be more gradual than immediate.

    Also Reddit will retain a huge majority of people, but the quality of it's communities will decline over time. People will find less of a reason to go there, and companies paying for data scraping will pay less as it will become much less efficient to use it.

    Think more like Facebook. Still a huge mega company that has a iron grip in the social media sphere... but largely only gets used by tech illiterate older people. It's often quoted as the "place memes go to die" and "a place for grandma" or boomers in general. Reddit, and Twitter will essentially become similarly comparable.

    Anyone saying otherwise, is goofy. Either trying to see an immediate result... or those trying to argue there will be no results.

  • BotDefense is wrapping up operations : r/BotDefense
  • The internet is eternally cyclical. Happens so often. Been seeing people catastrophize and I'm just like "first time?"

  • What do people here think about Nostr?
  • I feel like Nostr is neat in theory... but all it'll do is bolster and embolden hateful people who want to spew their hateful views onto the net. I prefer the Fediverse. The glory of that is that you can literally go find an instance where somebody shares your views... or even better make your own! Zero censorship! You'll probably get black-listed by other instances though.

  • What do people here think about Nostr?
  • Yeah. No "censorship" typically just tells hate mongers that they're free to be hateful with zero consequences.

  • Robotoboy Robotoboy

    This is my Kbin account. I'm what some people call a Vtuber, but I just consider myself an internet dude. I like having a virtual avatar.

    I'm obsessed with retro tech, and I greatly enjoy games, movies, history, language, science, and MMA. Follow me over at:

    Mastodon: @Robotoboy


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