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  • Revanced still works but it's a cat and mouse game. Sometimes it will stop working but the next day someone will have found a workaround. Bit of a hassle to patch the new APK each time.

  • Chad VLC
  • I thought it was libvlc that covers that but no, it is indeed libavcodec which is part of the ffmpeg project. Does anyone here know the relationship between libvlc and libavcodec?

  • [Hardware Unboxed] Intel CPUs Are Crashing & It's Intel's Fault: Intel Baseline Profile Benchmark
  • I've never felt silicon degradation on a CPU. But I can say that I've had a GPU with a stable overclock for years that started getting a bit flakey and I had to go back to stock settings. Of course for GPUs there are also more frequent driver updates. Maybe that effect was due to the driver and games also trying to squeeze more out of the hardware.

  • The Oppo Find X7 series is getting 5.5G support, the first in the industry
  • Has anyone here been in a situation where they thought "man, 4g sure is slow. Hope they roll out 5g soon"? I guess they need a feature to put on the box, otherwise people might think their current phone is good enough.

  • if this succeeds, WMR headsets might be made Linux compatible and this will turn out to have been on-topic
  • The team at Microsoft that was working on it probably got put on different projects. There wouldn't be anyone to put in the effort to get the code cleaned up of any proprietary libraries, internal references,.. No way they are shifting people back around and paying for development to get this done.

  • Windows 11 24H2 to enforce hardware requirement - gHacks Tech News
  • Windows 11 isn't bad. But it's a sidegrade from 10. For example, I have an ultrawide HDR display and 11 is a must for HDR. But the damn start bar can't move to the left anymore which is super annoying on an ultrawide.

  • Singapore’s $200,000 Toyotas Fuel Angst Over Widening Wealth Gap
  • Even the article acknowledges that "The city-state has excellent public transport links by bus and subway". Clearly the city realizes they are running out of space and want to prioritize people over cars. The remark at the end - " your own family comes first" - just ends up sounding selfish and anti-social.

    It does suck that it caters to the rich rather than the needy but taxation is just how you deincentivise certain behaviors in a capitalist society. Hopefully Singapore counters this with subsidized special transport for the handicapped and elderly.

  • Curing resin prints with the printer itself
  • Yeah I was about to post the same. I actually modified my old printer (sparkmaker) to be my curing box. To solve the turning issue I put the LED panel upright by strapping it to the Z linear rail, chopped short the Z lead-screw and attached a lazy Suzan to that screw.

    Edit: photo of my monstrosity

  • InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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