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The decline of Intel..
  • Your analogy is very incomplete. No one is saying that Intel's products or technology is "moving backwards", but rather that their market share and performance as a company are declining.

    Take your person "standing still" and imagine they were previously in the lead during a marathon and suddenly stopped before the finish line. They're not moving backwards, but their position in the race is dropping from first, to second, to third, and they will eventually be last if they don't start moving again.

  • I know that naming variables is one of the biggest unsolved problems of Computer Science but how would you name a boolean flag to be self explanatory?
  • I sometimes name booleans after the action that will be taken rather than the condition they represent For example, I might have booleans called "doQuickInit" or "invertResult". I find this very useful when the value of a boolean is determined by a complex series of conditions that are not actually true or false.

  • Why doesn't any country do this?
  • Why hello there, Mr. 0352.

    At least your MOS still exists. I was one of them SMAW guys, and now both my job and old unit have been deactivated. It makes me feel like even more of a dinosaur than I otherwise would when I talk to people about my time enlisted.

  • Calculus made easy
  • It’s all triangles.

    Sure. They relate different properties of triangles or periodic phenomena.

    But can you explain what a "sine" operation is actually doing? Algebra and calculus can pretty much all be explained in terms of basic operations like addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. But I'm in the same boat as - trig operations feel like a black box where one number goes in and a different number comes out. I am comfortable using them and understand their patterns, but don't really get them.

  • Start menu ads are officially here with the latest Windows 11 optional update
  • It's only a matter of time before it's not an option anymore. Every shitty new behavior they put in is an easy-to-use option at first, then a registry setting or policy, then even that goes away and it gets baked in.

  • To those with 2+ monitors on your machine: What's your use case, and how much does it actually boost your productivity?
  • Embedded software developer here.

    Oh damn, I thought I was going to be the only one here!

    I don't know how you get by with only one. Between source code, simulators/emulators, datasheets, requirement specs, log files, e-mails from senior devs with tribal knowledge not written down anywhere else, and a bunch of other bullshit, I sometimes find 3 24" monitors to be lacking.

    Distractions aren't a problem because I can easily use up all that screen real estate for a single task.

  • Officer Kiersten Oliver frames an innocent person
  • More than that.

    Law enforcement should be held to a higher standard, and this kind of violation of trust and abuse of power deserves far more than just the punishment for a DUI. The DUI punishment should be stacked on top of whatever she can be charged with for this act itself: false arrest, filing false reports, falsifying evidence, etc. And there should be no allowance for serving those sentences concurrently.

    But it probably won't happen.

  • Python tutorial moment
  • From the hovertext: "I wrote 20 short programs in Python yesterday. It was wonderful. Perl, I'm leaving you."

    After years of a dozen other languages, I finally tried Perl the other day.

    Never again, if I can help it.

  • I-Beam: 1, Tank: 0
  • Depending on the beam's weight, where it impacts, and what kind of tank it is, here are some possible effects:

    1. Absolutely nothing
    2. Cause the crew to button up, reducing their visibility
    3. Draw the crew out to assess or repair damage, expsoing them to small arms fire
    4. Remind the crew that their enemy is active in the area and slow the advance
    5. Distract the crew long enough for infantry to employ a more effective weapon, possibly including approach the tank on foot without being seen
    6. Main gun barrel impact - deform the barrel enough to disable it
    7. Turret impact - disable turret rotation, reducing aiming capability
    8. Track impact - mobility kill by damaging roadwheels and/or track, or just getting stuck there
    9. Direct side impact - probably nothing
    10. Random gear impact - even old tanks have external mounted machine guns, optics, radio antennae, and shit that could be disabled
    11. Exposed crew impact - squishy squishy

    Of all these possibilities, I think just trying to get the damn thing stuck in the wheels/tracks is the most likely to actually work, even on relatively modern tanks.

  • I'm giving them a year until lifetime licenses start to mean nothing.
  • If you read the fine print, many "lifetime" warranties are like this too. They mean the "lifetime of the product" which is usually defined in the same fine print as like, 5 years or some other bullshit timespan.

  • Trump’s Truth Social is now a public company. Experts warn its multibillion-dollar valuation defies logic | CNN Business
  • I don't think "con job" is the whole story here. There's always money to be made when morons gather together and soulless hedge fund managers don't care about the side effects. What better place could there be to sell advertising space for testosterone supplements and nuclear fallout shelters?

    Not to mention all the free advertising for it from both social and mainstream media.

  • Both is good.
  • The graphics and gameplay are definitely dated, but at $7, it's still worth giving it a try. I'm happy to replay it every few years, but I also played it shortly after it came out, so the nostalgia factor probably biases my view of it.

    I like to think of it more like an interactive comic book than a modern game. Even after a dozen playthroughs over 2+ decades, I still usually find one a couple things each time that I don't remember. Maybe that's just because I'm old and my memory is fading, but it's still fun.

  • Kyle Rittenhouse storms off stage after being confronted by students
  • That's a pretty reasonable position to take. I don't agree with it, but I understand how you arrived there.

    Do you still think that being a pedophile is the only reason someone would say Rittenhouse's shooting was unjustified?

  • Kyle Rittenhouse storms off stage after being confronted by students
  • Also right.

    The point I was getting at is that the question of whether or a shooting is justified depends entirely on the circumstances that led to the shooting. Not someone's past criminal behavior that the shooter was not aware of.

    You may certainly disagree with other peoples' reasons for viewing the shooting as unjustified. But it seems that you are either unwilling or unable to see that both people involved in an altercation can be bad. One shouldn't be considered a hero just because he's less bad than the other.

    The dead pedo deserved what he got. Rittenhouse is a dumbass who was looking for a fight and luck was the only thing that saved him from killing an innocent bystander.

    These can both be true at the same time, and saying that Rittenhouse's actions shouldn't be celebrated is not the same thing as defending pedophilia.

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