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California will force companies to admit you don't own digital content
  • This is actually the very first non-clickbait title I have seen all week.

  • FFT-based ocean-wave rendering, implemented in Godot
  • Are we really at that point, where people in here don’t even bother with a title for their lazy ass post anymore?

  • Apple Shares Full iPhone 16 and iPhone 16 Pro Repair Manuals
  • Too be fair, they are all evil.

  • YouTube on TVs is cramming ads down your throat even when pausing videos
  • Try this, if your TV can run it: No ads, and there is even sponsor block included, so you don’t have to hear the annoying „segue to our sponsor“ and „please like and subscribe“ nonsense.

  • Replace cars with velomobiles
  • This seems like something you don’t want to use on a road with cars. Otherwise it looks neat!

  • The latest version of ChatGPT has a feature you’ll fall in love with. And that’s a worry.
  • Can we stop repeating clickbait titles from cancer tech magazines? If you post, then why not just give us the gist of the article? For instance here: what’s the feature, and why is it a concern that one might „fall in love“ with it?

  • Is Google Training AI on YouTube Videos?
  • It’s called sponsorblock, and there is no machine learning involved whatsoever. The data is crowdsourced.

  • Morphing spray-on gel gives buildings long-lasting wildfire protection
  • Anyone else read that as „morphine spray-on gel…“?

  • Is this just how it’s gonna be till Election Day?
  • They have an iPhone, so they are going to be fine.

  • How big is YOUR collection?
  • I have no collection whatsoever. Everything that I watched gets deleted from the seedbox. A maximum of 900GB are stored on there at any given time. It’s cheap and no hassle to maintain.

  • Deleted
    Can't connect to MacOS server from Jellyfin Vue
  • When trying to connect, try omitting the / at the end of the address. Maybe thats the problem. So instead of


    You type


    Shouldn’t make a difference, but sometimes it does.

  • Capacitive controls could be the cause of a spate of VW ID.4 crashes
  • Of course they are cheaper, thats why they put them everywhere instead of regular buttons.

  • I made a simple script to make tweet links into bibtex citations
  • Have you tried zotero? Might be the solution to a problem you didn’t even knew you had.

  • Google and Microsoft consume more energy than 100+ countries | Windows Central
  • Yes it is. But your comment still doesn’t make sense until you add “per year”.

  • Google and Microsoft consume more energy than 100+ countries | Windows Central
  • WattHours is a unit of work. If you say that bitcoin uses x amount of Wh it doesn’t say shit about how much it actually consumes. Because you don’t say in what amount of time Bitcoin uses said amount of work, you cannot compare it. I could state, that Bitcoin uses 5 Wh. Which would also be correct.

    Its the same as saying, Bob eats 5 apples. Alice eats 2000 apples. Can you compare the two? No, because what I forgot to mention is, that Bon eats 5 apples a week and Alice eats 2000 apples in 3 years. Now i can compare the two.

    Do you get my point?

  • Google and Microsoft consume more energy than 100+ countries | Windows Central
  • The comment was 172TWh without specifying a timeframe whatsoever. Is it a year? Is it a day? A month?

    It was about the comment about bitcoin, not the post itself.

  • Google and Microsoft consume more energy than 100+ countries | Windows Central
  • 172 TWh per year

    Your statement was as useful as the following: A VW Polo car costumes 3000 liters of fuel.

    *Edit: Downvote me all you want 😂 if I am right I am right.

  • Firefox CTO Responds On Collecting User Advertisement Data
  • I think with Edge you get punched, robbed and then raped for good measure.

  • Truly independent web browser
  • Do you think there are no assholes working for google or mozilla? Assholes are everywhere. And fuck cancel culture.

    Edit: I stand by what I said, you can downvote me all you want. It doesn’t matter to me one bit.

  • [OC] Cypripedium calceolus in a forest in Austria

    Cypripedium calceolus, commonly known as the Lady's Slipper Orchid or Yellow Lady's Slipper, is a captivating and rare wildflower found in Europe and parts of Asia. Renowned for its stunning appearance, the flower boasts a unique slipper-shaped lip that lures pollinators, making it an essential part of local ecosystems. Unfortunately, due to habitat loss and overcollection, Cypripedium calceolus faces significant conservation challenges, prompting efforts to protect and preserve this floral gem for future generations to admire.

    [OC] Arnica Montana in the Mountains

    Corrected the title, I think it’s actually Arnica Montana, not Arnica Fulgens.

    [Feature Request] Filter Keywords

    I really liked the ability in Apollo to filter keywords. I had set it to filter everything Elon Musk out, eg Elon, Spacex, Tesla, Musk, etc

    Is there such a feature planned? Anyone else liked/used that feature in Apollo/other apps?

    Also: great work on Memmy, you should definitely think about a paid version asap. I would definitely buy a one time purchase or even a monthly/yearly subscription, if there is a roadmap.

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