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Cycling isn't legitimate transportation...apparently
  • Similar experience here. Bike commuted year around for a decade and went through multiple blizzards. Helped more drivers get unstuck than i can count

    Frequently did the commute sub-zero. If you have the gear it isn't that bad. And i never had to worry about my bike not starting.

  • OpenAI and Reddit Partnership
  • Its not any different than how it already was. Initially the GenAI models were all being trained on masses of unlicensed data including data from reddit. The problem is some companies like New York Times are suing for training an LLM off of their data. So in response companies like OpenAI are now trying to reach partnerships that basically license the use of the data (that they already had). This also means that they will be able to continue to have future access to that data as long as the partnership is in place. Whereas some companies without a partnership could start to ban scraping activity or update their terms to forbid training AI off of their data.

    Overall these partnerships are a good thing. Licensed training data is good. But from a privacy standpoint, the AI models were already trained on reddit data. This is just formalizing the relationship

  • Pray they don't alter it any further
  • Exactly. Cable had contracts for X months, and everything was packaged so you couldn't just get one channel you liked.

    Now streaming is splitting off into a bunch of services. That's not great but on the other hand I'm not on a contract. I can stop and start whenever i want. I spend anywhere from $12-25 a month. All i ever wanted was for cable services to be unbundled. If I'm wanting to be subscribed to every service all of the time then yeah that's going to get expensive. But if i just want to watch 1-2 shows at a time then I'm still much better off streaming than i would've been with cable 10+ years ago.

    Edit: and when i cut the cord in 2010 my cable bill was $120/mo for basic cable + 1 package iirc.

  • Companies are not your friend
  • It's the version from when you paid your annual subscription (or 12 monthly payments ago) plus any bugfixes.

    So you buy 4.3.2 and you will always have access to 4.3.Z

    2 months later they release 5.0.0. Your subscription let's you use 5.0.0. If you cancel your subscription then can go back to your perpetual version 4.3.Z

    At least that's how it's supposed to work

  • Companies are not your friend
  • Basically when you buy your subscription you also get perpetual access to the current X.Y.Z version + any future bugfixes (Z). So if you stop paying next year you still have access to the version from when your started your subscription.

  • Proton: "Introducing Dark Web Monitoring for credential leaks"
  • Id need a paid haveibeenpwned subscription for domain level support. Proton is adding this to their existing subscription services to add value to what they offer. It's a smart move, especially once they add in catch-all/SL alias support

  • Mormon God vs the US government
  • Hello, I'm well aware that there can be good-intentioned people in the mormon church, however, I'd ask you to consider what it means to stay a member of an organization whose teachings lead to LGBTQIA+ youth committing suicide at a prevalence higher than other states? How can you be a member of an organization that doesn't, really, treat women equally when you stop to think about it? There are a lot of warts in the mormon church, and they have rewritten the history and have been gaslighting their members about it. You've been told that people will just try to spread lies about the church, and that the church is true so you don't need to question it. But if the church is true then it should be able to stand up to scrutiny of your own research.

    Just because you think you are doing some greater good by trying to change the mormon church from within doesn't mean you're not oppressing LGBTQIA+ directly or indirectly. Consider this-- does someone joining the KKK with the intent to change it from within make them not a racist? How many years can they be part of that organization before they are complicit?

    I'm sorry if any of this seems too harsh, these are just things I wish I would've thought about a few decades sooner. Best of luck in whichever path you take.

  • Mormon God vs the US government
  • Can confirm. If any Mormons are reading this and think it's made up-- ASK YOUR BISHOP what happens if you were to die or have a civil divorce and you or your spouse wants to remarry in the temple.

    They don't teach this openly, and your bishop may beat around the bush but this is all true.

  • Mormon God vs the US government
  • Note that slavery was abolished in 1865 and the civil rights movement started in 1950s-1960s.

    And in 1978 mormon god said that black men can have the priesthood which is mormon god's way of saying black men are treated as equals now. (Women, regardless of race, never were treated equally and still aren't).

    The Mormon church likes to celebrate the fact that black men are treated equally but they never mention that this was 110 years after slavery was abolished and still ~3 decades after the civil rights movement started. Mormon God sure has great timing.

    But polygamy is actually still alive and well in the Mormon church, and i mean the actual Mormon church and not an offshoot. The Mormons stopped practicing polygamy outright but it is still alive in how they actually treat marriage.

    Under mormonism they marry you for eternity. Except if your spouse wants a divorce or they die then you are no longer married from a civil law perspective. If a woman wants to get married again then she needs to have special permission from the Mormon prophet which i believe they do to release her from the Mormon eternal sealing. To do this they also try to get the ex-husbands approval (and too bad if he's dead). Where this gets interesting is that if the husband wants to remarry then he can. No strings attached. He can have as many eternal sealings as he wants. No permission needed from the prophet or wife. Just can have only one civil marriage at a time but if you get a civil divorce then a man can easily get another eternal marriage and a woman cannot. Basically this means that Mormons are letting men practice polygamy in the afterlife. It's wild.

    But this just one example of how women aren't treated equally in the Mormon church. And don't get me started on LGBTQIA+. But if you ever hear someone say mormonism likes the the gays they are gaslighting you. They believe that being gay is a sin and you can only be accepted at arm's reach if you're gay, but never do anything gay, and conform to your gender. Telling someone you accept them while believing part of them they can't change is a sin is Olympic level mental gymnastics. But welcome to Mormonism!

  • Motorized wheel-on-a-pole sticks it to electric skateboards
  • 25 mph on a bike doesn't scare me, but I've gone down hills hitting 40mph getting the speed wobbles and that is downright terrifying.

    But i agree, 25mph on a skateboard is scary. And apparently speedwobbles can happen on skateboards too. Nope nope nope

  • DuckDuckGo Is Taking Its Privacy Fight to Data Brokers
  • Few years ago they killed their killswitch . I believe it was technically still an option but they reduced it's capabilities so that it wasn't functionally a reliable killswitch.

    They also got heat for installing root CA certs.

    I believe both issues are "fixed", but they were some questionable decisions

  • DuckDuckGo Is Taking Its Privacy Fight to Data Brokers
  • Not end to end encrypted afaict. The only way id ever consider a service like this is if it was e2e.

    Also incogni is owned by surfshark which i think is more important than their partnership with nordvpn

  • TFW you're a Reddit Mod or Admin
  • Yeah your experience matches mine. Id really encourage people to not blanket trash on all mods. It is a lot of work that goes into moderating communities and it is either done by people who love the community, or by someone who loves that power dynamic. I'm not saying all mods are perfect, but give a chance for individual mods to prove themselves. It's generally a thankless job, especially lately. By trashing on all mods we're just going to scare away the good intentioned people and all that is left are the power hungry ones.

  • US braces for cicadas by the trillion as two broods of periodic insects coincide
  • Generally, a 13-year brood emerges in the same year as a 17-year brood roughly every 5-6 years, though most of the 17-year broods are not in contact with a 13-year brood, so the different cicadas are clearly separated in space. A co-emergence involving adjacent broods of different life cycles is something that happens only roughly every 25 years. Any two specific broods of different life cycles co-emerge only every 221 years.

    Don't get me wrong, it's exciting that these two broods are co-emerging, but broods co-emerge more frequently than hundreds of years

  • The United States of America, but for Trans People
  • You got gaslit

    Utah teen lgbtqia+ suicide rate is very high. I've got a friend who is a therapist out there and i do not envy them. The Mormon church tries to say that they love and accept everyone but if you push them they will clarify they can love someone but they hate the sin. Ask yourself, how can you love someone when you can't accept a fundamental part of them? If you practice your gayness/etc you will be treated differently by Mormon church standards. You will lose out on church privileges and be ostracized.

  • What web services do you subscribe to?
  • From what I've heard self hosting your email though can be a big PITA so paying someone for email is not a terrible choice. Self hosting you need to carefully manage the system and reputation to make sure your email that you send actually gets delivered, and doesn't arrive in spam.

  • InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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