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Google’s self-designed office swallows Wi-Fi “like the Bermuda Triangle”
  • "Why hasn't anyone designed a building like this before?"


  • "Generational Disillusionment:" What It Took Young People in China to Get Their Jobs
  • I guess China is no stranger to the high inflation more risk-averse economic environment.

    Took me a year and 150 applications and 10 interviews to find the job that I wanted. I wouldn't want to wish the stress of job seeking on anyone.

  • Dunkey's Guide to Streaming Services

    Videogamedunkey is also a bit of a movie buff on top of being a video game critic and a funny guy.

    He should be able to help us find the movie we want to watch on the healthy variety of streaming services that are available!

    Pluralistic: “If buying isn’t owning, piracy isn’t stealing”
  • You make a decent point, but the disconnect between people paying for content and the money going to the people who contributed effort to it is getting wider and wider.

    Popular shows that people subscribed for get axed after 1 season or moved to another service. All the work people did for Warner Brothers' Batgirl gets thrown in the trash so that WB can get a tax write-off, before any movie watcher can even give a cent to them in support.

    The point is big studios make so much year after year that pirating their stuff doesn't make a dent in whether the people they hire get paid accordingly.

  • Pluralistic: “If buying isn’t owning, piracy isn’t stealing”
  • Many scene groups actually purchased the games and cracked them, I've read NFOs that say "buy the game, we did too".

    People recording in movie theatres have to either sneak into the theatre or buy a ticket themselves.

    Someone scanning a book to post online had to have bought it or borrowed it.

    Yes some games are cracks of illegitimate obtained leaked copies or other unscrupulous methods.

    I have played pirated games in the past but my Steam library has thousands of dollars worth of games I bought, many of which I wouldn't have if I weren't interested in these type of games to begin had pirating games not been possible.

    Sure, the opportunity cost from piracy's "lost sales" to the publisher/licensor is non-zero. But how many sales that would have happened varies greatly on the perceived value vs. price of the product, and how available it is. If it's not in stores anymore and can only be bought from scalpers on eBay, the publisher cough Nintendo cough doesn't see that money anyway vs. pirating it.

  • Pluralistic: “If buying isn’t owning, piracy isn’t stealing”
  • Some countries have a blank media fee on writable casettes, discs and hard drives that are paid to music and movie studios for this purpose.

  • Zones vs Flat Fares: What’s the Better Transit Fare Scheme?
  • Caltrain and Metrolink (California, USA regional trains) have the right idea. Low income Americans by and large carry EBT cards. They give a 50% discount on tickets when scanned. Of course this could be technologically easily made free but it's a start and the remaining challeges are financial and political.

  • How is Interrail?
  • I did an EU Rail pass trip (same as Interrail but for people outside EU), because I love taking the train. Visited 9 countries in 3 weeks, spending 120 hours of my trip on a train or transferring. I had a lot of fun.

    Every train system is a little different, fare structure is a bit different here and there. In Germany it's easy to get around without paying extra, in France you'll have to pay extra often. Italy it's a small fee but you have to pay it for every reservation.

    You can get used to sleeping on a train, and if you're young enough then some NightJet 3 seater coach cabins aren't too bad. But be careful of overdoing it; at the end of the 3 weeks I was so tired I took the wrong train from København, Denmark and ended up in Nykøbing Falster at 2AM.

    Wherever you go, be mindful that cost of staying varies wildly too, especially if you're coming from Romania. Switzerland was expensive as hell for a young and broke traveler like me.

    Including the plane ticket, rail ticket and reservation fees, hostel fees, food, beer and a couple souvenirs, I spent 4000 CAD over the 3 weeks, which works out to 200 CAD a day. This was in late spring 2022.

    Be aware of the weather of where you're visiting, this is true of any international trip but if you will be travelling far across various European climates it's extra important to remember.

  • Warcraft 2 / Starcraft type games ( or clones, or engine recreations )
  • Official Blizzard, idk if you've played just the original basegame or the Brood War expansion. There is Starcraft Remastered, which has updated graphics and usability improvements but doesn't add much other than that over the original.

    An open source Brood War engine seems to exist but development appears to have stalled.

    For SC2 the coop missions and the custom games are imo the most fun to be had in that game.

    In terms of RTS genre, BAR is an epic scale free and open source RTS that feels like a distant cousin, but doesn't have the deep lore that Starcraft has yet.

    I'd also recently caught word from a fellow Lemming about a new game in development called Stormgate, worked on by some ex-SC/WC devs under a new studio. Gameplay has a very similar look to the former two.

  • UAW Launches Largest Organizing Drive in Modern American History
  • There's hardly a better time to do it, than off the back of the massive contract wins the unions fought for and successfully attained.

  • how's your week going, Beehaw
  • Wishing you a speedy recovery.

    Last weekend I built a new PC which I collected parts over 6 months when I could afford them, and today I replaced all my burnt out light bulbs! My room is a lot brighter now!

  • [@gaming]( Playing Video games can adjust my mood so much that I might forget my sorrows.
  • Good games give me the same feeling as reading a good fictional novel: I get transported into the universe, following the character or whatever action is unfolding.

    More generally, games give the player a goal to achieve, whether that's winning over others, cooperating with others, completing a campaign, collecting a bunch of goodies (or all the goodies), relaxing and enjoying scenery, crafting min-maxed playthroughs, or trying over and over again to beat a level.

    Being focused on this goal can help keep your mind off of whatever is troubling you in the present.

  • Amazon hit by strikes, protests across Europe during Black Friday
  • I don't know how likely it is (seems unlikely as it was coordinated until Monday), but if they can maintain strikes through to Christmas, then it would have a major effect. People ordering a week before will not get it in time.

  • You've heard of the PS5 slim, but have you heard of the PS5 mega?
  • エアーステーション


  • Tenants united against corporate landlords: York South-Weston tenants mount Toronto’s largest rent strike
  • Best the Ontario conservative government could do was to open up protected Greenbelt land so his developer buddies could make a quick buck without actually developing anything. Sorry.

  • how's your week going, Beehaw
  • That's a great mindset to have. Life kicks everyone in the ass at certain points, but the will to continue forward has to come from you.

    I raise my glass of milk to you and your new life.

  • The Biden Administration Says It Can’t Do Anything to Stop the War on Gaza. That’s a Lie.
  • As far as I understand the US political process, the President is allowed to do virtually anything so long as it doesn't step on the states' toes, but Congress has to pass funding and anything done by Executive Order can be done but can't stick beyond his or her tenure.

  • how's your week going, Beehaw
  • On vacation from work for a few days... really needed it (if you can see my IP you'd know where at).

  • Trump’s Idiot Lawyers Just Shared Faulty Evidence in Fraud Trial
  • Over and over it seems that Trump and his lawyers' strategy is just to continuously add to the list of crimes so that clerks and the judge have to keep on writing them down until Trump dies of old age or hamberder liver (or heaven forbid he pardons himself)

  • The Biden Administration Says It Can’t Do Anything to Stop the War on Gaza. That’s a Lie.
  • Spicy take but I like it.

    We have the tools even without nukes to raze land to the ground. Using a nuke might have the added bonus of "solve" climate change by making it a permanent nuclear winter.

  • How has Cities:Skylines II been for you?

    Just looking to gather opinions and thoughts from this community that were thinking of trying C:S II now that the game is out publicly.

    Did you like it? Did you return it? Are you waiting until reports say it's better? Does it meet your bar of playable on your system as it is right now? Are there improvements over the original you were happy to see? Are there parts you miss? Are there still things you wish for?

    Cocoon (dunkview)

    Check out cocoon

    ...unless you are a baboon. A game review by videogamedunkey.

    5 million bees fall off truck on Guelph Line in Burlington, Ontario

    cross-posted from:

    > Archive link:

    Looks like the trucking company lost some bees' knees today.

    Videogamedunkey - Bigmode Memo 2023

    A one-year update after game-critic/full-time jokester started his publishing company Bigmode.

    His wife Leah starts with a letter thanking fans for support.

    Announcement is a definitive edition of indie space-shootemup Monolith, under a new name: Star of Providence for the Nintendo Switch. Has an update and new content.

    Talks about Animal Well, and that a demo will be available at PAX West conference this year.

    Talks about a Bigmode Jam, an online event where Jason will try out peoples' games and rate their graphics.

    The Best Pizza from Every State - Videogamedunkey

    dunkey, calling himself "Silly Rick" in this video talks about pizza from every US state in his usual funny and sometimes nonsensical style.

    Piped link

    Shadow the Hedgehog - videogamedunkey

    Youtube Comedian, game reviewer and publisher videogamedunkey features the "most hardcore game ever created": shadOW the hEDGEhog, released in 2005.

    Revisiting Uncharted 4 - Videogamedunkey

    Game reviewer, publisher, and funny man Videogamedunkey re-reviews Uncharted 4 after 7 years. It is much more positive than previously.

    Contains game spoilers if you hadn't played it already.

    Contains Jason's life plot spoilers as well... he and Leah(bee) are having a baby!

    Technology Connections talks about a red fridge from Walmart for an hour

    In a video by, Alec goes into a deep dive into the simplicity of his particular model, its shortcomings and variety of data logging tests in an attempt to fix them.

    TL,DW: Very simple, cheap and ingenious design, with one compressor loop between the fridge and freezer in series. However, its temperature sensor is wonky and so the fridge is more affected by how long the compressor operates than the actual temperature itself. There is a signficant temperature differential between the top and bottom, fans on the exterior or interior could help but with the faulty sensor only made matters worse. With the controller replaced with a proper temp control unit the fridge functioned much better.

    Look at how much this place has grown!

    Hot damn, in just over a week. Data from Made in GIMP.

    Thank you Chris, alyaza, Gaywallet again for making such a nice place and managing this explosion in popularity, to the mods and other people keeping it operating, and lastly to everyone joining, contributing, posting and commenting and be(e)ing friendly!

    Jerboa v.0.0.32 backported to Android 5.0 GitHub - ShinyLuxray/jerboa: A native android app for Lemmy, see the "lollipop-support" branch to see my tweaks to install on Android 5.0 - 7.x

    A native android app for Lemmy, see the "lollipop-support" branch to see my tweaks to install on Android 5.0 - 7.x - GitHub - ShinyLuxray/jerboa: A native android app for Lemmy, see the &...

    GitHub - ShinyLuxray/jerboa: A native android app for Lemmy, see the "lollipop-support" branch to see my tweaks to install on Android 5.0 - 7.x

    cross-posted from:

    > Hey everyone, > > I just want to present my fork of the Jerboa app, to backport it for Android 5.0 through 7.x, for anyone that still has older (but not too old) phones. Codenames Lollipop, Marshmellow and Nougat supported. > > Let me know if this is helpful for you, or if there are any major crashes/strange bugs that aren't present on newer devices. > > No guarantees that I will update it but we will see. Thanks, Rentlar

    Rentlar Rentlar

    beehaw account for

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