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iPadOS Identified as Digital 'Gatekeeper' Under New EU Tech Rules
  • Correct, but the problem here is that apple products are extremely closed up. If they choose not to provide updates any more that's totally fine, but they should enable developers to install a different os instead of turning the devices to e-waste. There are some projects trying to make a Linux installation possible on iPads, but so far they have failed due to apple's gatekeeping.

  • iPadOS Identified as Digital 'Gatekeeper' Under New EU Tech Rules
  • I have an iPad from 2012 which would still be perfectly usable if Apple hadn't marked this iPad Generation as "obsolete", and of course it would be a security risk to use it without updates. However, if I could install Linux on it, there would no need to throw it away.

  • EU beschließt Verbot von Einweg-Plastik-Verpackungen ab 2030
  • Guter Artikel, ich finde es immer wieder krass wie dreist diese Verpackungen als umweltfreundlich angepriesen werden.

    Die Rücknahme von Getränkekartons an bestehenden Pfandrücknahmeautomaten im Handel ist technisch problemlos umsetzbar

    Das glaube ich aber erst wenn ich es sehe... Die derzeitigen Pfandrücknahmesysteme sind alle auf Flaschenform ausgelegt, viele haben schon bei Flaschen in perfektem Zustand mit perfekt erhaltenem Etikett Schwierigkeiten, diese zu erkennen. Man darf gespannt sein was zuerst kommt: Selbstfahrende Autos, Flugtaxis oder die automatische Rücknahme von TetraPaks

  • What're some of the dumbest things you've done to yourself in Linux?
  • This happened just this morning. Probably not the dumbest thing ever, and I blame Snap for putting things where they don't belong: I deleted stuff from the /run/user/1000/doc directory. Turns out the files there are in fact hard links to files which actually reside somewhere else. Well, they were, until I deleted them forever.

    Background: Firefox (as an Ubuntu snap package) downloads files in some kind of sandbox mode and references stuff there for some obscure reason. That was my weekly reminder to get rid of snap packages because snap sucks in a myriad of ways.

  • [Solved] Changed behavior of already read posts?

    Hi, I'm using Jerboa in List mode and I recently noticed that posts are marked as read simply by scrolling by. I feel that might be a reasonable change for Card mode, but an entry in a List should not count as read unless it was opened. Or am I doing something wrong?

    Should you invest in a better grinder?
  • I don't agree to starting with cheap gear as always being a good choice. If you already know what good coffee tastes like and you like to get into the coffee game then buying a cheap (non burr) grinder is just a waste of money.

  • Court blocks $1 billion copyright ruling that punished ISP for its users’ piracy
  • Media Corporations should not have a say in disconnecting users from the internet based on copyright infringement. The right to social participation is part of a basic human right - self-determination. Today, the majority of interactions with society involve communication via internet in one way or another, so that access to the internet is vital for enabling social participation.

  • English may be a hot mess but at least we don't have to worry about this nonsense
  • It's a little bit worse than that in fact. "Programmiererinnen und Programmierer" or "Programmierer:innen" or "Programmierende". And if you get it wrong you are not a grammar nazi but more of a regular nazi.

    /s just in case

  • Looks at the ad in my Gmail
  • Technically it's not the same, in case of IMAP they would need to literally put spam mails into your account. As opposed to having visual elements in the UI that pretend to be an email. Might not feel like a big difference but actively poisoning the users inbox is pretty bad.

  • Fighting the smartphone ‘invasion’: the French village that voted to ban scrolling in public
  • Is it? I was under the impression that french people generally despise being told what to do by the government.

    On the other hand, passing a ban on smartphones that is not legally binding and can safely be ignored sounds more like it.

  • McDonald's is promising 'attention to affordability' after the price of Big Mac meals hits $18
  • If you tell your kid McD is something special then whenever you pass a McD it will feel a craving and want it. This is how brand obedient consumers are made. If instead you let them have McD for a week or two they will see the food for what it is.

    Fsst food chains hate this simple trick

  • InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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