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As a reminder...
  • That's a great long grouping of words to say "I didn't do enough research".

    Those bodies in tents at the rave sure looked like they were trying to fight back spread eagle on the ground with bullet holes in their backs.

  • As a reminder...
  • Yes soooooo peaceful to elect a government who's founding charter calls for the killing of every single Jew in Israel and out of it. Oh my God I can't get over how peaceful it is. Those poor Palestinians not being able to genocide Israel goly gee willikers.

  • As a reminder...
  • Uhhh did you not see they're already talking about forming a new unity government and ousting him after stabilizing the security situation? That's hardly a win for the president running on the phrase "I'm the only one strong enough to protect you!" Something similar happened after the yom Kippur attacks 50 years ago where the current president was basically squeezed out of the government once the situation wasn't so dire.

  • Removed
    German woman's body paraded naked, spit on by Hamas fighters in Israel
  • ???? Lovely analogy except Americans were British people so the colonies went from British owned to British owned under a different government lol.

    The more apt analogy would be the Indians and Manifest Destiny Or still different but pretty similar Texas and Mexico. But what can I expect from someone like you.

  • Hundreds dead in Israel and Gaza, thousands injured after Hamas launches rockets, Israel declares war
  • You can write total novels of nonsense we don't even need AI.

    Your revisionist history is laughable, I suggest you learn about the actual history of the region and what you're claiming being complete and utter nonsense. Beyond the fact Israelis have holy sites predating Palestinians, beyond the fact Palestine has lost multiple wars over the area, beyond the fact they agreed to a 2 state solution in the 90s then reneged and attacked Israel, beyond the fact they elect a genocidal government that will only bring themselves ruin, beyond all that to your last point, you are correct. When you cut toddlers throats and rape Innocents who have NO SLIGHTS AGAINST YOU, film it for fun plus have genocide as your prime governmental policy I give 0 shits about your plight regardless of what pushed you there. You deserve to get pushed around by the people you have a desire to wipe off the face of this Earth. To quote the bible, "live by the sword, die by the sword."

  • Hundreds dead in Israel and Gaza, thousands injured after Hamas launches rockets, Israel declares war
  • I'm simply applying the logic the Palestinians apply. There were ruins of a 2000 year old Jewish temple and a 1500 year old mosque in the region. Guess which one is older. I'd also feel more empathy for the apartheid conditions if Palestinians would stop electing a political group who's stated goals are the deaths of every Jewish person. And as I said it's comical you keep saying I support apartheid policies by simply stating killing, raping, torturing, kidnapping, and forcing innocent people to be used as human shields is fucking wrong and deplorable no matter what side does it. If Ukraine starts liquidating Russian cities and raping, torturing, kidnapping, and using innocent's as human shields I'd say the same fucking thing to them and pull my support. If this is how Palestine wants to do things I shed no tears as they are destroyed. "By any means" works both ways.

  • Hundreds dead in Israel and Gaza, thousands injured after Hamas launches rockets, Israel declares war
  • Nah fam, if you want to play that game Arabs invaded Jewish communities that had settled there during the muslim conquests, that's over 2,000 years of illegal occupation. If you're fine with that, you should be fine with Israel taking back their land at the "edge of a sword".

    Also it's funny to hear you say killing innocent people not involved with the conflict is "apartheid apology"

  • Hundreds dead in Israel and Gaza, thousands injured after Hamas launches rockets, Israel declares war
  • What if the bully went up to someone and said "I'm going to fucking kill you" and then tried to kill them using all means possible all because the bully and the other person exist in the same area? Only Palestine and Hamas before now were the ones saying the Jews deserved death AND acted upon it multiple times. I had sympathy for their plight until they indiscriminately killed people who had zero interaction with their problems. I'm sure those thai workers and rave tourists, massacred, raped, killed and kidnapped has a lot to do with the fucking situation between Israel and Hamas/Palestine. Israel isn't clean, but in 1 day and 1 act became the cleaner of the 2 in non Arab public perception.

  • [Guide] Gearing in 7.3

    Just a quick guide for people who are a little confused by the gearing changes.

    Gearing in 7.3:

    DPS - Stat Totals:

    Get Accuracy to 110% for PVE(at least 105% for pvp): ~2700 accuracy

    Get alacrity to at least 7.15% - ~2000 alacrity before any guild buffs

    Any left over spots dump into Crit.

    Mastery can be better than power especially for classes that rely on crit procs because mastery provides a tiny amount of crit/damage increase per point versus power just providing flat damage increase.

    Tank - Stat Totals:

    50-60% shield chance

    35-40% shield absorb

    Never stack defense because it only counts for white damage not skill damage Use either more absorb augments if you need them or if you are finding you can survive the fight fine use critical augments.

    Healer - Stat Totals:

    Alacrity to at least 7.15%, but don't be afraid to try to go higher - ~2000 Alacrity before guild buff

    Critical vs power vs mastery: Critical obviously allows you to heal in bursts better but will probably overheal more often. power allows you to have better average healing though. Mastery is not very good because it doesnt provide enough to be worth stacking. Truthfully best to mix and match power and crit to your liking.

    ===========TO START THE GEARING PROCESS===========

    1. Talk to Hyde and Zeek, if you're an imperial they'll be near the lvl 75 mod vendor in the north west area, if you're republic they'll be also near the lvl 75 mod vendor, but south east area.

    2. Hyde and Zeek offer multiple quests, 3XX prototype and 3XX artifact. The differences being, the prototype quests reward you with blue armors, hilts, barrels, mods, and enhancements for every spec. While the artifact quest ONLY GIVES PURPLE ENHANCEMENTS NOTHING ELSE. Bioware has said they aim to create the gap between artifact and prototype gear simply by having a purple enhancement vs blue. And that is true for every tier, the only difference between a blue 332 and a purple 332 is simply the purple enhancements, Go ahead and accept the 332 prototype quest and the 336 prototype quest.

    3. You have 2 choices here, 332 gear is slightly more optimized with better secondary stats like accuracy, alac, crit, power, mastery, etc. but lower endurance. But the 336 gear has higher endurance but worse secondary stats. I personally run the 336 armor/hilts/barrels/mods but use the purple 332 enhancements so that my gear is hyper optimized. It also matters what content you're doing, warzones only offer gear up to 332 because that is suppose to be the cap for bolster. Currently with 7.1 or 7.2 though there was a bug introduced that doesn't downrank people with higher gear than 332 to 332, but instead to 336. That means people who grind flash points will technically have 1 tier higher gear than the best pvpers. To get 336 gear though requires flash points. Warzone gear is generally also a lot easier to level up requiring roughly 1/3rd or 1/4th the currency flashpoint gear does per level up. From there purchase a single blue piece(typically belt OR wrists) from the vendor with your first bit of currency. Keep it in your inventory because you'll need to upgrade it to what ever break point you prefer, 332 or 336. You can do ops gear if you prefer its just more expensive and takes longer to find a group, plus even for story mode ops unless you have a certain level of gear you generally won't be accepted anyways.

    4. So you've chosen one or both modes to farm your gear in, nice. Let's learn how to actually upgrade them. For warzones/pvp it's actually super simple. Just play warzones/galactic star fighter completing the weeklies to get warzone currency. Each tier requires between 40-50 currency per upgrade and you get 50 currency per weekly you finish, 3 currency for a win, and 1 currency for a loss. The weeklies can also be completed 3 times a week per character, reseting daily. Flashpoints are the same thing, you can either complete them solo on a stealth character grinding out something like 27 instances of red reaper or hammer station or complete them like normal through the group finder and the flash point weeklies. Flash points are a little different though, to maximize your currency gain per run you need to equip a ear piece under item rating 300 to trick the game into dropping a blue ear 324 ear piece on every boss. I wore a item rating 240 purple ear piece for this purpose i had laying around in my bank. The reason you do this is when you deconstruct the blue 324 earpiece versus the 324 green gear that normally drops, you get 10 versus 3 currency. With this trick you're looking at 3 flashpoints+a weekly to get 1 item upgrade. And again these weeklies can be repeated per character 3 times a week, and reset daily. It generally takes 170 flash point currency to upgrade your gear.

    5. Once you have upgrade your wrists or belt to 332 or 336 go back to hyde and zeek, then MAKE SURE YOU HAVE THE QUEST IF YOU DIDN'T PICK IT UP EARLIER(again if you're doing 332, choose 332 prototype, if you're doing 336 choose 336 prototype). Once the quest is activate, simply deconstruct from your inventory the appropriate item rating armor to unlock customizable mods/armors/hilts/barrels/enhancements from zeek. These are bind to legacy but have a 2 hour window before they can be sent to your alts.

    6. Relics/Ear pieces = These have a chance to drop purple grade from the gear chests you get from completing warzone/flashpoint/ops weeklies. They have to be upgraded per character and per item, unlike the mods/etc. there is no simple easy way to do it other than grinding. Until you get them though feel free to buy and upgrade the conquest vendor ones to 330(ONLY 330!) using credits/conquest currency. You only upgrade them to 330 because after 330 they become endurance based instead of power based like the higher tiered blue/purple versions.

    7. Legendary implants - These are class specific, but require a crap ton of conquest currency, tech frags, and credits to upgrade. You will want to get these asap.

    8. Augments - As with everything what you pay for is what you get. For any mains you should definitely have at least the blue 73 augments, for which ones your role needs see above. I outfitted my character ion full blue augments for ~70 million simply because 1 purple augment was about 90 million, and the legendary augments were 1 billion each. I'm not poor, but I'm definitely not that rich and if you're reading this guide neither are you probably.

    Credit inflation

    What do we think about the changes now after sitting with them roughly 2 weeks? I expected it to kill off raffles or random fleet contests but instead just made the prizes worse. Overall though I don't think this is going to be the fix we should end up doing. Someone like me who is "poor" only has about 1.1 billion, The only thing that is out of reach for someone in my wealth bracket is the higher end cartel market items. Charging me 2k credits a quick travel isn't going to do anything.

    The trading one might of worked if the amount was maybe a flat fee instead of the arbitrary amounts they have come up with. Sure it may push more people to the GTN but that just means F2P/pref players suffer because they can't pay for items in cartel packs with the coins theyve saved up from the security key. I dont know what the answer would be, but out of all the solutions ive heard proposed I feel like the best answer would be to put some of the decorations or armor skins on a vendor for huge amounts of credits.

    How it feels learning about Lemmy after all the BS reddit is causing.

    Wanted my first lemmy post to be a silly star wars meme :D

    Nice to see one of my favorite communities crossing over.

    InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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