So basically everyone who is down voting me like an idiot is in support of communism?
I was saying there is proof climate change and COVID were real, and there is proof that communism is bad.
There is verifiable evidence that communism is bad in every way.
I don't disagree with you at all. It's just not realistic. Private jets will never be outlawed. The people who vote on that are donated by rich people who fly private jets exclusively. Will never happen. I think the only thing that COULD happen is a maximum amount private jets can fly a year. A few different ways that can be accomplished but we don't need to go into that here.
So we can say the same thing about climate change, COVID, etc.
You can go have fun living in a communist country though. God speed.
Yeah that .9% of all CO2 emissions is really the reason. You should probably also stop using phones and computers and electricity. Did you know factories that produce most of the things you use on a daily basis create more pollution than private jets. Boiling us alive lol.
Buncha haters! If I were as rich as her I'd take a private flight to 7-11 down the street if I could. I would take a flight to another country just to eat dinner and come back.
Lol ok.
So 3 million more abandoned homes. Got it. Can't wait.
Been happening for a long time. It's also not just Catholic church. All religions are guilty of some sick shit. ALL OF THEM!
There is no money in Earth society or the Federation.
Wholesome? She used sex to progress her career. She was 30 when she was banging 60yo Willie Harris to progress her career. She was also one of Montrel Williams multiple girlfriends when they were together. Super wholesome.
I see your Musk and raise you AOC.
It's 2024. Why do people still care about kings and queens lol.
Remember when Obama won? People thought all of their problems were going to disappear overnight lol. Acting like they just won the lotto.
Why does anyone care what she does with her money? Get a life!
No they aren't.
The only thing killing games now is micro transactions.
I agree with you but the place of business has every right to ask them to leave. If they don't leave or start arguing back what else are they supposed to do to get them to leave? How is that different than a bouncer in a club?
They gotta have time to watch that 12 hours of tiktok before the respond.