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  • I would caution you about socialism being a way to get to communism.

    Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, the founders of communist ideology, believed democratic socialism was a sham and true communism could only be achieved through a violent overthrow of the bourgeois.

    The complex restructuring you mentioned is why they thought a transition from socialism to communism would not work.


  • Voting on a ceasefire in the Israel-Palestine conflict
  • This is for a vote conducted back in October. I wonder what a more recent one looks like and if there has been any change.

  • The life and times of Cozy Bear, the Russian hackers who just hit Microsoft and HPE

    Cozy Bear, classified by the United States federal government as advanced persistent threat APT29, is a Russian hacker group believed to be associated with one or more intelligence agencies of Russia. The Dutch General Intelligence and Security Service (AIVD) deduced from security camera footage that it is led by the Russian Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR), a view shared by the United States.

    Pluto may have an ice-spewing 'supervolcano' the size of Yellowstone, New Horizons data reveals
  • It blows my mind that New Horizons flew by years ago and sent so much data that scientists are still discovering new information regarding Pluto.

  • Chinese military jet intercepts Canadian Forces plane in "aggressive manner"
  • Well it's international airspace and nations can fly whatever they want inside international airspace regardless of the proximity to a nation.

    Russians do it to Canada and the United States often but it doesn't make much fanfare because the parties involved handle it professionally

  • Double standards or something, I don't know...
  • Emotional responses don't lead to any solutions. Only reason will create a peaceful two state solution.

  • Every Dunkin’ mapped across CT and MA
  • Was there a reason all of Rhode Island is in the picture but not in the data set?

  • fair share?
  • Should billionaires make as much as they do? No

    However just taxing them doesn't get rid of the root issue. It just addresses a symptom.

    We should break up the companies that enable billionaires to exist, stimulate competition, raise the minimum wage, put bounds on CEO bonuses, and limit executive pay to a reasonable ratio when compared to the lowest paid worker in the corporation.

  • fair share?
  • Why is it assumed that if the government has more money, then things will be better?

    The government is filled with inefficiency that will just be made worse by throwing more money at the issue. Americans are not getting value out of their taxes.

    Americans have record low confidence in congress and many officials in government (Supreme Court). Why would we give them more money when they, congress in particular, is responsible for setting the budget?

  • What Mitt Romney Saw in the Senate
  • Well he was the first senator, in the history of the US, to vote for impeachment of a sitting President in the same party.

    Other than that, I am not well versed on his history enough to make comment.

  • Whats your favorite free open source software that everyone should try?
  • Bitwarden for sure! It is certainly the easiest way to increase security on all your accounts by making extremely secure passwords. Plus you can self host it if you want!

  • Take another look at Joe Biden. His is the presidency progressives have been waiting for.
  • Really don't agree with this one. We have a broken system that the leading candidates in each party refuse to debate other contenders. Our "candidates" have been selected for us before the election has even gotten close.

    Biden is too old and just a career politician that got to this point not because he was the right choice but because he got the right jobs. He had been vying for the presidency for at least 20 years before he got it. It just became his turn.

    Additionally, he is not progressive just a populist. Just ask the railroad works that were told they can't strike because of a bill signed by Biden.

    More information is here on some of the falsehoods of Biden being progressive when it relates to unions:

  • Marines’ top general ‘ruthlessly’ rides out Tuberville’s military hold
  • One thing I think people keep missing is that the entire military still is operating with no detriment. They still have people filling positions and acting with the authorities the position holds.

    This inconvenience doesn't impact day to day operations.

    Senators should have this ability to hold things up. If we make the statement they can't then we open ourselves up for ridicule when the situation is reversed.

  • Faced With Evolving Threats, U.S. Navy Struggles to Change
  • Certainly true.

    Right now we have a military that serves the interests of the industrial complex and not the other way around.

    In WWII it wasn't that way. The government did not have companies that it would be seduced into paying more than a fair value for military equipment

  • Firefox FTW!
  • Is that a Firefox issue or Google making proprietary standards that only work with chromium based browsers?

    I think Google is trying to be anti competitive. I have noticed similar issues when using Firefox with Google Docs.

    Take a look at what a former Mozilla exec had to say on the issue:

  • Opinion | Antonin Scalia was wrong about the meaning of ‘bear arms’
  • Well we are also not other countries. We have different culture, socio economic makeup, different population distribution, and different history. Something that works in another country isn't guaranteed to work here.

    I think a key reason why nothing will ever change is because moderates offer "hey we can do mental health checks, bans on ownership for people convicted of violent crimes, and mandatory wait times" to meet in the middle and compromise but both sides don't want to do that.

    Just a symptom of how polarized the nation is. Until we fix that, nothing will ever change.

  • Opinion | Antonin Scalia was wrong about the meaning of ‘bear arms’
  • Well that is just one individual out of millions. Just because you don't see a need doesn't mean others don't. Plus us as individuals can't determine what other large groups can and cannot have. We don't have the same life experiences.

    Someone may be the victim of a sexual assault and when living in a rural area having something to defend themselves gives them some peace of mind.

    Imagine living in a small neighborhood where everyone knows everyone and you don't get along with a corrupt police force. When you are in danger from someone during a home invasion or if you are hiking in the wilderness, you may not trust the cops to act in your best interest

  • Save New Horizons, the Pluto flyby and Kuiper Belt exploration mission
  • You implied that if we kept New Horizons going, that we would get more Pluto pics. I would love for that to happen however it is physically impossible for New Horizons to turn around to see Pluto. It simply doesn't have enough fuel to negate its over 10,000 mph (16,000 kph for you metric folks) speed relative to the sun and then accelerate to that same speed in the opposite direction.

    The only place New Horizons is ever going is beyond our solar system which has tons of cool science involved by studying solar winds near the heliopause but unfortunately no cool pictures. Also, I am not a scientist but I am not sure what data gained from solar winds study would be new compared to what was already provided by Voyager 1 and 2.

    If shutting down New Horizons means costs savings that allow a new probe to be sent to orbit either Uranus or Neptune, which haven't been visited in decades, I am all for shutting down New Horizons.

  • The Absolute Insanity of Not Buying a Home When You’re Young
  • What the author used as their title is not the most ideal however the main point is the benefits buying has over renting.

    However I understand that people can't afford a down payment on a house in major cities.

    Out where I live houses can go for 100-200k so it is more achievable for those of more modest income.

    Obviously I never intended to put people down because they don't make 200k+ a year.

  • The Absolute Insanity of Not Buying a Home When You’re Young The Absolute Insanity of Not Buying a Home When You're Young

    If you’re young—under 40 or so—and have been heeding the personal finance advice spewing forth from some of the most popular columnists and bloggers over the last few years about how owning a home doesn’t make financial sense anymore, I’m afraid you’ve been duped. Buying a house—especially when you’...

    While buying a house is not a luxury everyone can afford, buying one instead of renting provides several key benefits that pay off in the long term.

    What does everyone else think about buying when compared to renting?

    Japan may take China to WTO over Fukushima-driven seafood import ban
  • True but in this case it's not populace deciding to make the food import ban, it's the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). They are using this opportunity to create a impact on Japan’s economy which is already struggling under the strain of inflation the country hasn't experienced in decades.

    It is just political posturing and nothing else. Not out of concern for the Chinese people.

  • Opinion | Antonin Scalia was wrong about the meaning of ‘bear arms’
  • Interesting article. I don't think the linguistic argument used in the OPED is going to sway anyone to support gun control.

    I think a lot of the efforts to implement gun control ignore the nature of the US. The country is large and in some areas people can not rely on quick police response or if the police can respond quickly, they can't be trusted to act in good faith.

    We certainly need some gun control to prevent those who are mentally ill or previously convicted of violent crimes from owning guns. Even processes for these, if put in place, must be appealable to ensure universal fair treatment. Additionally mandatory wait times would be great as well.

    I think bans of X gun because it's scary are non sensical because those bans are not going to win over any gun rights advocates to create a national consensus.

    The large majority of gun owners never commit a violent crime and should not be told to give them up because of the actions of a few.

  • Temporary Internet Outage on All U-M Campuses University of Michigan

    University of Michigan is one of the top universities of the world, a diverse public institution of higher learning, fostering excellence in research. U-M provides outstanding undergraduate, graduate and professional education, serving the local, regional, national and international communities.

    University of Michigan

    On the eve of classes starting for the fall term, the University of Michigan has decided to cut the internet connection of all campuses.

    The University of Michigan has more than 30,000 students and has a very large hospital with over 550 beds on its main hospital campus.

    It will be interesting to see what prompted the securing of the network. Was this just focused at the hospital, students, or both? Only time will tell.

    China hacked Japan’s sensitive defense networks, officials say China hacked Japan’s sensitive defense networks, officials say

    Beijing's compromise of Tokyo's classified cyber networks could prevent greater strategic coordination between Japan's Defense Ministry and the Pentagon.

    China hacked Japan’s sensitive defense networks, officials say

    According to former US and Japanese officials, the NSA discovered in the fall of 2020 that the PRC had persistent access to Japanese Defense Networks.

    This prompted a bilateral engagement to enhance Japanese Network security.

    Kind of scary to think about all the state hacking going on that hasn't yet been revealed.

    SpaceX conducts a mostly successful test of its Super Heavy booster SpaceX conducts a mostly successful test of its Super Heavy booster

    There were positives and negatives to be taken away from the test firing.

    SpaceX conducts a mostly successful test of its Super Heavy booster

    The test of the Super Heavy Booster was partially successful. 33 Raptor 2 engines were involved in the test but 4 of the engines shutting down prematurely. Additionally the test did not run for the anticipated 5 seconds.

    Microsoft comes under blistering criticism for “grossly irresponsible” security Microsoft comes under blistering criticism for “grossly irresponsible” security

    Azure looks like a house of cards collapsing due to exploits and vulnerabilities.

    Microsoft comes under blistering criticism for “grossly irresponsible” security

    The aftermath to the recent Microsoft Azure hack by suspected PRC actors.

    What is the solution to this? Make sure cloud services are open source so they can be independently vetted? If government and corporate entities chose to use open source solutions, most are presented "as is" with no warranty.

    We can leave the Solar System, but arriving anywhere is not happening soon We can leave the Solar System, but arriving anywhere is not happening soon

    What if we dropped interstellar ambitions and focused on understanding our home system?

    We can leave the Solar System, but arriving anywhere is not happening soon

    The post demonstrates how infeasible it is to travel to a location outside our solar system anytime in the next several generations.

    What are some things you would like to see humanity do within our solar system within the next century? When do you think it is feasible to achieve that goal?

    MIT develops a motion and task planning system for home robots MIT develops a motion and task planning system for home robots

    This week, researchers at MIT CSAIL are showcasing PIGINet, which is designed to bring task and motion planning to home robotic systems.

    MIT develops a motion and task planning system for home robots

    What do you think are the biggest limitations to robots in the home? Privacy concerns, limited utility, inability to overcome simple obstacles, price or something else?

    Wagner boss now in Russia, says Belarus president, muddying the waters over purported deal to end mutiny Wagner boss now in Russia, says Belarus president, muddying the waters over purported deal to end mutiny | CNN

    Wagner boss Yevgeny Prigozhin is not in Belarus and it is unclear if his fighters will move to the country, Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko told CNN Thursday, raising new questions about the purported deal that ended Wagner’s armed rebellion last month.

    Wagner boss now in Russia, says Belarus president, muddying the waters over purported deal to end mutiny | CNN

    On Thursday, 6 JUL, Belarus president Alexander Lukashenko told CNN that the leader of Wagner Group had left Belarus for Russia.

    This came after the Russian State Media released images and footage of a raid on the home of Yevgeny Prigozhin in St Petersburg.

    Recant Recant

    Just a guy trying to promote discourse, photography, freedom, good food, and reason.

    Personal privacy is a passion of mine.

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