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  • We need a publicly funded video hosting service like PBS.

  • Arizona Senate Republicans Pass Bill to Prevent Climate Action
  • Fuck god. Hey, god, fuck you!

  • S(u)pine or Pronis?
  • Someone said, how they think of a body in a pine box from western movies. Supine: pine box.

  • Mitt Romney Reveals Twisted Reason Why Congress Moved to Ban TikTok
  • Dumbasses don't get that the protests are pro Palestine, not pro Hamas. The protests are against Netanyahu's regime and the actions of the Israeli government towards the Palestinian population and not Jewish people.

    Out of touch privileged classes that control the world's governments are the problem. Beyond race or religion, it has been and will always be class warfare.

    So, is Israel going to replace all the homes of civilians they blew up, or are they going to build new luxury condos? Just watch and see what they do next. Any one paying attention to actual civilian reports on the ground already knows Netanyahu's intentions.

  • Good thing we elected Biden so that [thing that's happening] won't happen
  • Same here. I voted for him because I felt I still needed to take part in the process, but it also felt pointless. And I'm not blaming you or anyone who is trying anything to help improve life. It's the people who don't do anything and complain that someone needs to do something.

  • Good thing we elected Biden so that [thing that's happening] won't happen
  • No, I'm pointing out how only idiots thought things were going to be fixed by electing Biden.

  • N.J. college cancels drag queen event to ‘respect comfort levels’ of employees
  • I bet none of the students feel comfortable about paying the high tuition.

  • Good thing we elected Biden so that [thing that's happening] won't happen
  • That's how fucked things have got. There is no left. The two parties we have are extreme right and right. No intelligent person was expecting everything to get fixed when Biden became president.

  • Balaji Srinivasan calls for tech to "exit democracy" and seize local governments
  • Can't wait to watch their empires burn because of a glitch.

  • ‘Can you catch it as well?’: bird stunt causes flap in European parliament
  • Once Putler goes home, then we can talk peace. Putin can always leave. He always had the option to leave.

  • Trump is selling 'God Bless the USA' Bibles for $59.99 as he faces mounting legal bills
  • He always looks like a fragile child trying to look mean.

  • Justice Samuel Alito falsely implies mifepristone could cause "very serious harm"
  • Gasoline causes very serious harm. We should ban people from using it. Guns are extremely harmful if used correctly. Maybe we should ban people from using guns. Fentanyl, that harms people. Botox harms people. Oxygen can even harm people. We NEED to stop people from having access to oxygen.

    Edit: I just realized we're doing everything wrong! The single most leading cause of death, out of everything combined, is life. Life causes death. It is imperative that in order to stop things from dying, we need to stop them from living! My God, why hasn't anyone thought of this yet! TELL EVERYONE YOU KNOW!!!

  • The Jewish settlers who want to build homes in Gaza
  • At the heart of it are people who think they are better than other people. It has and will always be class warfare. Racism, sexism, everything is just masking the underlying class warefare. As long as society supports different "classes" of people, it will always be class warfare.

    But hey, because of the exploitation by the so-called "upper class," the Earth won't be able to support life soon.

    Fuck the falsely privileged undeserved wealthy.

  • Why Florida might sue Maine over abortion, transgender health care shield law. What to know
  • I thought they were all about state's rights vs federal mandate. If it doesn't happen in their state, they can fuck off.

  • Why were so many people believers in the conspiracy that 9/11 was an inside job
  • It's an age-old tactic to not try and stop something so that you can claim self-defense later.

  • No games rule
  • I have such a huge backlog of games that I don't even have an urge to buy new games anymore. I know I can eventually get them at a huge discount later anyway.

  • No games rule
  • My wife and I just bought ours last November. We aren't getting anything else anytime soon, so good luck on selling more of the next gen.

  • Why were so many people believers in the conspiracy that 9/11 was an inside job
  • The mainstream conspiracy theory is that the US knew about it but allowed it to happen for a reason to pass more restrictions like the Patriot Act. One fact we do know is that the CIA was actively still trying to recruit and turn one of the terrorists on one of the planes. So we have proof that the CIA knew about it.

    We know that the majority of pilots were Saudi citizens

    There's more, but the CIA connection shows we knew about it before it happened.

    My personal "hmmm" moment was how well the towers fell, almost as if they were controlled demoloshed, but I admit ignorance on the subject.

  • What movie had a really good non spoiler marketing campaign?
  • Cabin In The Woods. I wanted to see it because of the commercials and wondering WTF?

  • Reality_Suit Reality Suit
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