Alex Jones must pay $1.1 billion of Sandy Hook damages despite bankruptcy - court 21 6
Dude, what the fuck. How morally bankrupt is the US?
Coming to you soon... 3 0
It's just a matter of time before they go the Reddit route and restrict the APIs.
Coming to you soon... 5 0
"Tired of ads? Upgrade to YouTube Premium PLUS to get rid of all ads!"
It's not just Adobe. Now Logitech wants me to go to a random website in order to add peripherals to my computer, and I'm met with this when I go to the page they tell me to 3 0
I'm surprised as well... What the fuck? Can't be that long ago I used it too.
Sound Off: How many 10+ year redditors have left the site? 2 0
My Reddit account is about 10 years younger than yours. I did not know what spacedicks was, but because it sounds funny, I looked up an article (I know better than to image seach such things, just to be safe)... My god... :')
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