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Hackers exploit gaping Windows loophole to give their malware kernel access
  • @LeberechtReinhold I can understand why it was done in the first place, but MS just blindly signing anything they are given is stupid, they should at least disallow binaries packed by themida or vmprotect.

    vmprotect on a driver is an indicator of compromise, especially if the cert/opus info references a chinese entity.

  • How to bypass Twitter in 2023?
  • @wmrch fritter got a commit that fixed it recently, not sure when a new version will "officially" release but you can download the github actions apk for that commit and keep using fritter : :)

  • []( []( Test post to MULTIPLE groups from mastodon, please ignore Test post to MULTIPLE groups from mastodon, please ignore

    I already tested posting to one group and (with a slight issue with replies) it seems to work fine. Now I'm interested to know what happens if I try to post to MULTIPLE groups at the same time, what happens then?

    Rairii Rairii

    Reversing (malware and otherwise); appsec and websec; embedded security; exploit dev; software preservationist; knows how not to use cryptography.

    Currently finding bugs in Windows bootloaders.

    You may also know me from capcom.sys.


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