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Most important meme of the day
  • Fuck counterfactuals. Fuck calling them hypotheticals.

  • Help me learn
  • I agree with you. I don’t think China’s anti-drug policy is going too poorly but it’s not ideal.

    I feel like there are no apparent benefits from tobacco smoking, but they at the largest producer and consumer for some reason. To be fair, it’s nationalized like you suggested. Pretty sure alcohol’s legal.

  • Help me learn
  • China would disagree. nerd

    I’m not a hardline anti-drug socialist myself, but there are arguments. China has their national trauma of the opium wars and the century of humiliation, and are now pretty anti-drug. Generally drug dealing and stuff can be seen as symptoms of the alienation under capitalism. People are exploited and lead meaningless lives and cope using drugs. It’s big money and there are lumpen-bourgeois elements that benefit, and legalization legitimizes them or gentrifies them. People run drugs because it’s an easier way to make money than other ways. If people had good jobs and stuff under socialism they wouldn’t use as many drugs. There’s an experiment that showed that rats in their own cage with access to cocaine would heavily abuse it, but rats with other rats to socialize with would only use it occasionally to party.

    As for the war on drugs, it’s colonialism and the insanity that has been lied about to us. The CIA funded the contra death squads in Nicaragua by selling drugs and bringing crack to the black community, which would cause a lot of suffering and disunify them. Thus they would be easier to control and the state could use the drug trade to justify militarizing the police and locking up millions of black men, further weakening this internal colony.

    There’s also MK Ultra which is imagined to be successful in a way. The CIA didn’t simply try to do mind control and fail. They succeeded in filling leftist movements with drugs so they’d be pacified. Hippies would trip and “realized” they could just solve everything with peace and love rather than violently rising up.

    Not trying to start a fight, but curious what has to say. Last this came up I argued the opposite side.

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  • Revolutionary left radio

  • Hollywood writers struggle to match the horrors of reality
  • I have no idea what being deaf would actually be like. If it’s partial I’m already used to finding difficulty hearing things sometimes, so I imagine it would be a bit like my experience with derealization.

    Yeah, if shit hits the fan and I don’t have music or the internet that would suck. Also, I could dissociate again. I could be put in a situation forced to mask and “pay attention.”

    I mean it does seem like it would be harder to multitask and absorb information. Of course books are things, but my ADHD doesn’t like that I’m an average reader.

    I must admit that deafness would have some personal upsides too. I could focus without paying attention to annoying sounds. I could just get stimulants and be fine. My other senses would get more stimulating. Not sure what the echolalia would do or if I could make noises without knowing if it was at a volume people could hear. Suppose I could sign words to stim.

    I’d never really thought about going deaf before, thank you. I do stand by the statement that it is a “disability” because it makes certain things harder and requires accommodations, but I don’t pity the deaf.

  • Hollywood writers struggle to match the horrors of reality
  • Thanks for your input, I agree. I actually do have reasoning why I don’t want to be deaf. It’s my AuDHD. I think I’m the auditory equivalent of hyperlexic. I can process very fast words and stuff and I have constant internal and external echolalia. Music is always playing in my head and I make a lot of noises and stuff. Hearing is like my most important sense. Podcasts and music are huge coping mechanisms. When I’m understimulated the only thing that can make me feel ok is simultaneously physical activity and music. I don’t think I could survive a world without headphones. I also need to multitask while I listen to people. It would be an interesting experience but I suspect were I deaf I would simply be understimulated all the time. I’m really curious what that would do for echolalia.

    I think that some people will naturally understand themselves more in terms of the non-disabling but still pathologized aspects of autism, and others will understand themselves more in the disabling aspects.

    I’m the type to tend to the former and even thinking like I’m superior, but given further thought I notice all the many accommodations I’m lucky to have, and how much I’ve struggled and the problems I still face. Thinking about it dialectically, it’s a plain truth that comparing any two things there will be relative positive and negative aspects, and even those aren’t isolated. I don’t wish I was neurotypical, but I can’t say I’m not disabled. At the end of the day, “disabled” is a sort of excuse that is helpful for getting people the help they need.

  • Hollywood writers struggle to match the horrors of reality
  • Lol, I’m aware of the argument. Rather arbitrary and idealist. Anyway, sure deaf people can live together, but by definition they are disabled. They lack the ability to hear.

    For neurodivergence, I’ve seen multiple people that were like “I’m not disabled? I literally get overwhelmed by touching a bit of grass or feeling sun on me.” Sure they can have shoes on and stay inside, but some of us also can’t stand shoes and love touching grass. I’ve spent a lot of time in very neurodivergent spaces, and it’s still a lot. As an AuDHDer most ADHDers overwhelm me, and I’m too much for most autists. Even in an ND utopia we’d all have to have lots of education and meds and hyper specific accommodations.

    nonsense edit

    Elaborating on critique of the model, why should our standard be “everything would be fine if [group] just lived with each other and made their own rules?” This is a terrible equivalency, but “Racist white people arent deficient in anything, they just belong in “whites only” places.” Idk, I don’t want to sound ablist, just critiquing idealism. My point isn’t aspie=nazi, but that we’re all human and different and we need to understand each other and seek accommodations, not isolate.

    Of course all debate around language (“disabled”) is bound to be idealist, idk.

    Ultimately a reasonable criterion is what do these groups themselves want to be called? I’m not in the blind community but I know lot of NDs consider themselves disabled.

  • Hollywood writers struggle to match the horrors of reality
  • The two groups of people who don't necessarily have a disability but are seen by others as disabled are the deaf and neurodivergent.

    Why? My hearing is extremely important to me and I can’t imagine what I’d do without it. Sure, people can have fine lives without that sense, but it’s not non-disabling. Neurodivergence can have plenty of upsides but executive dysfunction, time blindness, stimulation needs, interoceptive difficulties, social difficulties etc are definitely disabling. While life under capitalism is bad for everyone, society was especially not made for us.

  • Is there any universe where an American populist movement isn't just disastrous for the periphery?
  • TRPF says not happening. There is no more profit in sourcing value in the core.

  • any chance we can get a history memes com?
  • Why not just use the memes comm?

  • Ableist reaction I still have
  • Me but it’s cause my ADHD gives me the felt need/default setting to walk faster than everyone.

  • Would the US be better off under a parliamentary system?
  • And do imperialism a tiny bit nicer for its people?

  • Should I throw away everything I own that is plastic?

    I’m being hyperbolic, but TikTok just re-radicalized me and in ADHD energy mode and I know this urgency won’t last forever. I hate when things I’m around feel contaminated by toxins and I already wear a mask for the polluted air. I hate getting rid of things that might be useful, but also plastics bad so it might be useful. I do have OCD, but this isn’t about that it’s an exaggerated but rational urge. I realize this account’s lib asking you to “vote with your dollar,” but for personal health what do you think? I can afford this eventually. I’m clearly monotropism spiraling but it’s fun.

    Also, should we stop recycling plastic if the product will be worse?

    Hear me out

    “National Socialist” > Nazi

    “Patriotic Socialist” > Pazi

    “Democratic Socialist” > Democrazi (moderate wing of fascism after all)

    “Libertarian Socialist” > Liberzi

    Best of all: “Utopian Socialist” > Uzi

    What’s going on with ChunkaLuta?

    I happened to open Instagram and immediately saw there was some drama going on. It appears to be agreed that PlantsFanon had a bad take about Lenin and stood by it when challenged by Sungmanitou. The decolonized Buffalo people allege they went around democratic centralism, brought up nuclear and threatened to wreck. Sungmanitou says they stood by the bad take, repeatedly misgendered them and acted like feds. Who’s in the right here? What would be a good outcome?

    Socialism or Extiction

    > It was such a good book idk how I haven't made this post yet. Just the introduction will have you hooked. > > link to free download here > or here > > In summary, Ted Reese shows how Marxism Leninism is the way forward if we are to save the planet. It is largely a reaction to Fully Automated Luxury Communism and the general trend of people trying to reinvent socialism with utopian ideas in order to stop climate change. I actually read that right before, so it might be part of why I like this book. He explains how the TRPF is leading to the inevitable fall of capitalism in the near future. Anyone who denies that capitalism is reaching its final breaking point is in error. Labor theory of value continues to be vindicated. It's counter-tendencies cannot help it. Humanity looks pretty screwed with climate change, but socialism can enable innovation, stop extraction, and plan our way to a healthy world. Socialism will also employ easy technology and methods that capitalism refuses because it will undermine it's function. The path towards a new socialism is through studying the successes and failures of AES, not through trying to "discover" new forms, or repeating old forms. Principled Leninist tactics are the way. > > This book gave me a lot of hope and I've recommended it to multiple libs (🤞). I highly recommend it. > > Limitations: > > It was published almost five years ago, so it's not all up to date on the geopolitics and so on. As we all know, the past few years we've had many weeks where decades happened. Reese takes a neutral position on China's socialistness, despite presenting evidence to the positive. He doesn't talk about decolonization, which makes sense for a Br*t, but that means it's not all encompassing. There is a lot of great info in there. It might not be easiest for complete newbies, but you don't have to read too much other theory first. > > Here's some memes: > > > ! > > > ! > > > ! > > Long live ecosocialism!

    QueerCommie QueerCommie [comrade/them, she/her]

    Neurodivergent contrarian nihilist cracker who knows gender is stupid.

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