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The monsterverse got crazy
  • I like this game ... 😅

  • Return on subscribed posts list brings me back to local
  • You have to change this behaviour in your settings. In your case maybe via and change "Type" to "Subscribed".

  • Steam crashes my entire Linux system, so I'll go 100% piracy
  • I can't speak for fedora tho. Some search queries later the issues of other ppl sound similar to my issue.

    Which problems do you actually have? For me there ain't any restrictions.

    I can install everything easily - for demos or similar software which can't be added to your library instantly, you should enable Steam Play for everything.

  • What password manager do you recommend?
  • except the “Can be accessed via a browser”

    Well - this is a selfhosted solution but still would give the access via browser.

  • Steam crashes my entire Linux system, so I'll go 100% piracy
  • I had a problem using Steam as flatpak - after downloading ~15GB the system may freeze or after playing for some hours. If you're using PopOS you should disable flatpak installations and install everything via deb-file.

  • Looking for the name of an old cartoon that had white-haired druid-like females
  • The scene in the cartoon you are describing is in “Wizards,” an animated film directed by Ralph Bakshi and released in 1977.

    I just skipped through the movie - there isn't a scene that's somewhat similar described here. Sadly I didn't find anything else.

  • Removed
    Backup codes for 2FA
  • The issue itself is for locking out of your account when activating 2FA. Let's hope for that at least. :) Maybe it'll be necessary to open an issue just for that.

  • Removed
    Backup codes for 2FA
  • There ain't backup codes (for now) but someone requested it or rather threw it in:

  • How to bypass Twitter in 2023?
  • At least you can see a single tweet with a direct link without being logged in:

  • [solved] What does "L + ratio" mean?
  • It isn't hard to google something with a plus sign and getting a good answer... just google it. :)

    Shown answer from "What is L + ratio? L + ratio is used as a mocking insult on social media, often in reply to a post or opinion considered particularly bad. The letter L is used as a slang term for loss (as in the opposite of win)."

  • Removed
    How do I know if my comment was deleted for some reason or if it just maybe didn't take and is lost to the void?
  • This should be visible in the Modlog. Visit the instance (maybe via browser) and click on Modlog.

    Edit: Or try looking for your comment on your profile page. Do you mean this: ?