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Taking basement design to a whole 'nother level
  • Taking hotline Miami to the next level

  • Cat Protects Family
  • Kahjiit doing gods work!

  • Th.. th... they/them/that's all folks
  • Who said I wanted that? Also, such a.....retarded name. Adults can do what ever the fuck they want, really don't care.

  • Th.. th... they/them/that's all folks
  • I've been watching this battle and I just wanna say that I WAS one of those teens that was unhappy with my gender for about a year, was ready to socially transition and everything. It wasint until my dad sat me down and we had a long talk about what was going on in my life that I realized I was stressed about all the surgery I was having and saw being trans as an escape. I was 13 at the time and didnt know any better. I STILL don't know any better and I'm 19, still rely on my parents for most of my hard choices because I'm still young, I don't know everything and sure as heck didnt back then. That's why we say no to trans youth. Not because we want them dead, but because they are still kids that think they know everything but don't. When they turn 18 and want to be trans I say go for it but if you're young I say wait, learn more about life then make your choice.

  • Wtf
  • Like scoob, why does velma have a hot dog in her pocket for?

  • Its cringe btw.
  • Lol, tried to find a clip but I'm to lazy. Watch any of his videos and you'll see he says that a lot to refer to milk drinkers.

  • Its cringe btw.
  • I'm sorry but I have to do this. WHATS UP BONER!!!?


  • Greta Thunberg's new look
  • Notch 2.0

  • What a Series of Standards
  • Lemme tell you those docs KNOW what they are doing is wrong but want to profit off the mental instability of them.

  • Deleted
    *Permanently Deleted*
  • Frenchie, you got balls that that faggot clearly doesn't. Now, send me some of those memes and let's raid lemmygrad or lemmyworld!

  • We Wuz Khans
  • Me to! I have an old twitter I can drag back to life. Even have some spare moolah to throw at this thing if it comes to that.

  • Communities should be able to move servers
  • As the owner of ! I agree! Lemmy move my sub!

  • June was rough for me
  • Welcome aboard bro. We both have something in common! I like shooting people, you like shooting people!!! (eh, eh, see what I did there!?.....I'll show myself out.) Welcome!

  • Deleted
    Big /s here but still thought it was funny
  • Yea! If ya don't lock your doors and cover you're winds at night, they come and tear you apart!

  • Took Forever To Upload This
  • Why I!... Thank you!

  • Took Forever To Upload This
  • Dear god its beautiful!

  • NSFW Deleted
    Why are we losing subscribers?
  • watched the trailer and.....WTF!?? first, how the hell does that even work? second, cringe and gross no wonder they loosin subs.

  • PostalDude PostalDude

    A government hating, free market loving, gun toting libertarian mainiac!

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