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Games that support the Deck's multitouch

The Steam Deck's multitouch screen might be its most underutilised feature. Until recently, I wasn't even sure whether devs could use it for anything more than simple mouse emulation. But I've just started playing "Sky: Children of the Light" on my Deck (which is generally a great experience on Deck, especially on the OLED with 90Hz HDR) and I found that when using a musical instrument, you can actually use the touchscreen to play up to 10 notes at the same time.

This got me curious: Do you know if there are any other games on Deck using multitouch, or is Sky the first one that does it?

I tried to ride Trek’s new ebike up the steepest hill in Seattle — and it didn’t go as planned
  • users can reach speeds up to 20-plus MPH fairly easily (that’s 9,743 Kilometers per hour for my non-US readers).

    I know you guys in the US have faster e-bikes, but almost 8 times the speed of sound seems a little bit excessive.

  • Beginner gamedev projects?
  • I wouldn't start with retro hardware, those systems have a lot of quirks and limitations that will make development much harder than it needs to be for your first projects. Instead I'd suggest using a modern toolkit like Gamemaker if you want to avoid programming, or an engine like Godot. Lots of good tutorials available for either.

  • Removed
    Can someone explained what hexbear is?
  • Yes, they do, although the top comment at this point talks about how it's "literally a declaration of war" and the second to top claims that WW3 has started. You have to dig 3 comment chains down until anyone even questions the article. In any case, I don't see how that's relevant to my point about moderation.

  • Removed
    Can someone explained what hexbear is?
  • Their strict moderation has odd blind spots though. I just had a look at their front page to see what it's like these days. They have a news article up since 15 hours that claims France has sent troops to Ukraine, which is just straight up fake news. Apparently allowed to stay up as long as it fits the narrative though.

  • Removed
    Can someone explained what hexbear is?
  • Lots of Russia and China apologists there. The interactions of their userbase with other communities often seemed pretty toxic and rude as well, mainly resorting to shitposting with very few attempts at genuine discussions. At least those were my impressions when they were still federated with my instance. I don't miss them.

  • Is complaining to open source project maintainers getting normalized ?
  • What's the issue with just ignoring them? I really don't think making open-source software intentionally obscure because annoying people exist is a great idea. Ultimately we want more people to use FOSS instead of corporate software.

  • Deleted
    J-rock or K-pop? What when how who why?
  • I've disliked everything I've heard and seen of K-pop so far. The whole culture around it just doesn't appeal to me either. I do like some Japanese rock bands like Radwimps and Yorushika.

  • YouTube’s ad blocker problems are just an AdBlock Plus bug YouTube’s ad blocker problems are just an AdBlock Plus bug

    Latest consensus is that YouTube performance issues seem to be Adblock Plus' fault.

    YouTube’s ad blocker problems are just an AdBlock Plus bug

    That would explain why I didn't have any problems with Youtube and uBlock Origin.

    Can't reply to kbin accounts

    Hi everyone! I've noticed for a while now that I can't reply to comments made by kbin accounts using my account here. Not even talking about kbin threads, but for example if I reply to any kbin-made comment over on, once I click submit it just keeps spinning without ever posting the reply. I often see users from other lemmy instances replying to them though, so it doesn't seem like a general lemmy problem. Does everyone else here have this problem as well?

    InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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