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Does anyone else feel like 90% of the population is stupid?
  • Buy 4 new tires for your vehicle. All at once. Take a look at the vimes "boots theory of economic injustice" principal. 1000 seems extreme to you, but getting through the winter in certain parts can be sobering.

    The point isnt the dollar figure, it's the principal.

  • Removed
    41% of fediverse instances have blocked threads so far!!!
  • Welcome to the internet? We've been here the whole time

  • lemmyfly is open for donations through opencollective
  • Just to get these posts in peoples feeds is all.

  • What are some herbal teas you would consider essential in a well-stocked tea collection?
  • Options where i live for non alcoholic beer are scarce where i live, but tbh, It's a little more of a "something that isnt beer at night" sort of thing than it is a drive for sobriety. Ive got no problem with a gin and tonic nightcap, however a glass or two of tea is cheaper and healthier. But thanks for the alternative. I appriciate it.

  • What are some herbal teas you would consider essential in a well-stocked tea collection?
  • Been trying to cut back on my evening alcohol consumption. Its a simple, very flavor forward herbal tea, and its been a great drink for winding down and resetting for the night. I dont know what it is, but im a fan. Mint tea didnt do that, but a cup or two of bengal spice seems to be what i personally crave now.

  • Amish men ‘shunned’ after nationwide emergency alert outs them for having phones
  • I like lemmy, but i miss reddits ability for useless hot takes to be downvoted into oblivion.

    So many people here really do think their hard line, no context opinions hold value.

    Something something forest, trees, shitty visibility. For fucks sake.

  • lemmyfly is open for donations through opencollective
  • Im in. I dont know how to bump visibility in my own personal feed, much less everyone elses. Maybe a response helps? 🤔

  • ‘We can’t confuse Hamas with all Palestinians’: Spain says amid aid review
  • You do know what a false dichotomy is, right?

  • Putin: West put ethnic Jew to rule in Ukraine to 'cover glorification of Nazism'
  • If you wanna be supremely dissapointed on how long the worst of the worst can last after they commit horrible atrocities, look up pol pot. Assuming this man will pay consequences for his actions anytime in the near future is, unfortunately, very naïve.

  • Tidal Energy Is Not Renewable
  • Its a pretty good joke though, you gotta admit. Nothing like someone with a phd and the knowledge to mess with people not literate in the subject matter. Kudos to dr liu.

  • New York police will use drones to monitor backyard parties this weekend, spurring privacy concerns
  • The faa regulates air traffic .including drones. You shoot down an nypd drone, you're gunna get the feds involved.

  • Google's AI Bots Tout 'Benefits' of Genocide, Slavery, Fascism, Other Evils
  • And genocide provides a more homogeneous clientele to market towards.

  • Texas Governor Abbott Touts Nuclear Energy Development At UT Fireside Chat
  • Abbot' predecessor was the driving force behind our massive wind energy investments. This is great news for clean energy and the state. I dont like abbot, and barely tolerated Perry, but every now and then, the leaders of Texas do something i can get behind.

  • Why do most people choose to use WhatsApp over telegram??
  • Using an emoji lineup to pick what service is superior is the most pantshittingly stupid reasoning i have ever seen. Jesus fucking christ.

  • Android users who don't use the stock launcher - what launcher do you use, and what do you like about it?
  • Its the whicons pack. The rest is just optimizing squarehome through trial and error. Change borders here, resize tile there, etc. Theres a ton of customization. Once its set the way you like it, you will carry it through the next phone and the next phone.

  • Android users who don't use the stock launcher - what launcher do you use, and what do you like about it?
  • I migrated from windows phone to android and loved the windowsphone interface.

    I use squarehome. It is infinitely customizable and with a little work the cleanest ui imaginable.

  • Reddit’s decline will look more like Tumblr’s than Digg’s
  • Oh he will be the first one out when it goes public. Whatever majority shareholders make up the board will not look favorably on this. Now it is all positioning and planning for future resource extraction. In no profit driven world does spez remain ceo in 6 months. Guarantee it.

  • aviation Podunk
    Listen to live air traffic control radio mixed with lofi hip hop

    something aviation related to bring up the involvement. this has been my go to for a few weeks

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