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Three Mile Island accident
  • I am a DOE licensed nuclear power plant operator. I worked in the engine room of an aircraft carrier for 4 years. I have received an insane amount of training on TMI.

    TMI is terrifying, but not for the reasons people think. The qualified operators of the plant were fucking idiots. They didn’t understand that they had reached saturation conditions in the primary loop. Basically, they created a steam bubble where water should have been. They didn’t understand this. They have all the training and experience required to work the water boiling factory and they didn’t understand water boiling. They assumed that their instruments were malfunctioning, that they knew better. If they were in a more serious casualty situation with their incompetence and egos it would have been a disaster.

    Brushing off the incident at three mile island as “just a little leak” completely misses the point. Three Mile Island proves that Chernobyl wasn’t just communist incompetence. It can happen anywhere.

  • Undecided voters give Harris a look — but not a commitment — after the debate
  • Literally every election is decided by the “undecided”. Democrats vote democrat and republicans vote republican. It rare that anyone changes party. What determines elections is if democrats can get people who wouldn’t otherwise vote to vote. Every time people turn out, democrats win. When people are uninterested they lose. Those ~50k people in suburbs of swing states are not unimportant, they are the only thing that matters.

  • Why is the community for Honkai Star Rail and Genshin Impact like this?
  • Not to disagree with anything you’re saying, but I hate the phrase “borderline pedophillia.” Either they’re sexualizing children or not. It’s like saying “non-consensual sex.” There’s no such thing. It’s rape or consensual sex.

  • Why is Facebook filled with so much random junk now?
  • As much as everyone loves to shit on Facebook, it was an incredible service. When I was in the military I was able to keep up with my old friends and their lives. When I got out I was able to simply keep in touch with my old military buddies. Now it’s just dead. I’m genuinely sad that this has happened :(

  • The EV evolution is going to take longer than we thought
  • I feel like they are missing a bit. Most people don’t buy brand new cars. You have to be solidly “middle class” to have that on the table. I am the target consumer and they are completely missing me. I have a family. My wife and I both work. I have a small gas truck that is our all-in-one family vehicle. She has an eco box for commuting. Most potential customers already have a big gas truck or SUV. An EV would be their second car for work commuting. They are not selling that. They are trying to sell EVs as all-in-one replacements for gas cars when really they should be designed and marketed as supplements to the car you already have. What ends up happening is customers “settle” for hybrids. The focus on charging difficulty is misplaced. In general, people who live in apartments don’t buy brand new vehicles. At least that’s what I think.

  • Conservative columnist predicts Trump's 'October surprise' — and it's bad for J.D. Vance
  • Could he even do that? I mean JD is the official nominee for VP. It doesn’t seem right that Trump could just change his mind. Not to mention early ballots are starting to go out in 2 weeks. If you vote for Trump/VD that wouldn’t count for Trump/Kennedy. Right?

  • Grocery stores boost political donations even as Democrats take aim
  • I’m in Oregon and every other ad on Pluto is about how great Kroger is to their employees. I feel like the average person doesn’t realize how disastrous the merger will be for everyday people. Food is already becoming unaffordable. They aren’t merging to lower prices.

  • Trump goes off the rails in midnight attack on ‘highly overrated Jewish governor’
  • Exactly. No one voted for Kamala. People didn’t vote for Biden, they voted against Trump. Hilary won the primary because Warren split the progressive vote and wouldn’t drop out.

    Dems haven’t put forward a truly clean and charismatic leader since Obama.

  • Teen girl sues Detroit judge who detained her after she fell asleep in courtroom
  • Whenever I hear about a shitty judge, DA, or cop that’s where my mind jumps immediately. Once one of these people have their judgment or integrity called into question, every case they had any involvement in should also be questioned.

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