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Biden plan (which is exact same as was rejected by israel)
  • Palestinians were merely waylaid under buildings while Israelis were catastrophically exhausted by having to protect their own human existence!

  • Soldiers in Ukraine say US-supplied tanks have made them targets for Russian strikes
  • those shovels? made from refrigerator condensers

  • Hmmmm… I don’t remember that Beatles song
  • I'm not a programmer, but I've been in tech most of my life and i fucking hate computers and i wish i had any other skill whatsoever to utilize to get the fuck out of this hellish industry

  • China Watcher don't be creepy about children CHALLENGE
  • i like to call them my big boy pants

  • Showering is bourgeois decadence
  • i shaved my head a couple years ago and I'm never going back

  • West considering large-scale conflict – Russian spy chief
  • of course.. if it isn't with Russia then it will be with someone else... probably China

  • Neocons are starting to write cope articles saying that their war with China over Taiwan might not happen
  • oh they won't ever be denied their wars.. that's the only thing that's left for the US economy

  • Former spokesman for Israel makes an interesting observation
  • but now they're our "friends across the pond" on every fucking nightly news show

  • US senator says Israel should drop nuclear bombs on Gaza
  • the fact that he wasn't immediately kicked out of Congress speaks volumes to the state of the empire

  • Great country we’ve got, here
  • and give $600

  • JPMorgan Chase and Bank of America Suffer $4,500,000,000 in Losses As 'Unrecoverable Debt' Soars: Report - The Daily Hodl
  • pg&e announced they'll be trying to curb their planned annual electricity and gas price increases to under 5% from the current nearly 20% over the past two years

  • Blinken says genocide in Xinjiang is ongoing in report ahead of China visit
  • if they keep things off-balance no one really knows what the fuck is going to happen

  • NSFW
    [CW// all phobias] |_X_|
  • what's the worst that could happen?

    clicks anyway

  • I browsed r/worldnews so you don't have to
  • Time is running out for the US to even lie about its "dominance" though. Soon enough the lies won't even work and then it's time for war.

  • I browsed r/worldnews so you don't have to
  • The US can't win a war against Afghanistan, how the fuck could it possibly win against any ONE of those countries, much less all three at the same time?

  • March PCE inflation, the Fed's preferred inflation measure, rises to 2.7%, above expectations of 2.6%
  • if people would just vote harder then inflation would respond by going down

  • DJI might get banned next in the US
  • isn't it already? I'm pretty sure the mavic i have isn't legal to operate in the US anymore.. or at least you can't buy it

  • San Francisco scraps protections from police drone surveillance San Francisco voters OK Prop. E, giving more police powers

    Prop. E gives San Francisco’s Police Department expanded surveillance powers and makes other policy changes.

    San Francisco voters OK Prop. E, giving more police powers

    Huzzah for Mayor London Breed advancing the police state inch by inch. The police no longer have to worry about pesky lawsuits by overstepping their bounds using drones and other robotic means for surveillance and remote law enforcement. Now they can fly drones around and just follow people "suspected" of maybe having committed a crime, or not.

    San Francisco voters approve drug testing welfare recipients San Francisco Prop. F: Voters OK drug screening for welfare aid

    San Francisco voters decided Tuesday on Proposition F, a contentious ballot measure that ties San Francisco welfare payments to drug screening and treatment.

    San Francisco Prop. F: Voters OK drug screening for welfare aid

    Ultra wealthy tech bros clink champagne glasses as the proles vote to kick the lowest among themselves off any public assistance by testing for any "illegal" drugs in their system before they can collect the paltry assistance that already requires navigating hoops and miles of red tape.

    Games PeeOnYou [he/him]
    How do you feel about the USSR? (Tunguksa)

    First time I think I've ever seen anything positive about the USSR in a video game.

