Plebcouncilman @ Plebcouncilman Posts 2Comments 147Joined 1 mo. ago
That’s what I’m saying. Let the Zuck cook.
Why do you think sports where invented?
Unironically a good solution for modern day pent up aggression and lonely male syndrome.
incredible tits
I was permabanned because I made fun of anime on a non anime board and it was reported as “bullying and harassment “.
Fuck your Chinese cartoons.
You can but you won’t win unless you can prove anything, so good luck with that.
Well to be fair, and I do not personally believe this is the right thing, no one said democracy needed to be inclusive. In fact for most of history democracy has been the opposite. So it checks out.
She certainly took care of a lot of cocks.
🫡 a true American patriot
At 14 I was talking about Gianna Michaels tits. Looks like we are progressing.
The situation you describe is different and actually proves my point because Mr. Dahmer, presumably lives in a nation, and in that nation in which he lives there must be some form of state or organization that is imposing that law. Even if he disagrees they can impose the law on him through some form of force. He can run, he can fight, but the organization is bigger and thus more powerful than him and as such can make him follow the law or force him to face the consequences. See also why billionaires may be above the law in some places: they are individually richer and more powerful than the organization that would hold them accountable.
On the international level, if a group of nations declare that invading other countries is a crime but 1 of them disagrees and starts an invasion, the crime can only be punished by force, ie war. You could impose penalties on them too, which is a type of force or power, but look at Russia to see how effective they are.
It’s meaningless unless everyone is in on it, willing to be held to it and willing to go to war to enforce whatever ethical standards have been agreed. It’s pure theater.
And I didn’t know that it was a choice between international law and meddling in the lives of individuals.