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What kind of Emoji do you use on Lemmy, if any? 🤩 :) (͡•_ ͡• )
  • ASCII alone already does offer a rather wide range of emotions, no need for unicode. :D

  • NSFW Removed
    Who was worse: The Nazis or the British Empire?
  • depends what you mean with "taboo".

    being a neo-nazi? generally heavily frowned upon. use certain nazi imagery and/or deny that the holocaust happened? both actually punishable by law.

    taboo as in we don't talk about it? hell no! we get taught about the cruelties that happened here at length in school above a certain age. let me tell you, history class in germany is not fun. in certain german states there's also one mandatory(?) school trip to the remains of one of the nearest concentration camps. trust me, we know about the absolutely inhumane cruelty these monsters were capable of.

    content warning for the rest of the post:

    one of the images that stuck most with me was of a documentary shown in school. pictures of one of the gas chambers, where they shoved in by the hundreds. the concrete ceiling had fingernail imprints. the implications of that alone are haunting. they must have had absolutely agonizing last minutes in there.

    ...or some punishment cells in concentration camps. just tight gaps, enough to shove someone in sideways. and not tall enough to be able to stand upright in. the person inside could not get relief from standing up, they could not sit down. all they could do was exist in a painful position with the knees against one wall, the butt against the other wall, and gravity doing the rest to cause relentless pressure on the knees. as far as I know they got put in there for days, with eye witnesses describing constant screams of agony from inside.

    ...or the one time hitler decided to hang some people. but not with a regular rope, but rather on piano strings, with the victims being lowered very slowly into their final position. once hanging, there was no way for the victim to grab the string anymore. all they could do was flail around and slowly suffocate. it was just another sadistic way of maximizing pain, agony and despair in the people they hated and hunted.

    and these are just a tiny fraction of the documented things. i don't even want to imagine what atrocities without witnesses happened.

    (edits for grammar)

  • Please don't scare them!
  • Just wait until you hear about zetta (10^21) and yotta (10^24) and their inverses zepto (10^-21) and yocto (10^-24). :D

    Huh, neat! When fact-checking my statement, I just learned that there are even two more prefixes on each side of the scale: ronna (10^27), quenna (10^30), ronto (10^-27) and quecto (10^-30). They got added last year.

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  • Believe it or not, but there are also people from outside the USA roaming the internet. They're usually way more out of touch when it comes to US American politics, and only know the very few biggest players. You can expect a foreigner (who's not entirely politics ignorant) to know who the president of the US is. That is basic, surface level knowledge. But even important people like the vice president, are far less relevant for people not living in the US.

    You most likely also don't know about the intricacies of the political systems of other countries. nor their sub-surface people doing their job and contributing to the system. These people are relevant and sometimes important to anyone living there.

    So, why the hell should they be expected to know who some employee/hired person for a US president was?

    ...that aside, mocking someone for something they don't know is just childish and counter productive. If you already put in the energy, why not use the energy to educate, instead of trying to make them feel bad?

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  • makes me wonder why that is. priorities? uncleared questions in implementation strategy? or is the inner compiler structure of GCC just in a state that takes more time and effort to rewrite in order support something like modules? Like did GCC naturally have a greater implementation space distance to modules than MSVC and Clang had?

    I generally wonder how much of that is a factor which decides which compiler gets which features first. If one compiler already does something very similar to feature X, it's just a matter of a few code line changes, or in extreme cases different default compiler flags. contrast that to a complete rewrite of one of the core algorithms and/or data structures.

  • Frontend vs backend
  • almost as good as the motherfucking website. :D

  • Aromantic adults: how has your aromanticism affected your life and relationships?
  • Relationships? Which relationships?

    I'm honestly half joking. The one relationship I ever entered as a teenager was because I was drowning in hetero- and amatonormativity and didn't know any better. I never hugged her, I never kissed her, and I especially never did any naughty things with her. It was an attempt from my mother to encourage me to feel love as an otherwise friend-less neurodivergent child. you know, the kind of "why don't you write a love letter to her, if you enjoy being around her?" encouragement. It was only platonic, but I didn't know better. I'm sure my mother meant well, but in hindsight it is disgusting how much it actually was amatonormative coercion.

    Other than that, as an aroace, I never entered a romantic or sexual relationship.

    I did find some amazing online friends for life, though. We've been meeting for a full week once a year, for the last decade, and always have a blast. Funnily enough, at least 4 people in the friend group turned out to be queer... :D

    And friendships is where I excel at, I'd say. I'd consider myself a very loyal friend.

    What does hurt a bit is the obvious priority shift when people start putting their long term relationship to the next level, which usually massively decreases the time and effort they put into their friend groups. The fact that they suddenly have something better to do than do stuff with friends, or only rarely show up, because their significant other(s) are more important does feel more and more isolating over time.

  • lol
  • "you're fired!"


  • Crab :-)
  • Wow, secretly overriding a decision for a permanent modification of someone else's body... what a scumbag.

    It's probably the same kind of guy who's going to be really disappointed and angry because his child(ren) have lost their trust in him.

  • Random internet people explaining math better then math teacher
  • there is no reason for a (non-foreach) for loop to be any more or less finite than a while loop.

    for (a; b; c)

    is just syntactic sugar for

      while (b)

    in most or all languages with c-like syntax.

  • actual advice
  • You people are using the local/all feed?

    Am I the only one who exclusively uses the subscription function?

  • There's more reasons to feel old than just old memes
  • The tendency of society to bully people into conformity is honestly one of its worst traits.

    why can humans be so incredibly shitty? 😞

  • Does anyone actually enjoy working out?
  • one lesson life gave me was:

    no matter how fundamentally and universally hated you think something is, there's always some individuals, communities and/or cultures who enjoy said thing.

    the same opposition goes for things you assume everyone loves.

    it's amazing how incredibly complex and diverse humans are.

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  • German here.

    hottest: 42°C in summer 2003. there have probably been warmer days by now, but I'm not aware of any.

    coldest: -14°C in winter 2009/2010, while waiting for an absolute asshole of a bus driver to stop reading his news paper and finally open the door to let us in. I get that you want to enjoy your break in silence, but ffs. Leaving us waiting in such cold temperatures for around 10 minutes was just inhumane.

  • meme
  • Unlikely. At that insane pressure, the hull is either completely intact, or, once moving, completely imploding in a fraction of human reaction time. We're talking about time frames of a millisecond. They couldn't possibly have seen it coming. One moment you're alive and well, the next moment your body is nothing more than paste.

    The only evidence for them to legitimately worry about would have been from knowledge about any kind of sketchy practices and/or material choices during the building process.

  • How are cishet people viewed in general in the LGBTQ community?
  • If you're respectful to others, you're good.

    Generally, I'm really careful about forming an opinion about people without knowing more about them. Each person deserves to be judged by their individual character and actions, not by the group they belong to.

  • How do I explain non-binary gender to right-leaning 70-year-old grandparents?
  • who doesn’t want to be 100% a man or 100% a woman.

    I'd go further and avoid any kind of "want to be" wording in explanations to people who can be really doubtful. Gender is who you are, not who you want to be. If you tell them "I want to be <other gender>", they might form some kind of "attack helicopter" opinion/joke. but if you tell them "I'm <gender> on the inside" or "despite my body, I'm actually <gender>", that leaves a lot less room for wrong interpretations.

    "Someone who's gender identity neither aligns completely with man or woman" would be my rewording, in this case.

  • Explain this too, atheists
  • mathematics is a human language/system.

    nature just follows the laws and quirks this universe has. the plants, animals and subatomic particles will keep doing the same, regardless if we have a tool or theory that can describe what they're doing.

    sure, there are patterns everywhere in nature, but i would not go as far as to say that that makes mathematics a language of nature.

  • What do you use Obsidian for?
  • It works quite well so far. :D

    And even though the graph is an interconnected mess, the clusters are still mostly distinguishable from each other. funnily enough, the video game articles blow their space out of proportion because of all the attachments. some of my video game articles tend to be asset or screenshot-heavy.

    ^ my vault after 10 months

  • What do you use Obsidian for?
  • In my case, it's a mixture of life wiki, personal project wiki, videogame wiki, and journal (not daily, but more for a few significant days).

    Like, there's this cluster with all the people that I know, pointing to their respective communities, and who participated in which annual social gathering (which have their own articles with pictures and videos). With one (usually rather empty) article per person, I can just link to them from other relevant places.

    Then there are all my (software) projects and generally intellectually interesting stuff I thought about, which I wrote down over the years (which took me a few weeks to digitalize/find/sort once I got my hands on obsidian).

    In terms of video games, it's either the knowledge/realizations I made or rough copies from some online wiki articles. Considering my internet provider is horrible and unreliable, having an offline source can be really nice sometimes.

    In general, it's really useful to support my shitty memory. Having detailed descriptions of what I've made or what happened just makes it easier to re-experience certain moments.

  • Pitri Pitri

    Programmer. Gamer. Weirdo. Pizza annihilator. Rubik's Cuber.

    Not afraid of being honest. Native German speaker, fluent in English.

    Aroace. Trans Ally.

    Part of the big Reddit user migration.

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