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Tech interviews be like
  • Shoot, I'm just a mid-level guy in supplychain and had several 7-step interviews during a 13-month layoff. The place that finally hired me was 1 interview and 20% more than I was making at my last job.

  • Why school segregation is getting worse
  • 20 years ago, as a new junior high transfer student, I was place into the "Purple House". Classes were beyond remedial where we spent a day on how open a book and use a glossary. I fought to be moved into the "Gold House" and it was a regular school experience. Basically, Purple House was the "dumb asians" and black students while the Gold House was all the white kids and jocks. Super fucked up.

  • top ten loopholes
  • Welll, there's also 1.8 million Uyghurs being reeductated, which is more than the 1.2 million in the prison system. So, one number is bigger than another and doesn't even count the Chinese prison system.

  • [Request] Filter post by word

    Any chance we could filter out post by word or some sort? I'm noticing a lot of wsb/crypto spam here but not as bad as Reddit. I sort by new or top/hour and would see 20 posts under different user or crypto sub and there was no way to effectively block user or sub because they would just create more and more.

    InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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