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What's your sign, fellas?
  • Is it wrong to say that gamma male can get it

  • The "Next" button and "Search" function don't seem to be working on mobile since the site went down for maintenance
  • Any chance you're on iOS? That's where the bug mostly happens, but no one knows why. I can recommend using for now.

    Edit: Yeah, I'm also on Firefox. I wonder why it works fine for everyone else.

  • Why are so many books utterly and totally lacking in physical descriptions of characters?
  • I believe character descriptions became a big thing in the time of physiognomy – when Balzac narrates someone's physical appearance, he wants you to extrapolate the character's personality from that. Physiognomy fell out of fashion and if there is no other motivation to provide a description, like signalling someone's class position or injecting a bit of lyricism, it's simply economical to leave it out. To provide a counter-example, Mary Gaitskill always writes exactly one paragraph of description in her short stories which you can just skip because it's not properly integrated into the story as a whole.

  • Sunday is Gaming Day: What are you playing thread.
  • I just got Dragon Age: Inquisition and to be honest, it's been rather frustrating so far. The controls/camera and interface are obviously made for a gamepad and the whole MMO vibe – endless fetch quests in wide, empty spaces; rogue and wizard are the classes that do damage while warriors are supposed to take the heat – is bothering me. And common equipment at level 7 being infinitely better than rare items at level 5 is just depressing. Still, I'm hoping that the story and characters pick up soon.

  • What are your most hated sci-fi/fantasy tropes?
  • Exactly! I think part of it is a, in my view, mistaken historical realism where authors think fantasy should be based on the middle ages when, in reality, the better part of our modern fantasy genre derives from post-1600 literature. Like, the rise of the bourgeoisie and decline of feudalism is the primary social context for all of this, I think.

  • What are your most hated sci-fi/fantasy tropes?
  • Any representation of feudal ruling classes. Maybe I'm overdoing it with the class hatred a bit, but I can't watch nobles cavorting around and not feel an instinctive revulsion. It's even worse when, in fantasy, we're required to care about the machinations of court intrigues as if that's a real form of politics. One thing I do like about many standard fantasy settings, like that of Pathfinder, therefore is that they usually have a modern conception of class and an abundance of republics; especially the whole idea of adventurers as individuals outside of society but still integral to it has a lot of potential I feel. Basically, I just don't want any more fantasy stories about good kings and evil kings.

  • is looking for new admins
  • I didn't know they had a foundation. Turns out they're even renting a unit (probably just a mailbox) in a nice, modern office complex. Somehow, it nevertheless reminds me of those photos of the Something Awful offices...

  • more like midwest.liberal
  • What, do you have something against homosexuality?

  • Facebook AI Crushing It Again
  • [Nathan Fielder voice] Oh, okay.

  • Doug Lain (formerly of Zero Books) is courting the PatSoc audience
  • No surprise there. Everyone involved with publishing Angela Nagle's book should face some serious questions about their political convictions. Also, I didn't know what Rockhill what's up to now, but I guess everyone who blames French academics for the failure of the left ends up in the same place eventually.

  • Jack Dorsey gave $10 million to a project run by an anonymous dev — who turned out to be a follower of a fascist 'guru' Jack Dorsey gave $10 million to a project run by an anonymous dev — who turned out to be a follower of a fascist 'guru'

    Twitter's cofounder Jack Dorsey personally gave $245,000 in crypto to a developer who's a follower and student of a well-known Brazilian fascist.

    Jack Dorsey gave $10 million to a project run by an anonymous dev — who turned out to be a follower of a fascist 'guru'

    >"We don't know who the leader is, it's like this anonymous Brazilian," Dorsey said. > >That anonymous Brazilian is Giovanni Torres Parra, a developer who has also built at least two webpages devoted to disseminating the work of the far-right conspiracy theorist Olavo de Carvalho. Before he died in 2022 after contracting COVID-19, de Carvalho — known as Olavo — praised Brazil's military dictatorship, claimed that Pepsi-Cola was flavored with stem cells of aborted fetuses, preached that tolerance for homosexuality was "incompatible" with democracy, and had an office in Virginia decorated with portraits of Confederate generals.

    Post the worst examples of propaganda on Wikipedia
  • This isn't propaganda, exactly, but it has the vibes of anti-Marxist misinformation (is that a thing?): Character mask. It's absolutely incomprehensible and reads like an essay by someone obsessed with the history and theory of Marxism in a weird, unproductive way (you know those types). Naturally, it has remained essentially unchanged for a decade. Bonus points if anyone can figure out what micro-ideology its author is pushing, because I really can't tell.

  • Derogatory terms for Usonians in your native languages?
  • Do you have "yankee" in Norwegian? A lot of Americans don't like being called that for some reason

  • misandry vs misogyny
  • I never liked that article because its message seems to be that we should make it easier for trans women to stay in the closet. Also, there's an unduly focus on internet interactions and politically-minded undergraduate students – that's a method with which you can make any political movement look ridiculous and extreme. Like, I can't remember the last time I heard a strong anti-male opinion expressed in earnest (and I've never seen an academic feminist work in which a contemporary author was dismissed for being/seeming male). I feel like the liberal egalitarianism the author ends up advocating for is already the mainstream opinion on discrimination, and the idea that trans women should not transition and instead sublimate their desire into higher things is certainly also popular enough.

  • East Germany = Best Germany
  • One part of the answer would certainly be material conditions. It's easy to support socialism when it has given you a job and a place to live, but since "reunification", vast parts of the economy were dismantled and the free market was unleashed, leading to widespread poverty, brain drain, all the good stuff. And it seems to me that poverty leading people to support fascism always wins out over having received an anti-fascist education, unfortunately. Still, the Left is more popular in the East than the West, but who knows if it's due to the legacy of socialism or just because of regional differences within the party.

  • TIL that one moralist line from Disco Elysium is from a 19th century verse drama, *Pippa Passes*
  • For the record, it's in a song sung by a child worker who's happy about the one day off she has in a year. Her song then goes on to inspire someone to kill a king, so the line is not really as optimistic and complacent as it sounds like nowadays.

  • What are the best websites and publications of 2024
  • As someone who spends a questionable and unhealthy amount of time online, I unfortunately have to say that to me, Bluesky is the one that's the most entertaining and the most likely to have links to interesting articles right now. But it's still a corporate social media site which sucks in a million ways, so I can only recommend it in comparison to something owned by Facebook or the like. If anyone figures out how to spend time offline as effortlessly as online, please tell me

  • The annual salary a single person needs to live comfortably in the US is $89,461 (median across all states).
  • North Dakota: Annual income needed to live comfortably: $52,807

    That's way lower than every other state. What's up with that?

  • Photo from a pro-Israel demo in Berlin today. Look at that flag in the middle

    (it's the old flag of Iran from the times of the Shah, very popular among "dissidents" lol)
