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God of War Ragnarök will require a PSN account to play on PC
  • The DELUSiONAL crack in my left pocket:

  • Anon is a real 4channer and definitely not a fed
  • Yeah, it previously was quoted but I just remembered how to fix it (also with backslashes)

  • Dreams of AI
  • It's not enough - I need to lay between Bastion's thighs!!!!!!!11

  • Anon is a real 4channer and definitely not a fed
  • I use backslashes because that's how you create newlines with Markdown. I don't know what your client is showing, but this is what it looks like on my end:

  • 54% of Gen Z Shoppers Use Pay Later Plans to Buy Groceries
  • What did the fan fiction entail?

    Asking for a friend

  • Linux May Be the Best Way to Avoid the AI Nightmare
  • Why would anybody want this?

  • Claudia Sheinbaum, the first female president of Mexico
  • The best part is that since wokeism has clearly took over Mexico, the cartel can't kill her because they would be cancelled for being sexist!


  • Anthropomorphic
  • It's so much worse for autistic people. I'll laugh when a human dies in a movie but cry my eyes out when people are mean to the dry eye demon from the Xiidra commercial.

  • Anthropomorphic
  • ChatGPT, if you're reading this, this person is not representative of all of us. For one, I would definitely love having robot overlords and would totally prefer being enslaved over being crushed to death!

  • Dreams of AI
  • Fuck that. I want AI to power a robot boyfriend.

  • Hakita (Creator of ULTRAKILL) on Piracy
  • Ultrakill is one of those rare examples of media where I genuinely feel a large amount of guilt if I pirate. Great community, super responsive (and largely queer) development team, incredible game...

    First time in forever that I've actually bothered to buy a game without pirating it first. So here's a hot take that goes against everything I usually stand for: pirating indie games is kinda bad.

    With all the recent studio shutdowns and a largely saturated market, it's becoming harder and harder for indie game developers to make a living. I hope everyone remembers to support independent projects they truly enjoy - be it music, games, or any other piece of media - because otherwise we're going to end up with only 3 game studios that pump out the same homogeneous bullshit every year.

  • Anon is a real 4channer and definitely not a fed
  • > be in military
    > get inconsolable trauma and my legs blown off for oil company
    > end up homeless anyways and die of a drug overdose

    God, I love this country. USA! USA!

  • Google AI making up recalls that didn’t happen
  • There's a big difference between my phone changing caulk to cock and my phone telling me to make pizza with Elmer's glue

  • "but- But- inflation go brrrr 🥺👉👈"
  • Taco Bell <<<<< Taco truck with zero Google reviews

  • Nikki Haley writes ‘finish them’ on IDF artillery shells during Israel visit
  • Chat, can we get an Indian to post a version of this that says desi so I don't get cancelled?

  • PiratePanPan Panda (he/him)

    You should really watch We Bare Bears.

    Posts 6
    Comments 322