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"It's a race to the bottom — literally the bottom."
  • Being able to swim when stationed on a ship sounds way more useful than it actually is. In a 'man overboard' situation, it doesn't help you much, you get fucked by the inertia of a massive ship that can't just turn around and pick you up. By the time they manage to turn around the ship, the real problem is actually finding you. Even if you're an excellent swimmer, your chances of survival are very low.

  • I love the periodical "Let's finish setting up your PC" screens Windows springs on you before you get to desktop
  • mfw Windows still doesn't come with a package manager

    I'm not a Windows-head (never owned a Windows PC), but MSI's seem to quack and waggle like a package. If you mean "they don't have a central repository", yeah, unless if you count their appstore or whatever they call it.

  • So what's your culture's weird ass Christmas tradition?
  • We have two Christmas Days, on December 25 and 26. For people in relationships that usually means one day celebrating with your parents, and the other with your inlaws. Lately a lot of people have started observing an unofficial third Christmas Day on the 27th to celebrate with friends.

  • Anti-Islam populist Wilders heading for a massive win in Netherlands in a shock for Europe
  • The sad thing is, this isn't even a shocking up-set. The Netherlands has been flirting with right-wing populists ever since the rise of Pim Fortuyn. And PVV was already getting a significant number of seats in previous elections. The balance was now just slightly changed because the neoliberal right in the form of VVD fucked up governing so hard that a fair number of liberal votes that used to go to them ended up getting split between neoliberal center-right (NSC) and neoliberal center-left (GL-PvDA).

    In somewhat better news, other chud-adjacent parties (FvD, BBB) also didn't really perform well. Which means any extreme agenda items PVV may have aren't going to survive a coalition.

  • Heavy Metal Orcas
  • They should probably try one of those 'inspirational' duty-free pieces of muzak you find under a typical kickstarter marketing campaign. You know what I mean. Handclaps and some dude whistling over sparse piano chords.

  • Question for all the musician folk with bands and such
  • There are probably local ad sites for 'musicians wanted'. Also, most rehearsal spaces have pinboards where people can place 'musician looking for band / band looking for musicians' ads.

    Starting a band from scratch is obviously harder. Joining an existing combo, provided they are up to including your material in their repertoire, is the easier route.

  • Microsoft causes learned helplessness
  • This is valid late 90's critique on Windows. In the modern day, it's valid critique on the entire state of computer software. There used to be a time where I could run "ps axuw" on a then modern Unix system and understand exactly what the fuck was going on and what each process was for. These days the nerd-favoured systems are also a big mess of complexity.

    I think a lot of older nerds also under-appreciate the position tech has taken in the world in the meantime. Look at it like electricity. When that first popped up, people involved with it knew all the ins-and-outs, they -had- to know all the ins-and-outs. But by the time I grew up, electricity was a done deal. You flip the button, lights go on. Same has happened for the rest of the world with IT. You click the icon, facebook pops up.

  • My favorite part of Ender's Game is when Ender says "it's gamer time" and then spams the n word
  • Is that before the big monologue on how he's going to build a gamer town where normies are not welcome, and it will be awesome because he watched a lot of Rust base building videos and there's this one bunker base in the shape of a swastika and he'll totally live there and the normies will rue the day they shoved him into a locker?

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