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A cool guide to sushi etiquette
  • It depends. In really high-end and authentic sushi restaurant, there is already wasabi between the fish and the rice. You are supposed to dip the fish side in the soy sauce only.

    On the other hand, it's okay to mix the wasabi if the sushi is not prepared that way. People do this even in Japan.

  • I'm new
  • Zizek's take on 300 is so good, here's an excerpt:

    it is the story a small and poor country (Greece) invaded by the army of a much larges state (Persia), at that point much more developed, and with a much more developed military technology - are the Persian elephants, giants and large fire arrows not the ancient version of high-tech arms? When the last surviving group of the Spartans and their king Leonidas are killed by the thousands of arrows, are they not in a way bombed to death by techno-soldiers operating sophisticated weapons from a safe distance, like today's US soldiers who push the rocket buttons from the warships safely away in the Persian Gulf? Furthermore, Xerxes's words when he attempts to convince Leonidas to accept the Persian domination, definitely do not sound as the words of a fanatic Muslim fundamentalist: he tries to seduce Leonidas into subjection by promising him peace and sensual pleasures if he rejoins the Persian global empire. All he asks from him is a formal gesture of kneeling down, of recognizing the Persian supremacy - if the Spartans do this, they will be given supreme authority over the entire Greece. Is this not the same as what President Reagan demanded from Nicaraguan Sandinista government? They should just say "Hey uncle!" to the US..

  • A cool guide to soldering
    • Do you push the tip of the solder down into the pad, draw it up along the pin, or pull it away as it melts?

    According to what I remembered, you don't move the solder at step 2, but when you are almost finished (step 3-4), you should pull it up along the pin.

  • It is very therapeutic to garden, though.
  • Why subsidized? A fair comparison would be subsidized home farming vs. subsidized industrial farming, or neither are subsidized.

    The exact problem was discussed in Seeing Like a State by James C. Scott, where he reached a very different and nuanced conclusion. You can have a read if you are truly interested.

  • Low Tech Magazine: How to build a small solar power system How to Build a Small Solar Power System

    This guide explains everything you need to know to build stand-alone photovoltaic systems that can power almost anything you want.

    How to Build a Small Solar Power System
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